Archived Premium Suggestions

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
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Suggestion: Premiums will leave a trail of green particles behind them
Reasons: It needs to be green because the premium chat color is green, and thus people can have a little luminous effect for them. It is harmless and won't influence gameplay too much.
  • Not sure if completely possible and will need tech staff knowledge on this one

Suggestion: Premiums, at the start of the 1st week of every month for premium, get little rewards every day that they log in. If they do not log in, then they miss the reward for that day. Slowly, throughout the week, the rewards increase and then stop on the start of the 2nd week.
Reasons: They will have instant motivation for getting premium, and they will also want to stay on the server to collect the rewards for being premium. By then, they will be hopefully into the server enough to make them stay and get more premium.
Notes(All based on voting rewards):
  • 1st Day: 1 silver
  • 2nd Day: 2 silver and a random ale
  • 3rd Day: 3 silver and a random hat
  • 4th Day: 4 silver, a random item from the collectible sets, and a random fortune cookie
  • 5th Day: 5 silver, a random item from the elite gear, and a random derp item
  • 6th Day: 10 silver and a random item from the race weapons
  • 7th Day: 15 silver and a random item from the rare items
Suggestion: Premium should only cost 4 euros, equaling about 5.38 USD.
Reasons: This will probably make it much easier to get premium instead of the 6 euro payment, which will cost about 8.07 USD.
  • This will also apply to the 3 months of premium deal, where it will be changed from 18 euros(24.22 USD) to 12 euros(16.15 USD)
Suggestion: Premiums will have the ability to view their money transactions through /money log, a command which CraftConomy, the economy plugin that MassiveCraft uses, has available.
Reasons: This will not impact gameplay that severely has other suggestions and perks, and is already available, sitting in the .config file of the plugin. All you have to do is edit the permissions so that only premiums can use it.
  • The premiums will not be able to view other people's transactions but by talking to the maker of CraftConomy and suggesting that others have the ability to do that would be helpful to prevent scams and lost money on MassiveCraft
Please provide feedback below! If you have any other suggestions to fix the premium/non-premium spilt, post below!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Suggestion: Premiums will leave a trail of green particles behind them
Reasons: It needs to be green because the premium chat color is green, and thus people can have a little luminous effect for them. It is harmless and won't influence gameplay too much.
  • Not sure if completely possible and will need tech staff knowledge on this one

I don't know about anyone else, but I have a pretty poopy computer, and I don't really enjoy the idea of particles coming from the butts of the ever-so populous premium peeps
I don't know about anyone else, but I have a pretty poopy computer, and I don't really enjoy the idea of particles coming from the butts of the ever-so populous premium peeps

You could turn off particles in your Minecraft. There's different settings, and maybe there could be a toggle command for you to see other people's particles? That way, when you are doing something like RPing, you don't have random premiums running circles around you, leaving a green trail around you.
Suggestion 1 may give the people with potatoes even more lag, and there are quite about too many premiums for it to be non-laggy like it currently is. Suggestion 4 would be quite smart, people could see their transactions, so if anyone is a marketeer then that's really on their side. Lowering premium price is, well, just going to lower premium price. It might not actually effect the silver cost of premium itself,
EXAMPLE much like the game team fortress 2, you can buy a weapons in the mann co store for $12.00, but only sell it to other players for about $0.03, as it's the original buying price, but not it's actual worth in silver.
Also, it just means even MORE premiums, and the people who are still unable to buy premium are, well, stuck. They might not have a paypal or a credit card or parents that don't consent to allowing them to buy premium.
1. There is no benifit to either the premiums or nonpremiums about this. So i don't care
2. No. A thousand times no
3. This is a great idea, i think a lower premium price would be a good idea.
4. This is also a grand idea, i don't think it should be premium only but i believe it should be added in any way possible.
Suggestion 1, as I said to Baba, can be toggled for viewing purposes through your Minecraft or a command that could be put in as well.

