Archived Pvp Staff.

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Just That Guy With A Bit Of Swag
May 25, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere Over The RainBow
This topic has been debated ALOT and I am well aware of that. But to be honest I have never really seen an outcome out of these arguments. I propose a sort of different idea than the previous ones I have read, there could be an unban staff. It sounds stupid I know but I mean if someone was banned for anything to do with pvp/hacking there should be a pvp staff (not game staff) that have a large knowledge of pvp. They could review the situations and decide if it is ban worthy/unban worthy. I am not trying to disrespect the current game staff but I personally think there could be players that have a larger understanding. There privileges could be restricted only to the forums. Thanks for reading. Post what you think.
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Meh. Could be good, could be bad? Who knows? Maybe thy shall see, and maybe thy shan't.
Like the idea, but the pvp staff need To be unbiased. Also if someone were to be perma banned, more than one staff member would have to make the decision on it.
The rules and regulations are warning enough especially for those offences that dictate a permban. I know I haven't been here as long as many but I can tell you that the staff are extremely knowledgeable and experienced.
Unbiased PvP staff that would perhaps moderate fights on player request besides unbanning players. They would have the authority to moderate battles and spot hacks, currently you have to get video proof the post a ban request which getting it reviewed can take days allowing said hackers to continue plaugeing the battlefield taking weapons and armor out of existence and wasting the resources of legit PvPers. That is all I have to supplement.
I mean yeah sure thortuna gethelp and yendor have pvp knowledge, else they wouldn't be game staff. But like I said, there are players who pvp all day everyday and are experts. Take kapry for example: he is one of the most respected players that have played on massive. He is an excellent pvpr and has a great understanding of what is lag and what is hacks. He would be a great pvp staff member if he wanted to be. There are many others also.
Game Staff = Controls ingame events such as pvp fights. I don't see why this should be added.
The rules and regulations are warning enough especially for those offences that dictate a permban. I know I haven't been here as long as many but I can tell you that the staff are extremely knowledgeable and experienced.
Take my ban for example. I had zero warning whatsoever, The thing I was banned for was a glitch I couldn't do anything about, now its going to sound like i am insulting the staff team but I am not. If it was a player who has been pvping for ages and knew alot about this kind of stuff would know that it was a glitch.
I don't mean to sound rude, stupid or weird in anyway but (and this is coming from someone that's been on MassiveCraft for well over a year) who's kapry?
This is probably outdated and not really a problem anymore, but I'll post anyways!

There has been coincidences of people getting perm banned for lags, glitches or player placement bugs. Sure it sucks to get banned when you're innocent, but from my experience the problem is how people handle it. I've seen people raging on staff threatening them with beatings, even lawsuit.. Instead of just sitting down calmly trying to figure out what the problem is.

Maybe it would help if the perm banned players had a bit more knowledge of what he was guilty of ^^
This is probably outdated and not really a problem anymore, but I'll post anyways!

There has been coincidences of people getting perm banned for lags, glitches or player placement bugs. Sure it sucks to get banned when you're innocent, but from my experience the problem is how people handle it. I've seen people raging on staff threatening them with beatings, even lawsuit.. Instead of just sitting down calmly trying to figure out what the problem is.

Maybe it would help if the perm banned players had a bit more knowledge of what he was guilty of ^^
Yeah I completely agree, I know who your talking about also. *cough* SZIL *cough* haha. But seriously I get what your saying, but it can be very frustrating being punished for something you didn't mean/didn't do. But people who rage about it will never get anywhere.
I agree about this. Getting PVP staff would be great, their are many pvpers on the server. Such as Tuxyz, Togal, warlord_hobbs, davidn2012, asmodeus, MazzerDK, enderdonut, MinecraftSpartan and many more. They would volunteer probably. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy my opinion! :D
The fact of the matter is that we do have staff who pvp's and are considdered expert pvpers. Do not mistake the situation for something it is not. @spectec minecraftspartan, @Gethelp just to mention a few.

When someone is reported for hacks its not the case that i alone or yendor alone looks at it and makes a decision. Infact we ask pvpers we know and that you considder experts to take a look and give their feedback and we usually spend hours debating before banning. There is also a ban/report a player comitee that votes on each appeal or report to have it be as unbiased as possible.

You seem to think we just sit on some morally high horse and make all the decisions based on who we like and to tell you the truth we do not care who you are we just care about what your reported for at the time. I may look if you have had similar reports against you before and take that into considderation but im most definately not biased.

I dont pvp anymore because then you all screamed i was biased in my rulings so now i stopped pvping on massive and remain unbiased and belive me im very well versed in what hacking is and what it isnt. I spend countless hours every week studying it so i wont make a bad call.

