Archived Pvp Incentives

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Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Lately on MassiveCraft, real pvp has slowed down. Factions no longer wage wars against each other, and the most that happens is a petty attempt at a raid.

What is the greatest motivator of all? Competition.

I suggest that MassiveCraft add A faction Kill and Death count, available for everyone to see. This will push factions to raid each other and to wage wars.

If the same person is killed 5 times within 24 hrs, then they will no longer be scored until they have been safe for 24 hrs.

Additionally as the faction accumulates kills and deaths, there should be milestones.


(note these are purely examples and should be modified to your liking)

-50 faction kills : Award powerboost of [1]

-100 Faction kills : Award powerboost of [2] and 1 silver to faction bank

and or other incentives.

There should be a way to check the leading factions

maybe a command /ftop

There may be a plugin that serves these needs.

I Believe this will encourage competition between rival factions and help bring to life the pvp aspect this server used to have in plentiful abundance.
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This sounds like it could be a cool thing to add in the new version of factions. Although I don't know about the rewards. I think it would just be cool to have a kill/death counter.
Then you can really tell who's winning a war.

Also, the reason PVP has slowed down is b/c of the rule against 'harassment' (which pretty much includes all raiding -_-)
I haven't noticed pvp slowing down at all. If anything I've seen it happening more and more. Which isn't really a good thing.
yes but too many people used to raid with no purpose but laughs and greed, with needing an RP reason to raid, it really does the server good. Not all factions want to raid.
yes but too many people used to raid with no purpose but laughs and greed, with needing an RP reason to raid, it really does the server good. Not all factions want to raid.
If you look back at the rule, you don't need an RP reason to raid, you need an RP reason OR a /logical/ reason. Ulu himself said logical reasons include food, money, etc.
If you look back at the rule, you don't need an RP reason to raid, you need an RP reason OR a /logical/ reason. Ulu himself said logical reasons include food, money, etc.
in all honesty, those do seem like RP reasons to me.
Yes he Ulu did say in global chat that logical reasons are money, food, silver, etc.... But i love the idea it would be interesting to see all the wars that would break out.
Zainia, one of the main reasons PvP has slowed down is because of players/factions that say exactly what you said. "Oh its RP so we don't want to RP HARRASSMENT BAN THEM ALL", and pretty much all the main raiding factions have grown weary of that and the possibility of being banned for raiding a faction. Over the past few days each time I've gone to a faction to scout them out, the first thing I see in my chat window is "dont attack us, we will report you for abuse, we are peaceful", then shortly after that messages from other factions saying "oh dont attack them they will report you and get you banned." Now I don't know if the bans are true but I would hopefully assume the CM/GM look into the claims of abuse/harassment before banning someone.

However, my response to that is its a Medieval RP server...some of the most important parts of Medieval times were the battes/crusades/wars, so why have a server with a factions plug in and PvP enabled in every area but spawn not be a PvP server? Exactly, there is no reason for it not to be at least somewhat PvP based.

Now for the idea for the plug in, I would love to have a K:D counter. Keep track of who you killed the most, who killed you such and such. Have "rivals/bitter enemies."
Zainia, one of the main reasons PvP has slowed down is because of players/factions that say exactly what you said. "Oh its RP so we don't want to RP HARRASSMENT BAN THEM ALL", and pretty much all the main raiding factions have grown weary of that and the possibility of being banned for raiding a faction. Over the past few days each time I've gone to a faction to scout them out, the first thing I see in my chat window is "dont attack us, we will report you for abuse, we are peaceful", then shortly after that messages from other factions saying "oh dont attack them they will report you and get you banned." Now I don't know if the bans are true but I would hopefully assume the CM/GM look into the claims of abuse/harassment before banning someone.

However, my response to that is its a Medieval RP server...some of the most important parts of Medieval times were the battes/crusades/wars, so why have a server with a factions plug in and PvP enabled in every area but spawn not be a PvP server? Exactly, there is no reason for it not to be at least somewhat PvP based.

Now for the idea for the plug in, I would love to have a K:D counter. Keep track of who you killed the most, who killed you such and such. Have "rivals/bitter enemies."
Honestly, the rule has never worried me or my faction. We don't however raid random people for money or anything because that gives everyone a bad rep. I've also never seen other factions hold back because of this. The reason pvp is a little bit less frequent is because some don't want a repeat of the imperial war, or maybe wars just aren't happening. for whatever reason.
Sure, we do not like you to force RP on someone, but they cannot really say "We are peacefull, don't atack us or you get banned".
This statement named in """" is WRONG! Again, we never stated that a faction that name itself peacefull has the right to be peacefull. War is an essential part of medieval times. However, some people just overcomplicated the situation for us with doing ridiculous raids and /sortof/ harrasement. The rule is there to protect people from lol-raiding, not stopping everyone to get raided nor that people get banned for doing so.

To the OP topic:
Score-list: yes
rewards: idk, if we cap it somewhere I could imagine such a thing.
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