Suggestion 3 is made simply to make it easier for people to buy premium because of the fact that it's cheaper. Also, for people selling premium it'll be easier on their budget. Finally, parents might be less intimidated by the $5 compared to the $8 per month.
I like ideas 1 and 3. Might put in my own idea
Suggestion: Premiums will get a green forums name
Reasons: To separate prems from non prems on the forums and just a special little title, this could also be changed to how roleplay staff have a little banner, prems would get one saying premium
Note: This is not any special boost, just a small little title.

Suggestion: Premiums get name put on a list of premiums or a broadcast whenever someone donates to identify who does and does not donate
Reasons: May encourage others to buy premium and the list so they get at least some notice other than the green title
Note: For the list it should be a command like /p l ((Premium list)) and also the broadcast giving a link to how to donate, broadcast may be like this
[Player] Has donated to Massivecraft! Thanks to him/her for donating and helping out the server!
If you want to donate as well, go to [Link]
Suggestion 1, as I said to Baba, can be toggled for viewing purposes through your Minecraft or a command that could be put in as well.

Suggestion 3 is made simply to make it easier for people to buy premium because of the fact that it's cheaper. Also, for people selling premium it'll be easier on their budget. Finally, parents might be less intimidated by the $5 compared to the $8 per month.

Yes, but like the Agni's flares and sparks coming off of itself, it can also lag the server and not just the players, but that's just my guess, I am not truly sure.
And I can see where suggestion 3 is from, and I think it's an OK idea.
2. No. A thousand times no
May you explain why? It really isn't that much per person if you add it up, and I am intending that benefit to replace the 75 silver a month benefit that had been added in. Also, the voting rewards are just fun little items that are there for giggles, not a crapload of silver that will kill the economy.
I like both, however, maybe the message can be toggled because it could get pretty spammy.
I don't like suggestion 1, because say I am in battle but need to get away from my opponent for whatever reason. It would be much, much harder to hide or run away since they'd have a trail that they could follow and get me.
May you explain why you disagree with everything?

Well I'd hate to say, but it's just...
Lots of people are done with premiums even getting a type of perk, any more add-ons and some might quit at this point, because there still is not really anything to help non-premiums or to "Balance" Premiums.
May you explain why? It really isn't that much per person if you add it up, and I am intending that benefit to replace the 75 silver a month benefit that had been added in. Also, the voting rewards are just fun little items that are there for giggles, not a crapload of silver that will kill the economy.

The problem with this idea is that your giving silver back to those who have premium. This means that if someone were to buy premium with silver, they will gain a large amount of that silver back. This effectively means that any smart person who has had premium before, has now cut the price of premium for themselves in half. This feature itself will cause premium prices in silver to increase by that much silver, if not more. We want to keep premium prices in silver lower, so that more players can trade silver for premium. If the silver price for premium increases, the overall amount of premium that is payed for with real money decreases. This is the way i see it, and that is why i don't support it.
I don't like suggestion 1, because say I am in battle but need to get away from my opponent for whatever reason. It would be much, much harder to hide or run away since they'd have a trail that they could follow and get me.

Maybe there could also be a command to toggle the ability of releasing particles? :)


The problem is that the total amount of raw silver from this is 40. The voting items are simply for laughs and probably won't be sold for much silver. At maximum, they'll get 50 to 60 silver out of the whole charade. Usually, premium costs at least 100 to 125 silver. I've never seen it sold below that, and most offers/deals are made in the 135 to 150 mark. As a result, I don't think the impact on the price will truly matter considering if this will be coupled with the lowering of the premium price suggestion.
Well I'd hate to say, but it's just...
Lots of people are done with premiums even getting a type of perk, any more add-ons and some might quit at this point, because there still is not really anything to help non-premiums or to "Balance" Premiums.

