Archived Premium Features

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Nov 30, 2013
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With the new Minecraft monetisation announcement by mojang, most premium features can no longer be 'sold' by MassiveCraft, or any other server. This does leave the question open; what happens to premium features now?
Well, in the words of MonMarty (here);
July should see the first features slowly being enabled server wide, or removed altogether.
Now, I may be misinterpreting this, but I would say this means that all the current features available for premium will be either;
  • Removed altogether, so they're accessible to No-one.
  • Enabled for Everyone.
So what I ask you is- which current features do you think fall into which categories? As a reminder, the full list of premium traits is available here.

Personally, I believe that the most interesting/important features to consider are:
  • Backpacks/Workbenches
  • Faction Power
  • Monthly Money
  • /fix
  • /money show
  • Creative Gates/Cannons
  • Traits
I believe that most features should be enabled, but that most should be present in a much smaller/weaker form. So, for instance, /fix would have roughly 200 power, rather than the current 500, and monthly money would be nearer to 50-100r, and only if you were online for a certain amount of time that month.
Tell me what you think!
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I'd like to think that since Factions, MassiveTraits, and CreativeGates were all created by Massive, Cayorion in particular, that they will not change. They're not really selling any part of Minecraft, per se, they're selling something for it. That's why I think they'd stay the same. And even still, it's not selling. It's, from what I can tell, a gift for those who donate.
Nope. Mojang still has the rights to it, because it's a mod to their game. Read the EULA.
I agree with Joshy here, the server has already addressed this and I see no point to this thread... also, I do believe that owning a mod or plugin is legal, since it was not Mojang's work but rather your own work.
I agree with Joshy here, the server has already addressed this and I see no point to this thread... also, I do believe that owning a mod or plugin is legal, since it was not Mojang's work but rather your own work.
I never said I don't think we should discuss, just not to discuss it until you have actually read every single part of the above links.
Also, that is not what they were saying, whether MassiveCraft 'owned' the plugins, but whether they would be allowed to give extra features to premium members in those plugins and still follow the new EULA.
Actually, no, they haven't. Not in detail as to which perks are going to be left/added/etc.

Fair enough, but I doubt they've actually decided what perks they're keeping/giving away/removing entirely yet.

All my previous posts notwithstanding, I don't want to see any of the premium perks become global perks. Premium is OP, and as such giving away all or some of the perks would effectively make everyone OP.
Fair enough, but I doubt they've actually decided what perks they're keeping/giving away/removing entirely yet.
They haven't, that is the original purpose of this thread, to discuss which ones should be...

All my previous posts notwithstanding, I don't want to see any of the premium perks become global perks. Premium is OP, and as such giving away all or some of the perks would effectively make everyone OP.
If they do do this then we will all be equally 'OP'. Though now a lot of Premium features are mainly related to convenience, not to something that makes you that OP.
If they do do this then we will all be equally 'OP'. Though now a lot of Premium features are mainly related to convenience, not to something that makes you that OP.

/fix, 10 trait slots, a number of premium only traits, no armor drops, no item drops on passive - none of these should become global or even get close to becoming global.
'Over-powered' is a relative. Most things- such as premium-only traits- entirely cease to be OP in any sense of the word once they become global. However, some things (i.e. /fix) are over-powered no matter everyone else. But could it not be enabled at a much lower level?
-breaks the ELUA-
-rates himself offensive-
If i'm correct Mojang's changes which "might" become reality was caused by the heartbleed bug.
If mojang can find a way to let payment get controlled and go through their systems that could solve their problems.
I don't think that Mojang wishes to replace the current system at all but they are pretty much forced to it currently because of their many unsatisfied customers who have lost accounts due to the bug.
Mojang should also be aware of how many servers that might go down due to the fact that all players should be equal and that server owners not may receive hard currency if it doesn't affect all players on the server. This would probably reduce all Mojang's customers in the future and that would not be a good choice/option for Mojang either.
I'd like to point out that this not is the final result people! It could change but is all to to Mojang and the suggestions you can come up with. (This is what i've heard so far don't hate me :3 )
'Over-powered' is a relative. Most things- such as premium-only traits- entirely cease to be OP in any sense of the word once they become global. However, some things (i.e. /fix) are over-powered no matter everyone else. But could it not be enabled at a much lower level?