If you need someone to spectate a fight then make a ticket and ask but the staff do not always have time to do that during a busy day and i ask you all to respect that we are all here to help the server for free and sometimes we need a break and simply cant help instantly.

You seem to have very spesific players in mind for pvp staff but you fail to remember that these people might not want to be staff, staff is not just fun and games its hard work aswell. If they want to be staff they can apply and become gamestaff as its always been.
Further more you might rethink that list of yours @Kingpheonix i think most of them except spartan have been banned. Not exactly a good start to being staff
The fact of the matter is that we do have staff who pvp's and are considdered expert pvpers. Do not mistake the situation for something it is not. @spectec minecraftspartan, @Gethelp just to mention a few.

When someone is reported for hacks its not the case that i alone or yendor alone looks at it and makes a decision. Infact we ask pvpers we know and that you considder experts to take a look and give their feedback and we usually spend hours debating before banning. There is also a ban/report a player comitee that votes on each appeal or report to have it be as unbiased as possible.

You seem to think we just sit on some morally high horse and make all the decisions based on who we like and to tell you the truth we do not care who you are we just care about what your reported for at the time. I may look if you have had similar reports against you before and take that into considderation but im most definately not biased.

I dont pvp anymore because then you all screamed i was biased in my rulings so now i stopped pvping on massive and remain unbiased and belive me im very well versed in what hacking is and what it isnt. I spend countless hours every week studying it so i wont make a bad call.

If you need someone to spectate a fight then make a ticket and ask but the staff do not always have time to do that during a busy day and i ask you all to respect that we are all here to help the server for free and sometimes we need a break and simply cant help instantly.

You seem to have very spesific players in mind for pvp staff but you fail to remember that these people might not want to be staff, staff is not just fun and games its hard work aswell. If they want to be staff they can apply and become gamestaff as its always been.
If this is directed at me, I didn't know half of what you just said and I didn't mean to disrespect you or anyone in the staff team. Sorry :/.
Its directed to everyone who thinks we do not give our best to do what we do. The staff are wonderfull people who try their hardest to make MassiveCraft a better place for the players every day. Im not offended i just tried to make the situation a bit more clear to you as it didn't seem to me like you knew the facts.
Its directed to everyone who thinks we do not give our best to do what we do. The staff are wonderfull people who try their hardest to make MassiveCraft a better place for the players every day. Im not offended i just tried to make the situation a bit more clear to you as it didn't seem to me like you knew the facts.
yeah thanks.
Yeah I completely agree, I know who your talking about also. *cough* SZIL *cough* haha. But seriously I get what your saying, but it can be very frustrating being punished for something you didn't mean/didn't do. But people who rage about it will never get anywhere.
Excactly what happend to me, I just can't hold it its in my veins to start raging when one says not the information I need to better myself, i start raging totally, if you ignore it, wait 1 day then i can act just like normal...
This topic has been debated ALOT and I am well aware of that. But to be honest I have never really seen an outcome out of these arguments. I propose a sort of different idea than the previous ones I have read, there could be an unban staff. It sounds stupid I know but I mean if someone was banned for anything to do with pvp/hacking there should be a pvp staff (not game staff) that have a large knowledge of pvp. They could review the situations and decide if it is ban worthy/unban worthy. I am not trying to disrespect the current game staff but I personally think there could be players that have a larger understanding. There privileges could be restricted only to the forums. Thanks for reading. Post what you think.
Foooooty. We just made a giant convo with pvpers, including you, about not doing THIS VERY THING(Making threads like this). *facepalm*
I'd just like to reiterate what Thortuna said: Our game staff are also knowledgeable in the aspects of PVP. Multiple game staff have dedicated time into looking into PVP so we have the information needed to make the judgement on cases brought forward.

I personally believe that the creation of a "PVP staff" would be overall wasteful and not be worth the time or effort it took.
I still think some of the points here are relevant though. I myself have been banned a few times and each time the biggest problem have been the confusion. If you were to involve the banned player at some point in your decision making or after your decision making instead of them suddenly logging on finding themselves perm banned and the only info they get is a few words or a single sentence. I know some are less mature than others and wouldn't be worth the bother, but the rest of us might gain from the information and use it to work out the problem.

