Archived Pvp Combat Abilities

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Aug 8, 2012
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In PvP i have always noticed that the combat is very bland on massive craft. Its always who has the highest skill level, the most people, and who is premium (i am not complaining or raging about premium). To make the combat more interesting and fun, massive craft should have more abilities like bloodlust for those who want to have a more dynamic and interesting PvP experience.
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Its always who has the highest skill level, the most people, and who is premium (i am not complaining or raging about premium).
Oh no no.

While non premiums really, really should be allowed to wear diamond armor, that is for another thread.

But get one skill level high enough and it all comes down to strategy, and in my case, defensibility of my base ( a mountain fortress helps )
Oh no no.

While non premiums really, really should be allowed to wear diamond armor, that is for another thread.

But get one skill level high enough and it all comes down to strategy, and in my case, defensibility of my base ( a mountain fortress helps )
It all suits my strategy and base and I'm a non-premium o.o
Y'know, I sort of agree with this, PvP really needs some livening up, and some restrictions. For one, if you're a professional swordsman, I highly doubt that realistically you'd also be a professional axeman, bowman and unarmed combatant. I really wish sometime in the future, they add classes, so you actually need strategy to raid ("Alright, we need the archers on this front, and the Calvary here...") instead of what we have at the current moment ("FOLLOW ME, BOYS! AIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAI").
In PvP i have always noticed that the combat is very bland on massive craft. Its always who has the highest skill level, the most people, and who is premium (i am not complaining or raging about premium). To make the combat more interesting and fun, massive craft should have more abilities like bloodlust for those who want to have a more dynamic and interesting PvP experience.
Nope. Bloodlust was removed for replacing. But really, higher power level does mean you'll win in every single fight. Its all about what your fight with and how you fight. Thinking before doing is best in fights
In PvP i have always noticed that the combat is very bland on massive craft. Its always who has the highest skill level, the most people, and who is premium (i am not complaining or raging about premium). To make the combat more interesting and fun, massive craft should have more abilities like bloodlust for those who want to have a more dynamic and interesting PvP experience.

One word: cannons. They have been the main protector of Luenna for many raids now xD
But also, I think that stats do not make the player, but skill does. McMMO stats compliment one's stats. For example, to actually do more armor damage with axes, one must actually hit the person they are fighting. You could break someone's armor faster than they could yours even if you had a lower axes skill if you managed more hits on them. The same for pretty much every other weapon is true, except for swords, since counter attacks only happen when you are hit, making this the best McMMO stat for less skilled players.
Potion, enderperl, god iron-armor, 5-10 dog, Sharpness II Fire II Diamondsword,atleast 500+ Unarmed/Axes/Swords mcmmo level and 5 Normal Golden Apple is all I need to raid a faction with 4 people in it, and if you have all these Items i dub you could too.
Nope. Bloodlust was removed for replacing. But really, higher power level does mean you'll win in every single fight. Its all about what your fight with and how you fight. Thinking before doing is best in fights

completely true. It can all come down to how you move when you fight. Instead of just kamikaze run at the enemy and then stand there till your dead. I move behind my enemy's back constantly so they cant see me while I'm hitting them.

Took out one of kulls men who was about 4 times as powerful as me that way. And almsot another but then he block glitched and everyone ganged up on me. ;(
Maybe mcmmo could have a feature where you can choose different classes and save different profiles for each of your characters. Idk, that's just a passing thought. It'd be neat, but I feel like people would just switch out their profiles to suit whatever they're doing, i.e. mob grinding, raiding, farming, having a different profile for each of those. Soo...maybe only allow one profile per player, and give the different classes caps at certain skills and bonuses in others. For example, a bowman gets a bonus of +50 to his archery skill and that skill increases 0.01% faster, but he can't become proficient in axes, for example.
Maybe mcmmo could have a feature where you can choose different classes and save different profiles for each of your characters. Idk, that's just a passing thought. It'd be neat, but I feel like people would just switch out their profiles to suit whatever they're doing, i.e. mob grinding, raiding, farming, having a different profile for each of those. Soo...maybe only allow one profile per player, and give the different classes caps at certain skills and bonuses in others. For example, a bowman gets a bonus of +50 to his archery skill and that skill increases 0.01% faster, but he can't become proficient in axes, for example.

