The fact of the matter is that we do have staff who pvp's and are considdered expert pvpers. Do not mistake the situation for something it is not. @
spectec minecraftspartan, @
Gethelp just to mention a few.
When someone is reported for hacks its not the case that i alone or yendor alone looks at it and makes a decision. Infact we ask pvpers we know and that you considder experts to take a look and give their feedback and we usually spend hours debating before banning. There is also a ban/report a player comitee that votes on each appeal or report to have it be as unbiased as possible.
You seem to think we just sit on some morally high horse and make all the decisions based on who we like and to tell you the truth we do not care who you are we just care about what your reported for at the time. I may look if you have had similar reports against you before and take that into considderation but im most definately not biased.
I dont pvp anymore because then you all screamed i was biased in my rulings so now i stopped pvping on massive and remain unbiased and belive me im very well versed in what hacking is and what it isnt. I spend countless hours every week studying it so i wont make a bad call.
If you need someone to spectate a fight then make a ticket and ask but the staff do not always have time to do that during a busy day and i ask you all to respect that we are all here to help the server for free and sometimes we need a break and simply cant help instantly.
You seem to have very spesific players in mind for pvp staff but you fail to remember that these people might not want to be staff, staff is not just fun and games its hard work aswell. If they want to be staff they can apply and become gamestaff as its always been.