Pvp Rp


I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
This is not an argument thread. This is not a thread to discuss how PvP can be made better. This is not a thread to discuss the rights of RPers. This is a thread to discuss how Roleplay and Player Verses Player can exist at the same time while assuming NO changes are made to either side of this server. I don't promise good solutions, I am a tad bit biased towards RPers, being among them, but I will promise to try to be as unbiased as I am capable of.

First off, let me list some of the issues both sides seem to have with each other:
  1. PvPers Disrupting Roleplay Events
  2. RPers restricting PvP opportunities.
  3. Staff Members Being Biased.
  4. Lack of fun PvP Wars/Events.
  5. Lack of Safety for RPers.
  6. Lack of Respect for PvPers.
  7. Lack of Respect for Rpers.
Here are my solutions, as they are, in nice, numbered order:
  1. RPers should announce in global that they are hosting/having a Roleplay Event and asking PvPers not to raid. Then the PvPers can't accuse RPers of making stuff up. If a minor roleplay is interrupted, well, that stuff happened in the Medieval Era - pirates, bandits, and jihadists did exist after all.
  2. PvPers first need to be aware of the difference between the area/locations/ability of RPers to roleplay v/s their area/locations/ability to PvP: RPers have Regalia, Havenreach(maybe), Daenshore(maybe), and the Island(Ellador Spawn). PvPers have LITERALLY everywhere else that they can PvP without much in the way of Mechanical Blocks to PvP. So by default PvPers have more power and ability then RPers, who have very limited safe areas for weak-of-powerlevel players like themselves. That said, I think that PvPers lack the perspective of being terrified that they could all be slaughtered if they try to RP in their own preferred environ like a desert town or a jungle tree city.
  3. I do support the idea of having a PvP Staff Subteam the same way we have RP Staff. I'm sure there are some opinionated PvPers out there who would join this to help ensure that PvPers have equal say, as well as to explain to PvPers why changes were made that effect them.
  4. I am not a PvPer so in all honesty I can't say I've ever been upset over periods of peaceful time, but as a player I can think of a solution, it's the same one RPers use when they get bored: Find other like-minded players and start a massive friggen war. Leave the peaceful factions out of it because they will only complain, and they don't put up a fight or make enjoyable pvp anyway right? So pvp with other pvpers, then it's really fun.
  5. RPers have security in Regalia, World Spawns, and... well, that's about it. Anywhere else in on the server they can be found, killed, and then laughed at by PvPers. As such the best idea I feel is to either create small towns designated with Safezone and scatter them across the server for RPers to RP in without fear or set up some kind of Pasifist Faction like the old Peaceful Faction ability, but with specifications like no members having PvPed in the last week or so. The really hardcore RP factions would become Pasifist, being unable to fight or be fought, while the more mixed factions would continue to be raidable and pvp factions wouldn't be eligible.
  6. PvPers don't have a good Rep. This is primarily due to their killing other players, which tends to not get people to like them. Understandable, I hope, by PvPers? So the solution? Stop raiding peaceful factions. Don't kill that harmless noob faction, refrain from layering cannon fire over that small valley town. Attack pvpers and pvp factions, but leave those who would complain and, according to the loudest of you, have all the power. That way you can get you fun of fighting without the bad rep of killing peaceful peoples.
  7. PvPers, this you aren't going to like. In the most recent flame-riddled thread about it, PvPers pretty much stated that RPers didn't matter, they didn't support the server, they weren't as important as the PvPers. That won't work if you want RPers to not complain about you. RPers put a lot into this server, even as xXBlingXx put in "6 months of training" I have put in 6+ months of running my bank for minimal personal profit. I've founded factions for the express purpose of training people to become faction leaders and community members (Bjoan, Cruallassar, and JP1976 are all examples of this). Why are my contributions worth less then yours? Simple fact: They aren't. My Bank is just as important as you PvP skills. My donations to the server are just as vital as yours. There is no easy solution to the way PvPers look down on RPers as people who don't train their skills. The only real solution is for PvPers to acknowledge the importance of RPers and Roleplay in general to the servers overall health.
I really don't want this to become a flame thread, so if everyone would be kind and only post something if it is constructive, friendly, doesn't involve a single insult, and doesn't start with any form of "No" or "You're Wrong". Basically, if you would be insulted by the post if it was directed towards you, don't post it.