I like your idea but how about we change it to where it's like race you can have only one profile and can't change it more than once every 24 hours.
Maybe mcmmo could have a feature where you can choose different classes and save different profiles for each of your characters. Idk, that's just a passing thought. It'd be neat, but I feel like people would just switch out their profiles to suit whatever they're doing, i.e. mob grinding, raiding, farming, having a different profile for each of those. Soo...maybe only allow one profile per player, and give the different classes caps at certain skills and bonuses in others. For example, a bowman gets a bonus of +50 to his archery skill and that skill increases 0.01% faster, but he can't become proficient in axes, for example.
Exactly my thoughts, except for mine were a little more... restrictive. I mean, realistically, if you're fighting an axeman and run away, he's not going to be able to take his 80-pound drawweight longbow out and shoot you in the back. A shortbow, maybe, but that probably wouldn't hit for the same damage.
Maybe mcmmo could have a feature where you can choose different classes and save different profiles for each of your characters. Idk, that's just a passing thought. It'd be neat, but I feel like people would just switch out their profiles to suit whatever they're doing, i.e. mob grinding, raiding, farming, having a different profile for each of those. Soo...maybe only allow one profile per player, and give the different classes caps at certain skills and bonuses in others. For example, a bowman gets a bonus of +50 to his archery skill and that skill increases 0.01% faster, but he can't become proficient in axes, for example.
This kind of idea is certainly cool, but I don't agree with it. I always have thought of massivecraft as the place where you can decide to roleplay, PvP, or both, and not be forced to combine them if you don't want to :)
MassiveCraft is a roleplay server.
I know, but I have noticed they seem to do a good job managing a system that lets you choose the mix you want of the two sometimes-conflicting aspects of the game. I for example enjoy writing stories and poems, but not really role playing in game much. MassiveCraft has no problem handing my preferences :D
Although I do think players should be able to play how they want, I also think a sort of class system would be beneficial roleplay-wise. Players would have a stronger basis on which to form things like archery guilds or training academies for particular skills. Of course, I don't exactly know how this would influence roleplay or combat--it's just an idea. As for combat the way it is now, one person with 1k in all their combat skills can solo a whole faction for lulz, which I don't appreciate. If combat skills were restricted in the way we're discussing, it would impose the need for players to form parties and think more strategically in terms of party management, which...could be nice? Idk. Roleplay aspects certainly would strengthen if this system was implemented, I think.
And combat might be made a bit richer in the process.
As for combat the way it is now, one person with 1k in all their combat skills can solo a whole faction for lulz, which I don't appreciate.

This really only applies to "noob" factions. I would care about this, however (and it may sound harsh), I don't think these factions should even exist. To gain sovereignty, a faction should have a strong military backing as well. Do you see a lot of countries out there in the world with no military?

Personally, I think that players should really have no choice but to become part of a large yet protected faction at first. I would prefer massivecraft to be made up of many, large, beautiful factions than shitty builds all over the map.

I don't really think these things will.. or if they should change. It's just my dream :C
Cowboys1919 Right now you do have to think strategically to fight factions on your level and above but people weaker than you. They either die or the incredibly smart ones have a chance if you don't think that way once.

But I believe if we reduce the perks that would make it to where both wits and practice are equally beneficial in combat.
This really only applies to "noob" factions. I would care about this, however (and it may sound harsh), I don't think these factions should even exist. To gain sovereignty, a faction should have a strong military backing as well. Do you see a lot of countries out there in the world with no military?

Personally, I think that players should really have no choice but to become part of a large yet protected faction at first. I would prefer massivecraft to be made up of many, large, beautiful factions than shitty builds all over the map.

I don't really think these things will.. or if they should change. It's just my dream :C

Thats kinda messed up, we were all noob factions at some point, what just because we have been here longer they have to suffer because of it?
This really only applies to "noob" factions.

Not really. It applies to so-called peaceful factions as well. Osai, for example.

As for your stance on noob factions, I think it's a facet of roleplay to have groups of inexperienced settlers venture out on their own to found tiny villages and learn firsthand the hardships that come with such endeavors.

Myself, when I began on Massive, I joined Sentinels. I think that at the moment many new players do indeed join larger, more protected factions when they begin their time here. Then they mature and are eventually learned enough in Massive's ways to be able to decide whether to remain with the faction that has mothered them or break out on their own, at which point they may gather some friends and embark.

Every authentic faction is weak when it is born. A strong military backing can only be achieved with time. If we don't have these smaller factions, then when one of the larger empires fall there will be no other burgeoning factions to rise to power and begin a new era in Massive's history.

What you're talking about is a simulated global order, which isn't characteristic of medieval fantasy.
Thats kinda messed up, we were all noob factions at some point, what just because we have been here longer they have to suffer because of it?
No, I don't want them to suffer, I don't want their factions to exist, I want the players elsewhere, but that's just what I want, not what I think really will ever exist.
Cowboys1919 Right now you do have to think strategically to fight factions on your level and above but people weaker than you. They either die or the incredibly smart ones have a chance if you don't think that way once.

But I believe if we reduce the perks that would make it to where both wits and practice are equally beneficial in combat.
Yes, I know it. Which is weaker factions need some good allies :P

If you can't match the equipment, you lose, same goes with real life :C
Diplomacy is out of the question?

