Lord-Commander of the Order of Val'roth
You might want to establish more of your faction underground. Make requirements for member status more strict to keep folks from infiltrating. Isolate the underground from the surface by means of one-way portals, as this will keep recruits from accidentally (or purposefully) opening doors for enemies. Build an underground farming area not sharing any chunks with the underground, so you can grant access without worry of raid tunnels into your faction. Perhaps look into adding more roleplay/hangout areas underground to keep members from feeling trapped during raids.
Val'roth is entirely underground and utilizes these safeguards in addition to others. I believe we've only had around five raid-related deaths since the server reset, and all of which were because they were outside during the wrong time at the wrong place.
Val'roth is entirely underground and utilizes these safeguards in addition to others. I believe we've only had around five raid-related deaths since the server reset, and all of which were because they were outside during the wrong time at the wrong place.