Let us hear the ideas that BOTH sides of this server have to offer.
I was thinking perhaps factions can buy "roleplay" status for 40 silver, and can do that once every week, so pvp'ers not use it to a huge advantage. Not that they wont. Then players in the rp faction cannot pvp other players in medieval world,and pvp cannot hurt rp members. But, I feel it miiight not do so well.
I was thinking perhaps factions can buy "roleplay" status for 40 silver, and can do that once every week, so pvp'ers not use it to a huge advantage. Not that they wont. Then players in the rp faction cannot pvp other players in medieval world,and pvp cannot hurt rp members. But, I feel it miiight not do so well.

The basic idea is good, but it shouldn't involve In Game silver. I make off of my bank about 40s a month (30% of total profits) so I wouldn't be able to afford that. Most RPers are poor due to lack of spending time resource gathering or mob slaying. That said, the idea is similar to the "Pacifist" feature I proposed as an addition to Factions, which can be gained by meeting some requirements and applying for it.
I agree with some of these, especially scattering rp towns around the server. Some of these however, are less desirable, such as num. 1. That said, I am collecting many of my ideas about various things together into one spot, which when I get to it will be in a feature suggestion, and it will address some of these.
However, regarding rp towns. I have suggested something similar to Monmarty and other staff of higher ranking then me, who are actually server staff not forum staff, and the argument against it is that we do not have a large enough player base. Therefore I ask the community: How many of you would rp in another town, and Regalia, and other towns in all, on a regular basis? Do you think that we have a player base large enough to support more rp spots? Small towns, other race primary areas as Regalia is to humans, etc. Whatever people think about that, it may or may not be listened to of course, (prediction not assertion) but I do want people to at least show their opinion on that if they could.

By the way, pvpers, I AM NOT AGAINST YOU. As some people may have gotten that idea from the flame wars.
I think to fix the unfairness of the peaceful faction idea is to have it so peaceful factions can't be enemied and can't enemy other people. This makes them neutral by default and means that they can Rp in there factions claimed land without being killed and if someone unwanted comes into their land and is interrupting Rp then they can kill them, same goes for a peaceful faction herrassing a pvp faction, if some rp nub is walking around a raid faction messing up their stuff they can kill the nub without them being able to fight back. I'm a part time pvper and part time Rper, I enjoy a raid as much as the next guy but I also enjoy being able to build and Rp in my faction without having to worry about my workers or me being killed by a passing raider and us losing all of our building supplys.

There are some great rp factions out there and part of their Rp is raiding other factions for blood or loot, like vampire attacks, or bandit raid party's which is perfectly Rp compatible, so a faction that cant be enemied or enemy other people is probably the best solution for the hard core rp factions on this server. Though of course the truce, and ally options would still be available to said peaceful factions.

I hope everything in the comment makes sense ._. I'm half asleep right now x.x
Aren't you presenting a false dichotomy here? We are all RPing. For some Roleplaying is more about action than words.
So: There are sociopathic thugs who want to kill you? Hire bodyguards. Fortify your Avon® party walls. Secure your valuables in safekeeping before sitting in a puddle to chat it up (part of why i'm premium is because i prefer the convenience of passively taking my licks without losing my items). RE-reiterate that this is a medieval world. If you are not weary of the dangers thereof, perhaps you aren't... following... the lore? If you were really RPing in the wilderness, your primary preoccupation WOULD be safety. As a RPer-suckyPVPer-averagebuilder-diggerextraordinaire, I welcome the madness that comes in waves of irreducible violence - it keeps me in character. Lest I begin RPing about how soft my calluses have become.

