Archived Pvp Changes Suggestion Thread.

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ThunderQueen of MassiveCraft
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hello. As most of you know i have taken on the project on trying to improve and change pvp to be more balanced. I am sure this is going to make some people angry and others happy but we are aiming for pleasing the majority and step on as few toes as possible.

To do this i need you to list what is wrong with pvp in YOUR opinion, and how/what to change.
If you suggest we fix archery then you need to propose a fix to archery not just buff archery plz...
Make a well formulated suggestion and post it in this thread.
What you want fixed:
How do you suggest we do this:
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
Will this benefit more then just you?

I want to keep this thread respectfull and with no flame. Dont comment on others suggestions, they are allowed their opinion as you are allowed yours. If you dont agree with them then make your own suggestion.

In the end i want you to look at your suggestion and think is this something that will benefit more then me? If the answer is "no i just want it because i want to be super good and i dont care about others" then you have come to the wrong place.
I am looking for what will benefit as many as possible and make it more fair to everyone not just the high powerlevel players but also the little guy.

Thank you and i reserve the right to remove flaming posts that dont follow the instructions.

~Edit By JP~
Here is the default config of Mcmmo (Thanks Nray: ). Give this a look to make certain that what you want done is actually possible, then tell us exactly what needs to be changed in the config.
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I am getting alot of requests about when and what will be changed. These are the suggested changes i am wanting to implement:


Chancemax: 30
DamageModifier: 2

Chancemax: 15
DamageModifier: 8


Skillshot MaxDamage: 9
Daze modifier: 4

Skillshot MaxDamage: 16
Daze modifier: 6

I expect these to be implemented the next time the server is restarted.
How often is the server restarted?
as far as counters go, I would recommend doing something more like
DamageModifier: 4
Chancemax: 20

My reason for that is ever since the iron grip nerf, counters have been beatable without any problems as long as you were smart enough to switch from an axe to unarmed to fight the counterer.
I'm with Grid on this one, 8 and 15 seem a bit too much, though I think that it would be a good idea to test it out before judging :P
I know Gridiron and XVW have already suggested something like however I just kinda want to give you an idea why instead of just taking our word for it.

First of all, Counter attacks have actually been nerfed by something else you added in, the disarm change. Most importantly this disables their ability toget counters for a while, and a couple quick hits with a god axe as the enemy is not healing or fighting back is very powerful. As well when you disarm someone you can quickly smack them away from their sword if all the are doing is sitting with it in their hand as they have no kinetic energy to counteract your knockback from running at you and you do not have bleed or fire on you which both reduce your speed as they have not attacked. As well, as debuffs and especially poison become more popular, sitting still and moving slowly is just begging to be bombarded with debuffs which is a absolutely huge disadvantage.

With the fact that those that abuse counters tend to be at the lower end of the skill spectrum it is actually fairly easy to beat them, however it still requires some sort of nerf.

By halving the chance you are halving the potential damage output to well, half of what it used to be. However you are also making the damage a fourth of its old amount so in total you have just taken away 7/8's of the damage done by counters.

So now what we have is something that can already be countered quite easily nerfed to 1/8 of it's previous value making swords quite useless. I believe that what should instead be done is to swords is to half the damage it does and change nothing else.

With this, counter attacks will take twice as long to kill someone. This means if you are blocking you can't kill someone quickly and so they will have time to adapt to your strategy quite easily and kill you. This will also mean that even if you are a complete noob and just hit the blocking opponent, the damage you do with lets say another sword, will be higher than the damage you take from their counters because of bleed. This will still make counters usable as long as you are hitting. (And with blocking if you just need to stay alive for a split second more for pacifist or reinforcements and ect.)

Overall I believe that this would be a better fix because of the reason I gave you, even though this can only be confirmed with testing. However, even testing would be easier as this is not as radical as a change and cannot break anything too badly when it is implemented.
I'm unfamiliar with MCMMO coding/configurations, but does this new change mean that the chance to counter will be lower, but the damage dealt as the counter strike will be higher? People can already be killed with two counter hits.

No this means the chance to counter will be lower and the damage it deals will be lower aswell. Counters work by dealing the damage done back to the attacker after it has been divided by a number (before it was 4) So if you hit someone for 30 hearts and it was devided by 4 you would deal 7.5 hearts now you would do this math: 30/8 and do 3.75 hearts
You all suggested these changes so complaining about them now will serve a moot point. We aren't nerfing it so it does 1/4 of what it was doing its been about halfed or it still does a bit more then half the damage it used to do. If you are able to 2 shot someone in god armor then it is clearly overpowered and needed to be nerfed. I cant say how many screamed at me and wanted counters to be nerfed to do no damage or be taken out all together. This way it does less damage and happens less frequently but it is still viable in use with other combat skills.
The reason the opinion on counters changed is the nerf on unarmed that came in between the time people complained and now. Someone who knows what they are doing can beat out a counter scrub no problem now due to iron grip not being 100%. That does not mean counters don't need to be nerfed, it means they don't need to be rendered completely useless. Obviously testing some of the variables, such as damage modifier, would probably be the best option, as getting it perfect in one try would be difficult.

As far as the Archery change goes, I think it sounds great and can't wait to see that added.
With this, counter attacks will take twice as long to kill someone.
The point is that if you counter someone in a sword fight you dont do any damage back to them at all in real life.... Here you still do 5/8 of what you used to do. I don't see the reason for a complaint when you havent even seen what it does.
We did test the damage and this is what seemed the most fair and equal to the other combat skills that are in effect as it does not render all the other skills useless but still retains the damage to be a variable in combat.
Perhaps make counter attack only activate if the person is block hitting(NOT JUST BLOCKING), give it back it's 30% chance... Or simply make a person lose pacifist when they have used a counter attack.
The suggestions are closed. If you had a suggestion you should have posted it sooner togal300.
Or simply make a person lose pacifist when they have used a counter attack.
That is something we looked into but needs a tech solution and we dont have that at this time.
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