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Played Character Project Darkwatch: Mk 1

This character is actively played.
Jul 25, 2022
Reaction score

{You still have life in you yet old friend....I will not leave you to rot}​
Name: Damian's Mark One
Alias: Mark 1
Race: Mecha Automaton
  • Servo-Tech Based
  • Ailor Designed
  • Can be worn as a Suit
Commissioned: 310 AC

Current Status: Restoration

Core Concept:
This towering man made machine is Damian's first attempt at a suit of armor made to support the wearer in combat. Enhancing their durability and strength, though at the cost of being rather bulky compared to traditional armor. Constructed from Servo-Tech, steel, and iron, his creation is powered by a special mechanism that combined Electrum and Magentite. While relatively stable, it can burn out quickly if put under too much stress too many times. OOC concept takes inspiration from Iron Man's Mark 1 Armor.

Combat Style: Hunter
Strength: 7
Weapon Throw (Free)
Bruising Strike
Diving Tackle
Cheap Shot
Slowing Strikes
Concussive Strike
Knockback Sweep​
Steady Body​
Constitution: 1
Rage Counter

Intelligence: 1
Tech Resist
Tech Auto (Free)​

Wisdom: 5
Technique Parry
Chem Cleanse
Chem Bloodboil
Chem Bang
Chem Mend
Dexterity: 0

Faith: 0

Refer to top of the sheet.

  • The Mark 1 is Damian's ambition in his skills, but riddled with mistakes and rushed procedures. Despite this, it is one of his proudest achievements.
  • Having been in battle against entities and enemies more power than himself, his suit was put through too much stress, and the power core in the chest cavity shorted, and melted into an unusable lump.
  • With Magnetite being hard to come by, the Automaton is not used as often, but can still be powered manually with magic if need be.
  • A core feature of this automaton is that it can double as a suit in a pinch. (proficiencies at that point default to Damian's)
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