I also think the reason people doesn't appreciate the work you put into ban reports is because no one ever knows about it.
If you need someone to spectate a fight then make a ticket and ask
The problem is when someone pvp logs and sees an admin by mistake they won't do it again (until the staff leaves off course), though it is very clearly if someone logged out in a 1x1x2 hole while the enemy is right next to him. I had this once and he just got his pacifist true waiting for me to kill him. If you have staff who really pvp like hardcore, they can clearly make a judge out of this situation while, I once asked an admins opinion and sed I have no proof. Aswell people hitting me and me not hitting them (because they were 2 blocks away clearly some kind of nodus) while a Trusted member saw this and sed it was possible, but could have just been him watching a bit fault. He sed he needed 100% legit proof, which isn't always available. Though massive has changed now, I do not know the recent circomstances.
(Sorry for my grammer, i used some 'hard' words who aren't easy to spell for me)(if i talk about admins, sorry my mistake i mean game staff)
Three words, public relation staff, they all seem to be pvpers, so if they have the power to review things like that, (which I'm not sure if they do or not) then your idea of pvp staff is pointless.
Oh... See I didn't know that. How was my asking offensive though? O.O
Kapry is a legend, he is a real pink fluffy unicorn... No hes just famous and the fact you don't know him made alot of people made incluiding me. So seriously there never was a guy in front of your door raiding you 24/7 with a bunch of people from a faction called alamut?
Kapry is a legend, he is a real pink fluffy unicorn... No hes just famous and the fact you don't know him made alot of people made incluiding me. So seriously there never was a guy in front of your door raiding you 24/7 with a bunch of people from a faction called alamut?
No... I'm not sure if Libertem/Orianis ever got raided by Alamut or not but I've never been much of one for raids. I'm sorry that I'm not exactly popular and out there.... I usually just mine... Although I've been Roleplaying a bit more.
No... I'm not sure if Libertem/Orianis ever got raided by Alamut or not but I've never been much of one for raids. I'm sorry that I'm not exactly popular and out there.... I usually just mine... Although I've been Roleplaying a bit more.
You won't find them much in role play, though in front of your doorstep begging you to get out. Thats where you'll find 'em. Oh btw i love Alamut im not flaming I love there way of doing wars :)
You won't find them much in role play, though in front of your doorstep begging you to get out. Thats where you'll find 'em. Oh btw i love Alamut im not flaming I love there way of doing wars :)
To be honest I don't usually hide in houses. I run repetitively around hoping not to die because I'm a bad PvPer but I'm more likely to stay still, take the few hits and warn the rest of my faction then hide inside a house. Which turns out worse for me now that I don't have Premium. Oh god I miss it ;-;
Three words, public relation staff, they all seem to be pvpers, so if they have the power to review things like that, (which I'm not sure if they do or not) then your idea of pvp staff is pointless.

Ehh the PR Staff is handeling Marketing issues, they write articels, make pictures and stuff like that. They don´t have anything to do at all with handeling PvP issues, except if they are Gamestaff too.
n. If you were to involve the banned player at some point in your decision making or after your decision making instead of them suddenly logging on finding themselves perm banned and the only info they get is a few words or a single sentence.
If i was to talk to every person i ban or involve players everytime they break a rule to say hey hey no no bad bad player that is a huuge waste of time i could spend on other things. It simply does not work like that. If you stab someone on the street the police will not say hey you shouldn't have done that and let you go.... Its simply not plausible at all. You can all read the rules and follow them. Staff makes mistakes sometimes yes but how many times do we really make a mistake compared to how many times we get it right on?

@Jemo21 We are currently looking into anti combat logging plugins or to possibly code on ourselves. This will hopefully be gone in the future, i do understand it is a very irritating thing that happens and we are taking steps to prevent it.

@Kellock93 Some Pr staff are gamestaff tho such as spectec.:D
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@Thortuna The main idea isn't just watching pvp and stuff. I also did mean pvp staff could help with amount of unban appeals/reports. As I was told by the drunk monk that you guys are piled high at the moment. I know that not all bans are pvp related but all the ones that are could be dealt with by staff that have an expert knowledge on. Purely pvp
The staff handling bans/reports are all rank 3 and have extensive knowledge in pvp and other topics. We do as i said if you read my post consult the experienced pvp'ers on matters containing pvp. There is always atleast 4 staff voting on each ban/report so you thinking that i am the one making a decision just because i am the one conveying the message of their decision is you guys jumping to conclusions. Having staff for strictly pvp is a waste of staff, we hardly have that many pvp reports during a week for that to be plausible.
My bigger problem with the suggested PVP staff separate from the server staff, is that there is no internal control. For all we know the majority of them could be on a backrubbing payroll with a policy of "You prevent me from getting banned, I prevent you from getting banned". We cannot secure the quality, nor the authenticity and objectivity of player run initiatives, therefor we choose not to take their word for an absolute truth.

Note this doesn't mean we ignore players as a whole. It simply means we choose not to officialize or recognize player institutions.
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