The perks were mostly harmless, i was at first upset that they had Diamond Armor but there was atleast balance to that in a way. Now premium perks have just become a "I win" button in many aspects of Massivecraft.
  • Do you need silver and can't trade or make it yourself? Pay the server and we will give you a absurd amount of it! That way you can go buy everything you could ever want, and maybe even more premium that will give you... EVEN MORE SILVER!
  • Suck at pvp? Pay the server for diamond armor, 50% mcmmo exp boost, /fix for your items so they never break, /bp that stores items safely so no one can take them, and keep your inventory if you run away, OR at the very least you get the amazing ability to warp your armor with your re-spawned body!
  • Do you want to be a giant jerk and stuff your accomplishments in other peoples faces? Pay the server for a giant green name and it's own chat channel to show off just how awesome you are!
Seriously, this is looking more and more like a bad F2P game. What's next, quests and in game lore only available to those with a credit card? -glares at the suggestion of premium only quests-.
Then would you like to help me in figuring out easy, harmless suggestions that premiums could have to use that would not have much effect on gameplay, but could still be 'cool' to have? :)
I can't tell if you posted that in a bad tone, but sure. Look at Toxic's post.
Then would you like to help me in figuring out easy, harmless suggestions that premiums could have to use that would not have much effect on gameplay, but could still be 'cool' to have? :)

Absolutely, i would love to try and improve the premium service any way i can. :)
In my opinion, Massivecraft is starting to become like the new comment section on google. You need google+ to do anything on the comment section. On Massivecraft, you need premium to do anything that matters. With google+, either people will riot and get the old system back, or youtube will start being abandoned. With Massive, people have already rioted and been shot down, so the server will eventually become 100% premium, due to the non-prems leaving. If all the non-prems leave, the server will be abandoned.
Remember, this is MY opinion, and this part is basically what's going on through my head. Now you might think "this is your opinion, but if it IS true, how would you fix it?" Well, I can answer that:

Suggestion: Premium re-vamp
Premiums lose all perks except for green name, diamond armor, backpack, mcmmo cooldown, and block-hats
Premiums then gain new perks, including: higher voting item chance, green forum name, once-a-day repair, and the use of the newly implemented better player models mod (meaning non-prems can't use the mod)
Because of lesser perks, premium price is lowered (by maybe 50%? 30%?) so that more people can afford it.

If you don't like the suggestion, that's fine. If you would like to add to it, that's fine too.
sincerely ,i prefer premiums have a much better drop system of rewards of voting and cut "/fix" command and the "free" money.
I don't claim to have any real answers to the problem, but i have a few ideas:

I think a good idea would be to give premiums a random item from a predetermined list such as the voting list. It's fair to non-prems as they have the same chance of getting a random item as any other, and it's entirely luck of the draw rather then a specific amount of silver per day. I think this list could also give out lore items and possibly draw in more of the rp crowd to Premium.

In general, i think attracting more of the role-play side of the server to premium is something that should be done. To my knowledge, most people who have premium do so for the benefits to their PVP ability and to have general convince. Why not add a few extra features to Premium that affect role-play positively, how that would be accomplished i honestly don't know but i just think that should be the direction the staff aim for.
Suggestion: Premiums will leave a trail of green particles behind them
Reasons: It needs to be green because the premium chat color is green, and thus people can have a little luminous effect for them. It is harmless and won't influence gameplay too much.
  • Not sure if completely possible and will need tech staff knowledge on this one

Suggestion: Premiums, at the start of the 1st week of every month for premium, get little rewards every day that they log in. If they do not log in, then they miss the reward for that day. Slowly, throughout the week, the rewards increase and then stop on the start of the 2nd week.
Reasons: They will have instant motivation for getting premium, and they will also want to stay on the server to collect the rewards for being premium. By then, they will be hopefully into the server enough to make them stay and get more premium.
Notes(All based on voting rewards):
  • 1st Day: 1 silver
  • 2nd Day: 2 silver and a random ale
  • 3rd Day: 3 silver and a random hat
  • 4th Day: 4 silver, a random item from the collectible sets, and a random fortune cookie
  • 5th Day: 5 silver, a random item from the elite gear, and a random derp item
  • 6th Day: 10 silver and a random item from the race weapons
  • 7th Day: 15 silver and a random item from the rare items
Suggestion: Premium should only cost 4 euros, equaling about 5.38 USD.

