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Princes Proclamation On Renouncing Royalty


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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A copy of this letter is delivered to /all/ Noble Estates, The Regalian Palace, All Vassal Houses, and a public letter is also pinned to all public boards across the city and ESPECIALLY Common Taverns. This letter is partially dictated from the Prince's words, partially composed by the College of Princes and the Grand Ekhein of the Imperial Palace. ((OOC Summary at the Bottom for ease of reference))
Even as Emperor, I was never one to use long threaded explanations and words. Emperor Cedromar the Soldier-Emperor also meant in sly 'The Emperor who disregards Civil Rule'. The content of this proclamation is much of the same. For several years now I have tried to balance my expectations to the Regalian State and my family, with the inherent duties and expectations of that of my nature and being. I find these two inconsolable, as more often than not does this end up with my person reduced to a symbol, entity of military use, or depersonalized object.

As such I firmly believe that I have arrived at that threshold where all shall once venture, to find irreconcilable differences between the inner self, and the identity imposed upon the inner self by others. My past as a Regalian national was definitively over when a higher calling came. To His Imperial Holiness's chagrin, we kept trying to hold on by never quite deciding one way or the other. The question often became, 'If we have a Dragon, why don't we use the Dragon in every battle from here-on out to ensure victory?'. Indeed, 'why don't we', I often pondered.

With this proclamation I declare my intent to renounce by Royal claim, my Royal Highness Status and my House Kade name. I shall set out to use my name and resources to establish a new realm with Draconic Purpose. And perhaps there will be Regalian Citizens who are invested in being part of the first stones laid in that foundation.

The Ekheins, College of Princes, and the Court Historians have investigated the legal ramifications and implications of the ex-Emperor renouncing his position at the Palace. While such a case is unprecedented, cases of Princes or Princesses renouncing their name, and some of them even becoming commoners for example to wed another commoner they were denied as royal, have been cited. As such, the Prince Cedromar's intent to renounce his Royalty is considered legal, the other circumstances of which were discussed with the Emperor in great detail.

With voluntary renouncing, Cedromar is no longer qualified for royal protocol or privilege, though to remove the ex-Prince's noble blood is a more complicated matter, one that was never his express intention at any rate. Combined with the ex-Prince's statement to intend for a new realm to be founded, the Emperor has discussed tacitly supporting the gesture with some resources. The Emperor and ex-Prince quickly agreed to the circumstances by which this new realm shall be part of the Regalian Federation at large and maintain similar foreign diplomatic ideals and symbolic reverence, but have no legal, fiscal, or military obligations to the Empire at wide, and be considered an autonomous and sovreign entity within it. The realm is to be named "Imren", though the ex-Prince has not yet clarified where this realm is to be founded.

As such, the Court is also unsure what the formal legal address of the ex-Prince should be. He has stated the intention of using Regalia as his second home while efforts are underway, and the Crown has permitted the ex-Prince to retain his pension and estates (though reduced the pension in accordance with loss of royal protocol). With all things considered, because the Prince is both a title-less noble, a foreign leader, and foreign dignitary all at once, any one of the following title address is legal based on the individual's preference: "Your Majesty", "Honorable", "Excellency", or just "Lord" or "Sera", as the ex-Prince remains an untitled Noble of the Regalian State and unranked Viridian Knight. The ex-Prince has taken the surname "Volt" for reasons he describes as "My best friend is from Vultaro, and I like their people", meaning his formal citizenship papers in Regalia will henceforth record Lord Sidderick Ermelijn Volt, with the calling name Cedromar. The ex-Prince is no longer part of the Imperial inheritance line. His children however remain part of House Kade and retain their royal titleage.

  • Prince Cedromar Kade has renounced royalty and announced his intent to colonize a new realm with "Draconic Purpose", whatever that means.
  • Cedromar no longer has a formal title address. Lord, Sera, Majesty, Excellency, and Honorable are all adequate, and anyone may decide their preference.
  • Cedromar will open up citizenship applications for Imren, the new to be settled realm, and probably host sign-up events in the capital in the coming week.