Addendum... The focus for moderators might be on ways to promote balance and integration. We are playing minecraft after all. One can't ignore that the core gameplay experience it the primary reason we are here. There is a point when PVP can be qualified as being "grief," however. I think it's fair to expect any PVP to have RP value - or it could be... ban-able? Difficult to prove. Might overwhelm the staff...
Pacifist factions should never be implemented. This is because you could use them as alternate factions for training as well as scouting bases for others who are not peaceful. (When you have peaceful set, you cannot PvP and nobody can PvP you) There are countless, countless exploits for what it could be used for, although players should be allowed to create towns which they can make an application for to become owned and run by the server.
Pacifist factions should never be implemented. This is because you could use them as alternate factions for training as well as scouting bases for others who are not peaceful. (When you have peaceful set, you cannot PvP and nobody can PvP you) There are countless, countless exploits for what it could be used for, although players should be allowed to create towns which they can make an application for to become owned and run by the server.

If they ever implement pacifist factions they wouldn't allow just any faction to do it. You'd probably have to fill out a whole forms thing and get it approved by various mods before you could become a pacifist faction.
If they ever implement pacifist factions they wouldn't allow just any faction to do it. You'd probably have to fill out a whole forms thing and get it approved by various mods before you could become a pacifist faction.

Part of MassiveCraft is the forever-lurking PvPers. If you remove this aspect for even 1 joinable faction, your giving them a huge opportunity to be clear and free from that major, major danger
Pacifist factions should never be implemented. This is because you could use them as alternate factions for training as well as scouting bases for others who are not peaceful. (When you have peaceful set, you cannot PvP and nobody can PvP you) There are countless, countless exploits for what it could be used for, although players should be allowed to create towns which they can make an application for to become owned and run by the server.

This is why Mecharic's concept of a faction cooldown for peaceful factions is excellent. PvPrs most likely do not wish to have to handle "specifications like no members having PvPed in the last week or so" in order for a faction to be considered peaceful. This would allow peaceful factions to exist, as I doubt a PvPr would wish to spend a week training in a peaceful faction and then trying to PvP (they would probably be kicked from the faction and refused re-entry if it is a strict roleplay faction whose purpose is to be peaceful). This would allow roleplayers to have their peaceful factions, and the PvPrs to have mixed and strict PvP factions.
Aren't you presenting a false dichotomy here? We are all RPing. For some Roleplaying is more about action than words.
So: There are sociopathic thugs who want to kill you? Hire bodyguards. Fortify your Avon® party walls. Secure your valuables in safekeeping before sitting in a puddle to chat it up (part of why i'm premium is because i prefer the convenience of passively taking my licks without losing my items). RE-reiterate that this is a medieval world. If you are not weary of the dangers thereof, perhaps you aren't... following... the lore? If you were really RPing in the wilderness, your primary preoccupation WOULD be safety. As a RPer-suckyPVPer-averagebuilder-diggerextraordinaire, I welcome the madness that comes in waves of irreducible violence - it keeps me in character. Lest I begin RPing about how soft my calluses have become.

Addendum... The focus for moderators might be on ways to promote balance and integration. We are playing minecraft after all. One can't ignore that the core gameplay experience it the primary reason we are here. There is a point when PVP can be qualified as being "grief," however. I think it's fair to expect any PVP to have RP value - or it could be... ban-able? Difficult to prove. Might overwhelm the staff...

I think the biggest difference between someone showing up to raid your build site in the game and in real life is in real life Regalia would have a legit army that could be sent to quash these things. While a new town 'could' find mercs to protect them, in all reality will an ingame merc group do as good of a job at 24/7 protection as the king's army would have back in the day? (Or the Duke's or whichever lord you went to for protection) Besides that PvP can't truly be compared to reality anyway since death isn't permanent. There'd be much less intra-faction warfare going on if players had to start over every time they died.
Holy crap that gives me the best suggestion ever. That will gain me the most hate ever, but I got a lot of positive ratings the last time I had a suggestion like that. I'm going to step over to the suggestion thread now.
This is why Mecharic's concept of a faction cooldown for peaceful factions is excellent. PvPrs most likely do not wish to have to handle "specifications like no members having PvPed in the last week or so" in order for a faction to be considered peaceful. This would allow peaceful factions to exist, as I doubt a PvPr would wish to spend a week training in a peaceful faction and then trying to PvP (they would probably be kicked from the faction and refused re-entry if it is a strict roleplay faction whose purpose is to be peaceful). This would allow roleplayers to have their peaceful factions, and the PvPrs to have mixed and strict PvP factions.

