Archived Progression Idea: Civil War

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
The emperor goes missing for a few weeks. He is found in hiding with a horn out of the side of his head. The azure order is found to be corrupt with the leader found to be a mass murderer. Shendar groups attack unionist temples. The blue steel order collapses under political pressure. A hex magic supreme form goes off in the middle of a royal meeting to discuss resent issues murdering half of regalia. Sewers and surface start to attack each other and tensions rise. Priests are being murdered left and right. An all out war brakes loose from surface against sewer... Ect... It's an idea...
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If there were a civil war, i'd imagine it'd be more involved around an heir to the throne or a large religious dispute. (I don't remember if an heir was ever chosen.) But say the Emperor dies unexpectedly and someone kills the heir. The family of the heir accuses another powerful family of killing him, and then they start fighting about it (especially if they are of different sects of Unionism.) Peacefully at this point, then somebody else gets killed/or something destroyed and people start taking sides. It'd devolve from there when they start actually fighting on their own lands on the outer-Regalian isles, and then it might spread inwards and at that point, who knows what would happen from there. The current political turmoil in Aloria right now might also contribute, possibly many people who aren't of the main Unionist sect/unfaithful/andor not Unionist/peasants wanting to take power thinking they might be able to prevent Regalia from being taken over a third time (or fourth?) or make Regalia better to live in.

Or, whatever- I don't know, just a thought :P

And then that Mu-Allar empire in the south can come in and take everyone over while we're freaking and we can finally have some lizard overlords. imeanwut
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Honestly things seem to be shaping up more towards a big multi-government alliance v alliance war, rather than a civil war. If they wanted to go for that it would have been after Alexander abdicated the throne- that was the perfect time for a war.
Honestly things seem to be shaping up more towards a big multi-government alliance v alliance war, rather than a civil war. If they wanted to go for that it would have been after Alexander abdicated the throne- that was the perfect time for a war.
Yeah, thats what I had been thinking.
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To be quite honest, there was a coup attempt recently that was planned to break out into civil war. It just didn't come to that due to the fast acting of the Jingoist party to prevent word from going to the feudal lands.

On the other note, there are alliances being formed in Aloria. If anyone wanted to voice their concerns to one of 16 State Councillors on how to proceed, you have that option right now. It's not civil war, but you have the possibility of impacting the decision of the City rulers.
To be quite honest, there was a coup attempt recently that was planned to break out into civil war. It just didn't come to that due to the fast acting of the Jingoist party to prevent word from going to the feudal lands.

On the other note, there are alliances being formed in Aloria. If anyone wanted to voice their concerns to one of 16 State Councillors on how to proceed, you have that option right now. It's not civil war, but you have the possibility of impacting the decision of the City rulers.
I don't really do noble rp. And I want an event that affects the people instead of just going over the citizen's heads and strait to the nobility. This literally affects every character, forcing them to pick their position
I don't really do noble rp. And I want an event that affects the people instead of just going over the citizen's heads and strait to the nobility. This literally affects every character, forcing them to pick their position
State Council isn't nobility. It's a group of nobles, but their job is to oversee the city. Any citizen can speak to a councilor at any time with any proposals or concerns. Their decisions affect everyone in the Crown Isle. The most recent example is the Old Gods protests.
From my guess, this isn't applicable to a different direction the story is taking, usually Lore staff follow their own path when it comes to large-scale story progressions rather than take suggestions as well. Don't worry though, there seems to be something brewing in the RP world if you read up on the latest progressions. Thank you, but rejected.