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Proclamation Ii Of The Secretary For The Magi: Revisions


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are


From the Desk of the Secretary for the Magi
A Proclamation
21st of September, 307AC

A Revision of Legalities
In light of recent discoveries and actions among the Magically-inclined populace of the Empire, a revised set of legalities regarding racial abilities, Magical powers, and other preternatural sources of strength has been deemed necessary.


  • Ailor:
    • Ailor 'Will of the Faith' abilities remain legal, excepting the Void Worship varieties, which are wholly illegal.
  • Sihai:
    • Sihai 'Lunar Forms' remain legal.
  • Dwarf:
    • Dwarven 'Souls' remain legal.
  • Qadir:
    • No innate Magical abilities to speak of.
  • Songaskia:
    • Songaskian 'Elder Shift' remains legal.
    • Songaskian 'Ancient Shift' remains illegal except in life-threatening situations.
    • Songaskian 'World Flow' abilities are split. 'Fair' abilities remain legal. 'High' abilities remain illegal except in life-threatening situations.
  • Altalar:
    • Altalar 'Talea Rings' remain legal, except in the case of the Ammu-Loa ring, which is legal to possess, but illegal to use to transform into an Undead.
  • Avanthar:
    • Avanthar 'Casts' remain legal, except in the case of the 'Grey' and 'Gold' Casts, which are illegal to use.
  • Cielothar:
    • No innate Magical abilities to speak of.
  • Isldar:
    • Isldar 'Imperial Dragon Zeal' and 'Dragon Dogma Zeal' remain legal; 'Dread Dragon Zeal' and 'Frisit Zeal' remain illegal.
  • Kathar:
    • Kathar 'Threlwar Bonding' is illegal.
  • Manathar:
    • Any and all Manathar innate racial abilities are declared illegal unless given special dispensation by the Ministry for the Magi.
  • Sihndar:
    • Sihndar 'Lordings'.
      • War: Illegal to use unless weapon permits are possessed from the Violet Order.
      • Magic: Illegal to use on grounds of likelihood of trespassing and criminal activity.
      • Spiders: Illegal to use on grounds of grotesque mutation.
    • Sihndar 'Archons'.
      • Everbeast: Illegal to use on grounds of grotesque mutation.
      • Everburning: Legal, except if used against city law enforcement.
      • Stalwarding: Illegal to use on grounds of quasi-Undeadism.
      • Agebranding: Illegal to use on grounds of identity concealment.
      • Harbingers: Legal, except if used against city law enforcement.
      • Dimenthism: Legal, except if used against city law enforcement.
    • Sihndar may be granted the special dispensation to use any of the illegalised Lordings or Archons through service to the Violet Order or special dispensation from the Ministry for the Magi.
  • Yanar:
    • Yanar 'Ovalation' remains legal.
    • Yanar 'Solur Companions' remain legal.
  • Maraya:
    • Maraya 'Race-Weave' remains illegal if used outside of self-defense situations or employment in the Violet Order.
  • Orc:
    • Orken 'Tamaanh/Ammu-Malanth-Kaar' are legally disallowed from making use of their abilities unless in employment of the state or nobility.
  • Slizzar:
    • Slizzar 'Shapeshifting' is declared legal, under the stipulation that all Slizzar retain a consistent appearance for identification by law enforcement.
    • Slizzar 'Sensation Surge' is declared legal. Any instance of Slizzar using this ability to influence political ongoings or interfere with noble business will be harshly punished by the state.
    • Slizzar 'Bonding' is declared legal.
    • Slizzar 'Colluding' is declared legal.
  • Varran:
    • Varran 'Living Metal' is declared partially legal, except in the cases of the Armor and Lock States, which are only legal when in active service of the Violet Order.