Omnivore, at this point in time, many PvPers like me have an alternative faction which doesnt get involved in wars and is just there to store items. If peaceful factions were implemented, me and Eagle_Son (The owner) would probably be able to turn it into a peaceful faction, and be able to come and go as we please, and then enter enemy bases such as 9th's and Invictus and they couldn't even touch us.
Omnivore, at this point in time, many PvPers like me have an alternative faction which doesnt get involved in wars and is just there to store items. If peaceful factions were implemented, me and Eagle_Son (The owner) would probably be able to turn it into a peaceful faction, and be able to come and go as we please, and then enter enemy bases such as 9th's and Invictus and they couldn't even touch us.

What if the peaceful factor only worked on that particular peaceful faction's given land?
I disagree with peaceful factions. Why? It would be abused and why should they get pacifist? No one was spared in medieval times so it could be seen as rp that they're being raided, if rpers really don't want to be involved then there are safe areas where they can go. As such I do support the idea of more safe areas.
My ONE bit of information about the flaming PvPers from before is that this server is, as it has been said time and again, an RP faction with PvP elements. I'm not in any way condoning LEAVING the server to PvP, but I'm saying that when you come to an RP server, don't expect PvP to get all the publicity and spotlight... There are also many Battlegrounds were PvPers can fight until the blocks are turned red might I remind people!

edit: That being said, I understand the frustration from the PvPers and hope to see the battlegrounds USED more.... But PvPers, PLEASE understand that newer people will be hesitant to do the battlegrounds since they are unaware of how the combat works there.. So if you DO decide to use the battlegrounds more, and you want newer players to understand, don't shun them, give them a sword and advise them on what to do. Also, RPers, if you're not interested in PvP, please just calmly say "no thanks, PvP isn't really my thing" if you are asked about it.
Don't forget that roleplayers have more practice with words while the average Pvper (flaming, bias, disorder) don't have much skill with voicing their opinions.

Not not all us "Pvpers" intend to insult others, the way you launch your misconceptions at us, it is revolting and very offensive. I respected the aspect of Rp... its not as if I run around killing people who are trying to role play, or target harmless individuals... So please hold your tongue and don't judge a book by its cover...
So, the general consensus right now seems to be that Pacifist Factions shouldn't be complete enabled, but should rather be unable to be enemies with other factions so as to prevent death on that factions turf.

TO those who said it would be easy to abuse a Paci Fac I will say this: Yes, it would, assuming that the admins don't include an strict application process - a faction used for storage probably wouldn't pass said application process due to lack of Roleplay, Players, and Activity.
I am RP staff and have a renowned character, yet I own the faction of Barjuk which is largley a PvP faction with RP elements. We all need to try to find a balance.
Hmm. I guess I have something to say...
The thing is with the "PvPers" if they wouldn't raid easy RP Factions... then there will be no way to get some surrender money and actually some loot from random "heroes" in those facs.
I'm not saying I like doing that, because at this point, the older PvPers actually have anything they need, but as a starting point... raiding RP factions give you a little boost to start off with.
It's just like the Food Chain, you raid the RPers which lose some stuff, then with that stuff you may make some money or actually use that little in fights as a disposable, then the RPers have to produce more so they will actually have some duties besides just RP-ing. (if you don't understand it... then I'm drunk.)

And about that "PvPers should raid PvPers" idea, I actually find it bad because there will just be endless flame wars just because of the lack of fairplay other players have, so the respect will drop even lower.

I guess there is actually a middle way, but not by just RPers being separated by the PvPers.
This is a roleplay server with plenty of PvP elements. Why, exactly, are people taking sides? Why isn't there just people who roleplay and PvP?
Times change, and there's not much anyone can do about it.
If I had my way, time would be turned back a year and a half or so, in regards to MassiveCraft.

