Archived Pvp Magic

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Holy heretic
Feb 24, 2016
Reaction score
Somewhere in Regalia
None, cause i'm a rebel
Roleplay Guilds
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So this idea is to have Pvpers if they want pick a type of magic they can use in Pvp like fire magic and t will cast a fir ball with a cost of hunger. Or stone magic ect.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
There was talk of a MassiveMagic plugin as a very early developed plugin that may happen, though not 100% how long it will take, or if it will even happen still.
They have... and if you look in the project section at the top of this subforum, you will find the projects post that actualy says its being worked on as a side project.
I didn't realy notice...

But I gues since there still talking about the lock system I should have been Obvious... I sure wish they did keep it updated though.
So this idea is to have Pvpers if they want pick a type of magic they can use in Pvp like fire magic and t will cast a fir ball with a cost of hunger. Or stone magic ect.

Well you can cast fire balls in pvp with the Fireball trait. It uses fire charges.

Other than that: actual magics is doable with the Heroes plugin, but knowing massive:

If they were open to that, it'd be in their nature to recreate it rather use the plugin.

But I can't see it being implemented soon, as Plugins can't keep up with Lore publications (Why plugin Races were removed).

Plus Massive is pretty famous for hating changes in combat (I mean, alot of Massive's changes in 1.9 were undoing the changes from 1.9)

So adding in magic abilities and actual RPG elements would be upsetting and would open a whole 'other can of bees.
Plus Massive is pretty famous for hating changes in combat (I mean, alot of Massive's changes in 1.9 were undoing the changes from 1.9) So adding in magic abilities and actual RPG elements would be upsetting and would open a whole 'other can of bees.

That is true but magic doesn't have to be for just pvo it could be used for building and other things that people on massivecraft enjoy and I personally would love if they added magic to Massivecraft as something other than just roleplay. Also they could set up magic tournaments that you could choose if you wanted to be a part of that. Another plus to adding magic is that not everyone has it because you have to set up a forum to be able to use it but if they did the pvp thing you would have to set up a special permissions thing. Even if they made it so magic could not do damage in regalia it could still be used out in the wilderness or in a faction because usually when you are in the wild people don't care what you do unless you're hacking. So I think that magic added would make massivecraft almost better.
As shown in the Week 43 Worklog, MassiveMagic is currently being coded. Anything that would be discussed in this thread can wait till its release. So at the moment I'd not get too involved in discussions.
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