Dated Proposition For The Auction House

Discussion in 'Factions' started by Butterblender, Aug 4, 2018.

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  1. Butterblender


    Jul 24, 2018
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    I think that the system for "auctioning" item" in the auction house is not being used to it's full potential:

    -The price to start bids (100 Regals) is too high. First of all, barely anybody even has 100 regals. It should be lowered to 5 (or 1, because I feel like you should be able to buy things for 1 regal) and you should be able to set the bidding increments.

    -I feel as if nobody knows about it. The only way to find it is by clicking a little slime ball on the bottom. I think this can be fixed by adding an auto broadcast to say something like "Did you know you can put items up for auction in the auction house? Use /ah bid!" Every single time I have looked in the bidding section (which I only found because I was hovering over the little items on the bottom and I bothered to read the text) there has never been anything in any category.

    -I feel like the auction system could be great for the server and encourage a competitive market which would also be fun :)
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. FireFan96

    FireFan96 Ever present, Ever seeing Staff Member Lore2

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Auctions should be for harder to obtain items, and all it takes is one person to bid 100r for the starting price to not matter anymore.

    Darkrooming is an easy way to get regals. So is selling gems like emeralds in the auction house.

    I do agree that the actual auction bit is hard to find, but the plugin is also out of house so I' not sure if that can be fixed. The current trade announcement works fairly well, or just plop it up for sale.

    alternatively, the forums has an auction section that can be of use.
  3. Butterblender


    Jul 24, 2018
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    Well from your comment, it seems to me that you think that the auction is working just fine.

    I disagree, solely based on the fact that nobody has used it, most players don't even know about it, and most players don't have enough regals to use it in the first place.
  4. lunarepiphany

    lunarepiphany stargazer

    Mar 6, 2018
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    People already manually auction things in trade chat. One of the reasons people aren't using the auction feature is because we already auction off items in the chat. the AH is primarily used for items in bulk like wood and gems, not for items that are worthy of being auctioned off properly like rare lore or god items.
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