So, do you have no opinion or ideas beside the whimsical wish to turn back time? We live in the now, and can change only the future. So what would you change, as things stand right now?
  1. RPers should announce in global that they are hosting/having a Roleplay Event and asking PvPers not to raid. Then the PvPers can't accuse RPers of making stuff up. If a minor roleplay is interrupted, well, that stuff happened in the Medieval Era - pirates, bandits, and jihadists did exist after all.
Something I wanted to touch on that I've thought about before. I feel that if you are going to have a RP event, with, let's say, 10+ people, you should announce it on the forums as well as in-game. If you announce it on the forums, it is visible to almost anyone, and visible for days in advance. I also feel that to be covered under the rule that would normally protect RPers, you need to have posted the announcement on the forums. This would also allow RPers to branch out and find other RPers that might be interested in this event, making it more fun for them. I feel this would also bring even more RP activity to the forums, which is a good thing.

With this idea, RPers that follow the rules and make the announcement of their RP event would be protected under the normal rule, and pvp'ers that want nothing more than to ruin a RPer's fun can easily be banned for lolzraid due to the evidence that would be present right here on the forums.
This is a roleplay server with plenty of PvP elements. Why, exactly, are people taking sides? Why isn't there just people who roleplay and PvP?
Because most people don't do both. And when you think about it, you're not going to be fighting while RPing. It's not going to go like this:

Player 1 says: -swings axe at head-
Player 1 hits Player 2 with an axe.
Player 2 says: -jumps away and fires an arrow at leg-
Player 2 ender pearls away and shoots Player 1 with a bow.

And if you are talking about doing it separately, it's really hard to be good at both PvP and RP. What you have to accomplish to be good at RP:
  • Build a good character introduction
  • Spend a bunch of time in Regalia to make friends
  • Participate in many events
  • Talk to others to form relationships
And what you have to do for PvP:
  • Amass a good arsenal of weapons, armor, XP, etc.
  • Know good strategies on how to fight and how to adapt to the situation, which is usually natural talent
  • Find good facilities to train at
  • Devote time to training your skills to be better than the others
This is why there is a gap. It is almost impossible to be good at both, and that's why it's either one or the other. Not just that, but RP and PvP have different characteristics. For example, RP is usually done through chat and is a pretty mild sport, while PvP is done through actions and is a highly intense activity.
RPers have security in Regalia, World Spawns, and... well, that's about it. Anywhere else in on the server they can be found, killed, and then laughed at by PvPers. As such the best idea I feel is to either create small towns designated with Safezone and scatter them across the server for RPers to RP in without fear or set up some kind of Pasifist Faction like the old Peaceful Faction ability, but with specifications like no members having PvPed in the last week or so. The really hardcore RP factions would become Pasifist, being unable to fight or be fought, while the more mixed factions would continue to be raidable and pvp factions wouldn't be eligible.

Having staff- made towns spread out around the world is a great idea. This way there are more locations to roleplay safely. We only have human settlements to roleplay in. One of them is laggy as hell as it happens to be the uspawn.


Make the /uspawn a seperate world. Just for that. Have it be a harbor or something. A small island with a portal that players get to from the multiverse hub. From there, there are different boats. Have a few quests there. Only make the island, like, 9 chunks. This also helps solve a large problem of new players joining, then getting lagged out at the spawn city.

So I went on a tangent. Sue me.

Anyway, that's a great idea. It might also get the community involved. People who vote a lot, or randomly selected volunteers, or some other form of selection can be used to have PLAYERS help design the towns. Have Elven Towns, Orc Forts, or Tigran Village, or Vespid Hive, or anything of the sort! have maybe four per map, pertaining to the races that are found on the map.

"But shayin ppl might hav build there and dun want to be removed"
Find a secluded place and build a town. The Staff has used WorldEdit in worlds that have upsetted many players, it shouldn't stop them from solving one of the biggest Massivecraft Server problems out there.
I was thinking perhaps factions can buy "roleplay" status for 40 silver, and can do that once every week, so pvp'ers not use it to a huge advantage. Not that they wont. Then players in the rp faction cannot pvp other players in medieval world,and pvp cannot hurt rp members. But, I feel it miiight not do so well.