Something like /fix is a game-breaking addition. It makes it impossible to truly hurt premium members in PvP, since armor (which is most costly than mere weapons or unarmed) can be fixed without any loss on their part. If it can't be kept premium it should be removed fully and completely from the game.
Some is OP when everyone has them. Some are only OP when a few have them. I will make a list of what I think should be done. But first tomorrow.
I'd like to think that since Factions, MassiveTraits, and CreativeGates were all created by Massive, Cayorion in particular, that they will not change. They're not really selling any part of Minecraft, per se, they're selling something for it. That's why I think they'd stay the same. And even still, it's not selling. It's, from what I can tell, a gift for those who donate.
No. It is stated that you can't give donators and edge in game. Only cosmetic things. Massive hats is fine. It specifically says that there are to not be any gifts for donating that give people who pay an edge.
/fix, 10 trait slots, a number of premium only traits, no armor drops, no item drops on passive - none of these should become global or even get close to becoming global.
Why shouldn't they? They will make it easier for people to customize you character and make darkroom training easier. Though /fix should go. It's way too op. Plus, the premium only traits are expensive. Except for the emotes, which are cheap and okay by Mojang's rules. I wish that they had more nom-premium 10 point traits. Very simple stuff.
With the new Minecraft monetisation announcement by mojang, most premium features can no longer be 'sold' by MassiveCraft, or any other server. This does leave the question open; what happens to premium features now?
Well, in the words of MonMarty (here);

Now, I may be misinterpreting this, but I would say this means that all the current features available for premium will be either;
  • Removed altogether, so they're accessible to No-one.
  • Enabled for Everyone.
So what I ask you is- which current features do you think fall into which categories? As a reminder, the full list of premium traits is available here.

Personally, I believe that the most interesting/important features to consider are:
  • Backpacks/Workbenches
  • Faction Power
  • Monthly Money
  • /fix
  • /money show
  • Creative Gates/Cannons
  • Traits
I believe that most features should be enabled, but that most should be present in a much smaller/weaker form. So, for instance, /fix would have roughly 200 power, rather than the current 500, and monthly money would be nearer to 50-100r, and only if you were online for a certain amount of time that month.
Tell me what you think!

Why dont you post this in this thread:

This thread serves no purpose. Opinions for a MassiveCraft Staff related decision is not going to help anyone here. There are no new details about the changes about to take effect at this time and when the time comes, the community will be notified.
I think everyone should have a backpack, and possibly a portable workbench as well. In the middle ages, it was vital to have some kind of bag or rucksack with you. As for the workbench, while it doesn't make much sense it also isn't too OP (workbenches are very inexpensive). Plus, it's just annoying having workbenches placed every 10 blocks.

I think cannons should definitely be usable for all players, and hats should remain donator-only (they are purely cosmetic, after all).

I think /fix should stay, but they should reduce the daily fix power to 200 or something like that. Speaking of power, they're going to have a hard time figuring out how to balance that. Factions with loads of premium members will see a massive drop in power if they revert power per player to 10, and if they give everyone 20 power factions with mostly non-premiums will double in power.

Lastly, I don't see any reason why everyone shouldn't get 10 trait slots and 150 trait points. Even with those numbers, it's still difficult to get all of the traits you want.
Yes, it's a staff related decision, but since when have the staff wished for no input from the community?
Sure, the staff will make the decision, but the thread you linked (and I linked, actually) is vague, to say the least.
Actually, no, they haven't. Not in detail as to which perks are going to be left/added/etc.

They haven't because it's not published yet. I'm telling you to wait for a response from the staff.

Yes community input is always welcome but your just asking people to categorize what should stay and not. You don't take into effect that certain categories may completely be removed. This is wishful thinking on a problem that the staff are fully aware of and solving.
I never said I don't wish for community input either. I pointed out the fact that this thread will gain nothing except you flaming on Mon's post about it being vague. Of course it's vague because no decision had been made at the time.
Also to clear the misconception from your first post, "July should see the first features slowly being enabled server wide, or removed altogether."

The key word here is features. This sentence does not mean that it's an all or nothing removal. Certain features individually may be left on, removed or enabled server wide. That's all it means.
Mcpvp is f**ked because of this
And all the other minigame servers. :) I find it funny to see that all the servers that were a total pay to win are going to close I just want to say them all: THE WRATH OF FAIRNESS STRIKES YOU! Anyways, there is a thread on the forums that just explained recent events why don't you just want for new things to show up instead of poking with sticks to know it quicker :S
Let's watch other servers go Down the "fak da polees" road.
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