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[proclamation I] Of The Regalian Interior Peace Ministry. February 15th, 306 Ac.


Lord Brandt von Eisner
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
Missouri, U.S.A
Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order, House von Eisner
On notice boards across the Crown Isle, the following flyer would appear, written in crimson ink, with the crimson wax seal of the Interior Peace Ministry. It was soon clear that a few things were added to the original documents. And upon a closer inspection, one thing removed.

Nobles of Regalia,
When mediating between a conflict, it is best to know both sides, to more easily make suggestions that will satisfy both, to easily make the best negotiations, so that both sides will emerge from the situation satisfied. I ask that every one of you send me a letter, with basic information about your family. I ask you to send me the number of troops you have and where they are stationed. I ask of your family business, and I ask you of your culture. I ask you which sect of unionism you follow, and I ask you where your lands are. I ask you to tell me who you are a vassal to, and who is your vassal. I ask you which political party you consider yourself a part of, and what lobby, if any, you are a part of. I ask you if you or your members are apart of any charter, if so, which, and what positions? Finally, If you're anything like me, you hate paperwork, so, remember, this information is to better the Archipelago, and provide me with the basic information that will remove a step in any future meetings that occur.
-Interior Peace Minister, Edmund Karhter.
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Minister Karhter,
Your job is to mediate, not to investigate my families dealings. If the nobility of the Realm are having their privacy intruded upon, I'd like to know your legal reasoning as to why before I divulge anything of that nature to you. Good luck with your detective side job, by the by.

Spirit's Blessings,
Rodderick Howlester

Grand-Duke of Galloway
Judicial Minister of the Regalian Empire
Titles, titles and titles.
Christopher snorted derisively at the letter from the Interior Peace Minister. "Nosey bugger," he grumbled to Dianne.

The raven haired woman leaned in closer to her husband, her finger trailing beneath each word she read aloud. She had to pause in a few places due to his scoffing and general distaste, but she finally got through it.

"I can't help but think he's taking advantage of this new minister position to further advance his little detective group. Awfully cheeky."

Minister Karhter,
Your job is to mediate, not to investigate my families dealings. If the nobility of the Realm are having their privacy intruded upon, I'd like to know your legal reasoning as to why before I divulge anything of that nature to you. Good luck with your detective side job, by the by.

Spirit's Blessings,
Rodderick Howlester

Grand-Duke of Galloway
Judicial Minister of the Regalian Empire
Titles, titles and titles.
"To the Esteemed Archduke Howlester, I do not mean to intrude on your privacy, I only wish to gather information that others already know. Feel free to send me as much or as little as you are willing to. My main reasoning for collecting this is as follows: When mediating in conflicts, It is always better to know as much as you can about either side. I respect your, and every other persons privacy above all else, as said before, I'm asking for this information, and you have no legal obligation to give it to me. -Edmund Karhter"
"Isn't it strange how the leader of the Detective League is using his new position to gather personal information?" Randulf would note as he observed the notice.
"Had you a worthwhile title I would advise sharing information with him, my lord. It is quite the easy way to make an ally of those in seats of authority. And if you are friends with the peacekeeper, all business is in the interest of security." Melchior stroked his chin a few moments, sending a look to his employer for semblance of agreement.
"To the Esteemed Archduke Howlester, I do not mean to intrude on your privacy, I only wish to gather information that others already know. Feel free to send me as much or as little as you are willing to. My main reasoning for collecting this is as follows: When mediating in conflicts, It is always better to know as much as you can about either side. I respect your, and every other persons privacy above all else, as said before, I'm asking for this information, and you have no legal obligation to give it to me. -Edmund Karhter"
Minister Karhter,

You can have the information should a genuine need for it arise. I do not like how the privacy of the nobility is being intruded upon without adequate reasoning. I have to question its legality for two reasons: 1) Your profession as a private investigator and 2) it implies that the entire noble peerage are under investigation for some unknown reason. You're asking for far more information that can be deemed necessary to mediate a dispute that may involve military conflict. Why must I give you a list of all my House kin? Why must you know about my families business? Why must you know our political alignment? Why must you know what charters we are a part of? What exactly are you trying to accomplish here with your new ministerial powers, because from my point of view, this feels like a Blackhand investigation, not a Ministerial prerogative.