I dislike this comment just because this can bankrupt tons of noob factions and as well as prevent role-play faction's growth and ability to defend themselves at all because they have a constant drain on their leader's resources. If I said all PVP factions should pay 40 silver a week to PVP I would get mass disliked. However I actually do believe a system of paying a small amount of money aka 5 silver a week to be at war with 1 faction of 20 players (and gradually increasing amounts for more people) I think is actually a better idea as it would benefit both PVPers, RPers, and be more realistic.

1. This would make the factions headed by 1 or 2 PVPers think twice about attacking a noob faction as the costs out way the benefits.

2. War would cost money in medieval times.

3. Factions could no longer hide forever without cost, if their leader runs out of money they are forced to surrender meaning PVPers get the PVP they want.

4. For example, the Chroniktr vs Hisoka and company (I'm sorry I forgot the name!) war may have actually been like a real war as the shear amount of factions that Chron was against would make a drain of like 120 silver a week . Which is similar to real life where if someone has vastly larger numbers so they triumph.

5. No more would 1 faction triumph over 2000 because MCCMO is over-powered, they in game fighting may be won by the 1 faction because of the general brokenness of MCCMO, but overall the 2000 factions would win in the end.
So, do you have no opinion or ideas beside the whimsical wish to turn back time? We live in the now, and can change only the future. So what would you change, as things stand right now?

I can't really say as regards to the fact that I'm unable to play games right now. But from I do know is that people need to face the fact that there is such a thing as PvP, and whether you're a full RPer or not, you are, at some point going to be in PvP, and I believe the old excuse of "You're interrupting RP" should stop.
Life is unfair, and menial things like that should be stamped out.

If you are unhappy at being raided, train your MCMMO like the rest of us had to, that is what it is there for.

But that's just my opinion. :} <3
I can't really say as regards to the fact that I'm unable to play games right now. But from I do know is that people need to face the fact that there is such a thing as PvP, and whether you're a full RPer or not, you are, at some point going to be in PvP, and I believe the old excuse of "You're interrupting RP" should stop.
Life is unfair, and menial things like that should be stamped out.

If you are unhappy at being raided, train your MCMMO like the rest of us had to, that is what it is there for.

But that's just my opinion. :} <3
This is something I'm going to agree with. Also, to RPers: If you truly believe in realistic RP, then you should consider the fact that you could be attacked by bandits or highwaymen at any point in the RP. If you are a true RPer, then instead of whining about it, you should try to incorporate the raider into your RP.

Only this way can RP and PvP be blended in, otherwise the two communities will be forever isolated and at a standstill.
I can't really say as regards to the fact that I'm unable to play games right now. But from I do know is that people need to face the fact that there is such a thing as PvP, and whether you're a full RPer or not, you are, at some point going to be in PvP, and I believe the old excuse of "You're interrupting RP" should stop.
Life is unfair, and menial things like that should be stamped out.

If you are unhappy at being raided, train your MCMMO like the rest of us had to, that is what it is there for.

But that's just my opinion. :} <3

I will be honest with you - I agree. War did exist in Medieval times, and it should exist as part of Roleplay on MassiveCraft. That said, the mere concept that a single faction could wage war on a vast empire and win simply because skill alone (which is by no means accurate to the real world) seems overpowered in favor of pvpers. I think the following idea by Waminer has great merit in that department in that no longer would pvpers be able to simply waltz into an enemy base and wipe out 100+ players.

For example, the Chroniktr vs Hisoka and company (I'm sorry I forgot the name!) war may have actually been like a real war as the shear amount of factions that Chron was against would make a drain of like 120 silver a week . Which is similar to real life where if someone has vastly larger numbers so they triumph.

