Archived Pushing Back The Discovery Of Kleinfolk?

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
I'm sure you all know the kleinfolk. Short, elf-hobbit-furry animal-race. They have been a part of Massivecraft for about a month and a half, maybe two-ish. Their race was supposed to be recently discovered. With this, you can not play half kleinfolk characters. Their race is too new.

Now, recently, they pushed back Fenderfell's and New Cerardia's discoveries by 50 years, allowing characters to be from there. Why not do something similar for kleinfolk?

This would be a minor change. It would allow things in Regalia to be built around the little guy, allow character to have strong opinions on them from past events, and allow cross-breeds. This would allow more diversity and creativity in kleinfolk rp. People could experiment more with the race, and use it to its full potential. I would love to see what you guys could come up with.

Personally, I wouldn't mind a half boar Q'uerebo half Orc. I imagine a small Orc with tusks and a pig nose, and some fur. Something like this:

Anyways, what would you do if this were to happen? Post you thoughts and ideas below! Make sure to have a very Massive day!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

Personally, I wouldn't mind a half boar Q'uerebo half Orc. I imagine a small Orc with tusks and a pig nose, and some fur. Something like this:
out of all things i see that. one question:
how? how would a tiny kleinfolk make baby's with an orc that is at least 10 times bigger?
Think of it this way:

Male Orcs cannot reproduce with human/smaller females because it would literally destroy them.

So I'm going to go ahead and say no, Orcs would likely murder Kleinfolk unless it was a female orc and male Kleinfolk, but I still don't see that being a possibility.

Also there's the issue of whether or not Q'urebos are even able to reproduce with other species, as that part of racial lore has not been set in stone and published yet.
There can be boar kleinfolk. I have one, just haven't gotten the chance to roleplay as him.
I am not a roleplayer so I don't know much about the subject.
But, maybe one of the things that make Kleinfolk special is that.
  • There is no crossbreeds
  • There is no opinions based on the past.
  • We don't know much about them yet.
Again I am not a roleplayer. So this is just a maybe.
My $.02 is don't push back the discovery back 50 years like NC and Fender. I'd say push the discovery back 2 years. That gives some time for opinions and other stuff to form.
About Kleinfolk reproduction with other species.
I like the race being new to the world, creates a good rp environment for the haters of the rat race
Dammit, I should of read the post first. I voted push back because I thought that meant they would be discovered at a later time... I hate those things...