Spirit's Blessings,
Rodderick Howlester

Grand-Duke of Galloway
Judicial Minister of the Regalian Empire
Titles, titles and titles.​
Another letter would be nailed under the first, "
Minister Karhter,

You can have the information should a genuine need for it arise. I do not like how the privacy of the nobility is being intruded upon without adequate reasoning. I have to question its legality for two reasons: 1) Your profession as a private investigator and 2) it implies that the entire noble peerage are under investigation for some unknown reason. You're asking for far more information that can be deemed necessary to mediate a dispute that may involve military conflict. Why must I give you a list of all my House kin? Why must you know about my families business? Why must you know our political alignment? Why must you know what charters we are a part of? What exactly are you trying to accomplish here with your new ministerial powers, because from my point of view, this feels like a Blackhand investigation, not a Ministerial prerogative.

Spirit's Blessings,
Rodderick Howlester

Grand-Duke of Galloway
Judicial Minister of the Regalian Empire
Titles, titles and titles.​
"I will change my proclamation, and I will state that here, publicly, that I was asking for too much. If the need arises, I will ask for information. All this request does is eliminate a future step when I mediate between, not investigate, any families. As I stated before, tell, or don't tell me anything you want, this goes for everyone reading my replies. My intention is not to invade your privacy, but to make every future meeting faster, and easier for everyone. As far as the whole detective thing goes, if I know any piece of information, I'll remember it during an investigation, besides, the information I am asking for could be done with a little bit of asking around anyway.
-Edmund karhter,"
O forgettable Mister Karhter,

I don't know whether to call you brave, insolent or just plain daft for having the gall to demand so much useless information from us. Your work is awfully simple, and should not be convoluted by your self-righteous pursuits. You stop us from ruining the Empire with infighting. Nothing more.
I've no idea what lies you possibly could've written in your letters to the Steward nor how you've survived past the age of ten, you drooling rat. You underqualified street sweeper who could not fathom the idea of finding the imperial archives to have all your questions answered. You shameless thimble rigger who suddenly thinks himself grand enough to make demands of nobility as if he is of ancient and royal blood.

Remember who you are, you rejected court jester, and do not presume to make commands of my peers and I again. I advise you to hide behind your mother so I'll not find you and give you the beating you deserve, wretch.

With whatever respect you are due,
Hengest Harhold
Archduke of Vlissinghem & Baron of Laagwerpen
Honorable Leader of the Western League
Privy Councillor to his Imperial Holiness, Cedromar I
To the General Karhter,

Inclosed will be the details of my family and their roles in serving Regalia's society. We make it no secret who we see dutiful, who we work with and who incurs our anger. Spirit Willing, you will conduct your duty well.

As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad.
O forgettable Mister Karhter,

I don't know whether to call you brave, insolent or just plain daft for having the gall to demand so much useless information from us. Your work is awfully simple, and should not be convoluted by your self-righteous pursuits. You stop us from ruining the Empire with infighting. Nothing more.
I've no idea what lies you possibly could've written in your letters to the Steward nor how you've survived past the age of ten, you drooling rat. You underqualified street sweeper who could not fathom the idea of finding the imperial archives to have all your questions answered. You shameless thimble rigger who suddenly thinks himself grand enough to make demands of nobility as if he is of ancient and royal blood.

Remember who you are, you rejected court jester, and do not presume to make commands of my peers and I again. I advise you to hide behind your mother so I'll not find you and give you the beating you deserve, wretch.

With whatever respect you are due,
Hengest Harhold
Archduke of Vlissinghem & Baron of Laagwerpen
Honorable Leader of the Western League
Privy Councillor to his Imperial Holiness, Cedromar I
To Hengest Harhold,
Reread my letter, I made no demands. Yes, I changed it some and replaced the old one, but the part I put emphasis on stayed the same: "When mediating between a conflict, it is best to know both sides, to more easily make suggestions that will satisfy both, to easily make the best negotiations, so that both sides will emerge from the situation satisfied. I ask that every one of you send me a letter," It is outside my jurisdiction to demand anything from anyone, I mediate and negotiate, if I have a demand, I'll make a lodge. If a noble takes his army and attacks another, I'll probably intervene. That is all the direct authority I have. This is no different then approaching you on the street, and inquiring about your family, where you are from, what culture you follow, so on and so forth. Spirit's Blessings. -Edmund Karhter,"
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