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Public Denouncement Of Iona Heinrich


Dragon of Semperis
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score

A crier stepped up to the stage, calling out to the public below. He enunciated each word slowly, and clearly, in his best attempt to have each member of the crowd understand.

"Hear ye, hear ye! The Heinrich family hereby denounces the actions of Iona von Bastillion, and publicly states, here and now, that said Iona von Bastillion has been disowned from the Heinrich family. Her actions are truly appalling, and each individual member of the Heinrich family apologizes greatly for her horrific ideals and ideas. Some may accuse us of saving our own skin, by doing too little too late, yet, the Heinrich family as one, assures you, this has been a long time coming. Iona, the apostate, has lead to many believing that the Synod is lacking in power. We believe this must change, that the Synod, and the Sancella as a whole, needs better rights, better titles, and most importantly, better men working for them. To give the Synod more power would be a surefire way of preventing more situations such as this. To reiterate, the Heinrich family deeply apologizes for the actions of Iona von Bastillion, denounces her as a whole, and has officially disowned her from the Heinrich family."
Later on, these very words were posted up on the Regalian Notice Board.
Words sent by messenger, then via a Helerian the Reverend Anthonius received knowledge of this. He nodded with a bleak expression held, then offered a singular word to the gaard before they left to the Cathedral's confines.

Marie let a sigh of relief escape her lips, she'd perk a brow as she'd speak with a soft, thankful tone,
The look Iona has given the family truly pains me, I'm /very/ glad such actions have been taken. "