Do you agree with the idea, Crackpotatoe?
Waminer, that's why it was only a idea that I knew would fail. I just thought maybe elaboration or something from someone else would actually make it good, but yea, that's why its not in the feature and idea discussion.
My idea is RP Duchies and Earldoms.
These would probably only be given out to Trusted RPers or even Senators. These could be any faction or just a simple safe-zones [though a faction would work better] and they can try and promote RP aswell as PVP and could wage war on other Duchies or Earldoms for a mixture of both
I REALLY like the idea of having a cost associated with maintaining an enemy. So far there is a direct financial cost to surrendering but there is no cost to declaring or waging war.

Since this is MassiveCraft, is it possible to make a small adjustment/addition to Factions so that there is an option to enable a "Tax" value in currency, per hour/tick/day whatever, that a faction holds another faction declared as an enemy and have it multiplied by the number of members in the faction declared an enemy? This would see an immediate change in the server and factions holding others as enemies out of spite for months at a time would suddenly feel the cost of war in their pocketbook. This would also prevent the "noob" faction wanting to enemy every powerful faction on the sever from happening, they would quickly be bankrupt. This could also help faction fight off an enemy by recruiting and increasing their numbers until that can "financially" outnumber the attacking faction and thus prevent further attacks.

Message like:
"You cannot afford to Enemy this Faction at this time"
"You cannot afford to maintain this Faction as an Enemy at this time"
"You spend 200s and Enemy XFaction"
"Your Upkeep of 20s to maintain Enemys XFaction, YFaction and ZFaction has been paid"
In that scenario both factions should have to pay for the hostile status, because a war is never comfortable for one side. This would also lead to more surrendering factions, as some factions might not wish to get drained by the war and then make a one time payment to end it.
MonMarty, Cayorion, is it possible RP Wise, Game Wise, Popularity Wise, and Coding Wise to add a tax onto a faction for every enemy? I know this *could* be abused to drain a rich faction of it's money, but it would be a logical way to work things. Also, if they can't pay the faction should start losing power as a price for war and bankruptcy.
An aggressor can at anytime revoke its enemy status at its choosing to limit the cost (they just couldn't break the wall, or lost too many men), unless you have also made them an enemy as well. There is a tactical advantage to both being enemies to each other in a war because then the aggressor cannot neutral briefly, to not be attacked (or to take advantage of loose perms for neutrals) ,and then re-enemy. In this case, both faction would be carrying an enemy status to each other and both should be held accountable for this proposed "War Tax". (say the funds raised go towards the welfare of orphans due to war or something)

When you have been made an enemy by someone then you do not have a choice in the matter of removing the enemy status, even if you offer a neutral, so there should be no cost associated to the faction being attacked if they do not also enemy the aggressor, their cost would be in the surrender terms, should there be any, to the aggressor, to possibly help defray their attacking costs. You do however have a choice in declaring a Faction an enemy and it is in that choice that a cost can and, in my humble opinion, should be applied.

This could create a new dynamic regarding how long wars are fought, who is attacked and for how long. Maintaining an enemy list of Factions to raid in a cycle at leisure would be costly. It would also lend weight to actual Empires or RP Factions with many members so that a single raider would not generally dare attack due to the cost to gain ratio. Also for a RP faction being raided, they would know that it was at least costing the attacker every day to attack them and that a suitable surrender agreement would not just go straight into someones pocket (especially now that silver has a real life currency value).
When you have been made an enemy by someone then you do not have a choice in the matter of removing the enemy status, even if you offer a neutral, so there should be no cost associated to the faction being attacked
Yes you do have a choice in removing the enemy status. You can surrender. Then the enemy is forced by the rules to revoke his enemy status.

You are right now trying to benefit those factions, who sit inside of their walls all day long saying:"You can't kill us, nananana naa naa! Now you are losing! Nananana naa naa."
Actually it would encourage people even more to just sit in their base and refuse to fight or surrender.
Not Constructive, please remove.

I will get to the rest when I can, I have to go to school.

Deleted my post because everyone was mistaking it for an accidental insult instead of an attempt to provoke thought. It was a statement not an opinion. If you rate it offensive, then it's your fault for thinking that way.