Magic & Mages
  • A new set of restrictions is applied onto White Mages:
    • No more than 25% of all recorded Mages may hold White Mage documentation, to ensure that only the most state-loyal and well-rounded individuals may be labelled as White Mages.
    • All White Mages are required to write weekly to the Ministry for the Magi, reporting their activities and any usage of their Magic. Any events of unreported Magic usage will be met with the stripping of White Mage documentation and harsh legal punishment.
    • All White Mages are expected to be employed in some manner that benefits the military, infrastructure, or culture of the Holy City. Any White Mage found to be unemployed or colluding with forces that may harm the city will be met with the stripping of White Mage documentation, and in the case of the latter, harsh legal punishment.
  • A new set of restrictions is applied onto Mages:
    • Any Mage, including White Mages, found to be engaging in acts of treason or treachery to the Regalian state will be met with an immediate blacklisting from access to White Mage documentation and harsh legal punishment.
    • Any Mage found to be wilfully delaying or avoiding registration with state law enforcement and subsequently the Ministry for the Magi will suffer greatly reduced chances at receiving any form of special dispensation, including White Mage documents.
    • Any Mage found to be utilizing their Magic without White Mage documentation or special dispensation to do so will suffer greatly reduced chances at receiving any form of aforementioned documentation. Repeated usage without documentation will result in blacklisting from White Mage status, and legal repercussions. This includes any Mage, regardless of their standing or positions held.
Artefact Holders
  • A new set of restrictions is applied onto holders of any Magical Artefact:
    • Any possessors of Magical Artefacts are expected to report their possession to the Ministry for the Magi, and submit the Artefact for study and verification of the authenticity of their Artefact.
    • Any possessors of Magical Artefacts are expected to refrain from using their Artefacts in any capacity unless granted special dispensation to do so by the Ministry for the Magi.
    • Any possessors of Magical Artefacts are expected to immediately report any thefts of their Artefacts to both the Violet Order and the Ministry for the Magi so as to prevent the dissemination of dangerous objects.
    • Any possessors of Magical Artefacts found to engage in criminal activity will have their Artefacts confiscated by the state for indefinite containment.
Parlor Magic
  • Parlor Magic's legality remains unchanged from the previous proclamation.
Ritualistic Practices
  • Void Ritualism is declared illegal in all forms and usages.
  • Lightgiver Ritualism is declared illegal in all forms and usages.
  • Soul-Dragon Ritualism is declared illegal, unless employed by state-sanctioned Dragon-clergy declared by the Secretary of Faith.

Magical Conditions
  • All forms of Phantasma abilities, colloquially known as Witchbloods, are declared illegal, unless used in employment under the Violet Order or granted special dispensation by the Ministry for the Magi.
  • All forms of unreported Silven 'Power' Muter are declared illegal. Legal usage of these abilities can be acquired by submitting the nature of these abilities to the Ministry for the Magi for study and assessment.
    • Silven that have been processed and tagged by the Violet Order are legally enabled to live, work, and roam within the Holy City.
  • All forms of Vampiric infection are declared illegal.
Demonic Possession
  • All forms of Demonic Possession are declared illegal.

Final Statements
As always, the Ministry reminds every Regalian citizen to remain vigilant against Magical misusage, and to be forthcoming with any details regarding those perfidious aberrations who would break the laws of our great Empire for their own gain and benefit.

As well as this, the Ministry reminds those aberrants of the Empire who would seek to benefit the state to establish appointments with the Ministry at their earliest convenience to allow their assistance to be used to its fullest extent.

Once more, the Ministry restates its willingness to cooperate with the Violet Order should any Magical phenomena occur, or if any Ministry-declared policies may conflict with the operation of the Violet Order.


All acts declared by this proclamation are hereby passed into law.
Reviewed and officiated by the Secretary for the Magi, Aeralaanys Rhylovhas.

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Joasaie scribbled out a letter for a meeting after reading the proclamation, frowning as she glanced to her Lightgiver tattoos and engravings, "Let's hope he isn't too much like a brick wall."