Reasons: This will probably make it much easier to get premium instead of the 6 euro payment, which will cost about 8.07 USD.
  • This will also apply to the 3 months of premium deal, where it will be changed from 18 euros(24.22 USD) to 12 euros(16.15 USD)
Suggestion: Premiums will have the ability to view their money transactions through /money log, a command which CraftConomy, the economy plugin that MassiveCraft uses, has available.

Reasons: This will not impact gameplay that severely has other suggestions and perks, and is already available, sitting in the .config file of the plugin. All you have to do is edit the permissions so that only premiums can use it.
  • The premiums will not be able to view other people's transactions but by talking to the maker of CraftConomy and suggesting that others have the ability to do that would be helpful to prevent scams and lost money on MassiveCraft

Please provide feedback below! If you have any other suggestions to fix the premium/non-premium spilt, post below!

The last suggestion should be accessible to not just premiums because it can help nonprems out a lot keeping track of their purchases as well, and I don't see why only premiums need that feature.
The only idea I can think of that would help bring roleplay to premium is restricting the player models mod to premiums only. Sadly, besides that, there's really no other things premium can offer roleplayers.
You could turn off particles in your Minecraft. There's different settings, and maybe there could be a toggle command for you to see other people's particles? That way, when you are doing something like RPing, you don't have random premiums running circles around you, leaving a green trail around you.

This would be very bad if you're trying to hide from someone, really serves no purpose since you can see a premium's green name already, and it might cause a fair bit of lag for some. I don't think this idea is necessary either.
The only idea I can think of that would help bring roleplay to premium is restricting the player models mod to premiums only. Sadly, besides that, there's really no other things premium can offer roleplayers.

The server doesn't want to restrict any roleplay things at all to premium. That is the opposite of what it wants to do, since then even roleplayers would have to pay to have fun too. :I
The server doesn't want to restrict any roleplay things at all to premium. That is the opposite of what it wants to do, since then even roleplayers would have to pay to have fun too. :I

So what you're saying is that you need premium to have fun on the server, unless you're a roleplayer? Well, that actually seems accurate...
Suggestion For The Premiums!

๖ۣۜNo, no, no. Too many Premium items already. 23, count them. Cheaper, interesting, but Cayorion isn't making as much money now. It's now lowering the amount of money he gets, and say people can't buy Premium for a month? It might only be 5 dollars less, but it adds up when 10 people can't. Now he loses $50. It's just making the wallet a bit more of a gamble. Profitable? Sure. Loss of money? Same chance as gaining it. Yeah, it inspires for more premium, but it's kicking out the Non-Premiums altogether now. Now people whom can't pay for the server are just as Toxic said.
๖ۣۜThey were kicked once when the Premium chat now removed them from an entire chat channel, and now they're getting even less than they could before.
-1 Support
I like the things we have now, I even liked them before all of the benefits.
May you explain why? It really isn't that much per person if you add it up, and I am intending that benefit to replace the 75 silver a month benefit that had been added in. Also, the voting rewards are just fun little items that are there for giggles, not a crapload of silver that will kill the economy.

75s? That is a ridiculous amount of money. This totals... 40 a week x 4 = 120s a month (depending on the month). Make it smaller and it might be better.
I believe it's 75s a MONTH, not a week. But still, that IS alot of money. It's like every month a premium is stealing 2&1/2 noobs starting money.
I dont want people who have their particles on to watch me sparkle a green effect...its bad enough i gotta put up with twilight jokes. Maybe if it was something you could toggle, thats not something I dont want to see, I dont want others seeing it either.
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