Archived Pvpers Run Pvp Events Instead Of Staff.

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Jan 2, 2013
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After all the hard feelings of the PoPup PvP event I thought of a solution to the fact that staff do not like running events. The aim is to move responsibility for these events onto the shoulders of PvP factions and PvPers themselves. Here is how I perceive it working=
1. PvPers decide to hold public tournament.
2. PvPers apply for perms at least 1 week in advance, and create an application thread. All rules including stuff like what happens when there are only 3 left for example are displayed clearly.
3. Depending on the number of people who apply Staff supply the event coordinator with a prize item (Or multiple prizes)
4. Event is held by PvPers and while staff may help with tp's and such they need not be involved.
5. Staff do not get the hate that they get if they much up.
This will streamline the entire process. The only thing is that there will have to be 2 public stadiums with easy access (Think Remus and Aqua) where PvPers can hold their tournaments. It will also mean that huge varieties of PvP events can be held not just the common ones.
@Thortuna @Addrion @Lazzulai
This was an incredibly quick thing. I'm sure there is more I can add in the morning. Feel free to add anything else as well if your a PvPer and like this idea.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I was actually going to write a thread about the exact same thing tonight. Guess you beat me to it lol
The thing is, PvPers hosting events will have biased opinions, therefor, more remove for controversy if something goes wrong. Also it would be harder for non-staff members to control the event
PvPers, in my experience, are somewhat rowdy when around people that are not in their fac/enemied. If there isn't a staff near by at all times, it would be hard to keep under control, so either way, a staff member will have to be present at the tournament, in order to keep order.
Staff will probably end up doing the following:

  1. Provide an arena which can be "rented" (for free) by announcing a player ran event within the PVP arena two weeks in advance. When the event occurs, Staff will open the teleport allowing people to go there and have a PVP tournament.
  2. The staff will not do anything beyond opening the teleport to the region. No prizes. No bracketing help, no moderation. If a player hacks or abuses something during the tournament, they can simply be reported. The arena will function by itself with gates. Players can help themselves into the ring. This will rely on the players being able to control themselves in terms of fair play.
The fact that Lazzulai after spending most of her birthday trying to organize an event for the PVP community got a pile of shit in terms of verbal abuse for doing essentially all the hard work and being victimized because the players can't be relied upon to at least trust in the concept of "fair play honor" proves something. If the players cannot trust each other to play fairly and not favor their faction above a fair fight, then how can anyone think players can agree to a roster made by a player with a faction loyalty? I predict a whole bunch of tournaments boycotted by X and Y factions because Z faction intentionally rigged the roster in favor of their faction, and even if they didn't, still give X and Y the feeling like they did purely because the roster was determined by someone not of theirs. The entire premise of the idea that the PVP community will somehow be more tolerant and trusting in the fairness aspect of honor when the roster is declared by players instead of the staff, is ludicrous.
I've tried to throw tournaments in BlackFlag arena but every time you only get like 3 or 4 people that come down. Other people that have thrown events such as my buddy Blizzard had to just cancel their event because scheduling people was too hard, there was a general disinterest, or people just didn't show up for their fight.

Every tourny I have seen a player try to throw has failed or just been too small to really call it a tourny. I may have missed all the successful ones and just don't know I did but yeah that has been my experience.
Do people honestly think this will be better than staff run events? Or is this just preaching to the choir how much staff suck?

Because I don't honestly believe anybody could possibly think that this is better than staff run events
Do people honestly think this will be better than staff run events? Or is this just preaching to the choir how much staff suck?

Because I don't honestly believe anybody could possibly think that this is better than staff run events
I'm not quite certain that that's what this idea was aiming at. At least for me, I took this idea as: Lessen the crap that staff get from hosting PvP events by a player/faction hosting them.

In its core, this idea is a great one... Sadly, I can't really see this working too well. Mainly due to how a majority of people think and act within situations like the one presented within this idea.
Good luck!

You're gonna need it for this to ever work.
Staff will probably end up doing the following:

  1. Provide an arena which can be "rented" (for free) by announcing a player ran event within the PVP arena two weeks in advance. When the event occurs, Staff will open the teleport allowing people to go there and have a PVP tournament.
  2. The staff will not do anything beyond opening the teleport to the region. No prizes. No bracketing help, no moderation. If a player hacks or abuses something during the tournament, they can simply be reported. The arena will function by itself with gates. Players can help themselves into the ring. This will rely on the players being able to control themselves in terms of fair play.
The fact that Lazzulai after spending most of her birthday trying to organize an event for the PVP community got a pile of shit in terms of verbal abuse for doing essentially all the hard work and being victimized because the players can't be relied upon to at least trust in the concept of "fair play honor" proves something. If the players cannot trust each other to play fairly and not favor their faction above a fair fight, then how can anyone think players can agree to a roster made by a player with a faction loyalty? I predict a whole bunch of tournaments boycotted by X and Y factions because Z faction intentionally rigged the roster in favor of their faction, and even if they didn't, still give X and Y the feeling like they did purely because the roster was determined by someone not of theirs. The entire premise of the idea that the PVP community will somehow be more tolerant and trusting in the fairness aspect of honor when the roster is declared by players instead of the staff, is ludicrous.

Sorry @kniferharm but I agree with Marty.
Oh I agree with Monmarty. My idea was just a spitball to see if we could reach a solution to the problems associated with tournaments.