When dealing with some factions diplomacy is paying them. You can be Einstein (Using that as a metaphor as there are many different kinds of intelligences and Einstein was good at one at the cost of people skills which would hurt diplomacy.) and not communicate with some of the people I have met.
This all seems fun, but I have noticed a trend within my faction.
Generally people wind up boosting the skills for the weapon they use the most. So, an Archer tends to work on this archery before anything else. Just a thought and nothing more I guess.
As for diplomacy, that can be interesting. In most cases diplomacy can be reached so long as there are no stupid people involved. (Not intelligence, but common sense. So, the person who would doing something stupid even though they knew better). I have personally settled many disputes with only words, thanks to all the reasonable people out on this server.
They sure do. You can have extremely intelligent people but if they have no materials they can't do shit.
Thats not true. Give me a sapling, a shovel, and a faction.
I'll give you a base so cruel that only the most bored would attack it.
Let's hear it for engineers!
When dealing with some factions diplomacy is paying them. You can be Einstein (Using that as a metaphor as there are many different kinds of intelligences and Einstein was good at one at the cost of people skills which would hurt diplomacy.) and not communicate with some of the people I have met.

Ive proven everything Ive said correctly in an argument to be raided, and their retort was always "just shut up and surrender" or "no thats not true" Some people dont care about logic or reason, some people make up an RP reason to raid just so they can, these people cannot be reasoned with.
No, I don't want them to suffer, I don't want their factions to exist, I want the players elsewhere, but that's just what I want, not what I think really will ever exist.
This really only applies to "noob" factions. I would care about this, however (and it may sound harsh), I don't think these factions should even exist. To gain sovereignty, a faction should have a strong military backing as well. Do you see a lot of countries out there in the world with no military?

Personally, I think that players should really have no choice but to become part of a large yet protected faction at first. I would prefer massivecraft to be made up of many, large, beautiful factions than shitty builds all over the map.

I don't really think these things will.. or if they should change. It's just my dream :C
God, it's like you read my thoughts directly from my head :s Anyways, I coulden't agree more .
One word: cannons. They have been the main protector of Luenna for many raids now xD
But also, I think that stats do not make the player, but skill does. McMMO stats compliment one's stats. For example, to actually do more armor damage with axes, one must actually hit the person they are fighting. You could break someone's armor faster than they could yours even if you had a lower axes skill if you managed more hits on them. The same for pretty much every other weapon is true, except for swords, since counter attacks only happen when you are hit, making this the best McMMO stat for less skilled players.
ikr some people with insane stats couldnt hit someone if they were right infront of them
God, it's like you read my thoughts directly from my head :s Anyways, I coulden't agree more .
I think that most people are just into the hunting-and-gathering style of gameplay, whereas people like us are more into the politics, economy, and that kind of stuff. I've tracked my game down to weekly estimates of expenses and profits, and enjoy doing stuff like that.
Thats not true. Give me a sapling, a shovel, and a faction.
I'll give you a base so cruel that only the most bored would attack it.
Let's hear it for engineers!
Give me a pick with 3 uses on it, and a piece of dirt, I can dig a 1x1x2 invulnerable hide out. Sure there are varying levels of ingenuity among creations, but that is besides the point. Material wealth for the average player, especially in terms of weaponry and defenses, can be obliterated by a few deaths. My main point was if you can't match their armor / weapons, your strategy does not really mean anything (unless you take to the hiding method, which is fine by me really, but some other people find it quite the annoying when someone refuses to face the perpetrator)
Maybe mcmmo could have a feature where you can choose different classes and save different profiles for each of your characters. Idk, that's just a passing thought. It'd be neat, but I feel like people would just switch out their profiles to suit whatever they're doing, i.e. mob grinding, raiding, farming, having a different profile for each of those. Soo...maybe only allow one profile per player, and give the different classes caps at certain skills and bonuses in others. For example, a bowman gets a bonus of +50 to his archery skill and that skill increases 0.01% faster, but he can't become proficient in axes, for example.

Not only that, but it'd encourage races to use the ability they were given to them most. I'd reckon that the Dwarves would use Axes a lot more, and Orcs would simply love their upgrade.

And to be really honest, McMMo is really one of the few things actually RESTRICTING non-premiums. Alright, so the enemy is in diamond armour, not too much a big deal, I'd just corner him an lav- *Gets skull split*
It either helps the Non-premium destroy the Premium's armour, or it really just uses the non-prem as a tool for weaponry, hence in most raid situations, the non-premiums are told either to stand down immediately, or they have to get potions/traps ready.
I can promise you this, cocky I might sound, but truth it is, there are actually quite a few premiums with high McMMo where if I had the same stats as them and premium too, I'd take them out pretty fast.
I've had situations where Premium Elves would literally sit there for about 15 seconds, while I calmly type, to aim, and still miss me.
My best friend counted and it took a premium 7 seconds just to aim at her.
AT POINT BLANK. And worst of all, this person was apparently considered a threat because of McMMo. I literally questioned as to whether the person whom told me they were was serious or not.
In reality, it wouldn't just be the person whom uses the item to most, but also whom has the best balance/aim. It took someone with 800 swords skill 5 swings before they could hit me. If it was a real fight, or if they didn't have their counter-hit defence, I'd be pretty sure I would kill them really fast.
Of course, I still suck at PVP too. If someone is worse than me, that's not a good sign.
But it would make it so non-premiums have a chance, and in some cases, some new premiums.
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