• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
[A notice would be found pinned across notice boards in Old Town by individuals dressed head to toe in what could only be described as armoured clown costumes.]



[The paper would be kept in nigh-pristine condition, minus a few creases obtained during transmit. Each wore a wax seal, bearing the face of a laughing jester. The calligraphy was elegant and fine, however the surrounding blank areas were filled with red stains creating some rather childish drawings.]
Citizens of Old Town! Hello again! I trust you are ready for our oh so anticipated upcoming announcement. I regret to inform you, our opening night has not yet arrived, but we don't want to leave the people without a show in the meantime. We leave you with our first decree! Claw Court now lands under our territory! We very much enjoy the architecture and would love to make the place our debut performance. Enjoy your day!
[The text trails off once more into illegible scribblings, with nothing of worth found within. Eventually it slowly becomes controlled and legible once more.]
Kindest regards,

[The signature would be inscribed once more in a far more messy cursive, the "O" turned into a clown face. Further down the paper sits a drawing of a clawed foot, marking the end of the notice.]
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The fiery orange Corsair Lord plucked one of the notices from a board, claws tearing through it as he read it over and then a grin peeling across his snout. "I knew some idiot would attempt it eventually, the claim of my court. Come, we will welcome them and paint the cobbles with clown blood." He spoke to his two Palests standing at his side, turning to strut off towards his court.
@Betel_ @ChapterDeath
Aphthys Frisque chuckled darkly after her grandson relayed the news to her. "They will die," she said simply when her laughter at last fell away.
Leaning slightly on the counter of the Talon and Claw, the beautiful albino Sarran paused in her writing as word reached her about this so-called claim. Her strikingly red eyes shifted in the direction of the district she called home before commenting carefully, "I suppose I'll have to see that I double the order of Pureza's Powder." A smirk spreading across her muzzle as she picked up a piece of parchment and moved to do just that, a soft little chuckle escaping her.
Jahaaro rubbed his unkempt whiskers, a low and thoughtful purr came from the elderly warran. He shifted off his wooden leg and onto his good leg, and that purr turned into a grumbling chuckle "Poor fools," he laughed to the varran that had relayed him the information. His mind drifted to Akh'dul, and he snickered at the thought of the yarran tossing a jester into the ocean.
Yuri perred at the notice taking his time to read it over and over, "Is a bad ideas to thinks can just takes overs courts" he would mutter to himself as he began to trot quickly towards the district, "Fools will not be taking Ra'ir's homes, will not lets home falls to clowns!"
Orodor strode about, for the board to come to his attention. The Mu stomped forward to glare at the board, he quietly mumbled the paper, and snorted after finishing. "Pfah, they will /try/." The raptor gave a swift shaking of his mane, and turned back to march off.
A grimy halfing's usually wide and hopeful gaze was bent into a mix of determination and glee. Masika swiped her grubby fingers across the board, tearing the paper off in a single rip. "This is it! I feel as though I should thank these loons! This is how I'll get my gauntlet back!"
The black and white Yarran briefly read over the parchment before tossing it aside. "Finally, some entertainment. Sparring only satisfies one for so long." He soon stroked his chin in thought, giving a chuckle. "Good thing most of the carpets are already red."
The half Rakkran gave a confused look to the paper as it got brought up to her at work.

"What? What's a claw court? No, I don't live there. Stop making fun of my claws..."

Suffice to say, she didn't understand what the fuss was about.
"Idiots." Camilla commented as she paused, exhaling briefly with a shake of her head. "You will try and you will fail. You'll end up in the river that connects the isles."
[A notice would be found pinned across notice boards in Old Town by individuals dressed head to toe in what could only be described as armoured clown costumes.]



[The paper would be kept in nigh-pristine condition, minus a few creases obtained during transmit. Each wore a wax seal, bearing the face of a laughing jester. The calligraphy was elegant and fine, however the surrounding blank areas were filled with red stains creating some rather childish drawings.]
Citizens of Old Town! Hello again! I trust you are ready for our oh so anticipated upcoming announcement. I regret to inform you, our opening night has not yet arrived, but we don't want to leave the people without a show in the meantime. We leave you with our first decree! Claw Court now lands under our territory! We very much enjoy the architecture and would love to make the place our debut performance. Enjoy your day!
[The text trails off once more into illegible scribblings, with nothing of worth found within. Eventually it slowly becomes controlled and legible once more.]
Kindest regards,

[The signature would be inscribed once more in a far more messy cursive, the "O" turned into a clown face. Further down the paper sits a drawing of a clawed foot, marking the end of the notice.]
"So, they are taking on the Varran, ey? That'll be fun to watch...though I do hope the Varran at least could hire me on to help in the fight, and I am sure Eric or his brood would love a bit off their backs as well, after the things I heard those Carnival folk saying about wanting a Decimar. Creepy." Florian said with a dark grin on his face, before shrugging and going off. Clowns vs Cats.
Nale would smirk at this news she would say to herself "Good, now we can carry on with our plans."