Archived Premium Changes

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
Jul 19, 2014
Reaction score
Argost Domain
With regards to the new premium changes, I think there should be an option for monthly and lifetime benefits. This would be good for the people (like me) that can't afford a monthly package but would find a lifetime package much more affordable and convenient. What do you guys think?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
With regards to the new premium changes, I think there should be an option for monthly and lifetime benefits. This would be good for the people (like me) that can't afford a monthly package but would find a lifetime package much more affordable and convenient. What do you guys think?
I think it's the other way around. A lifetime package would probably be much, much more expensive, even if it was one time only.
Would it tho? over the course of a year you pay 72 dollars. I would gladly give 50 dollars to the server to keep it up and have the lifetime package, instead of paying 72 bucks a year.
A one time payment would be awesome (and I might take it eventually if they make one) as long as the server doesn't go down from receiving no funds.
Maybe massivecraft could make a company, maybe advertise, or gain some real funds from something else (maybe programming or coding for mojang or other MC servers) .
EDIT: that last part was completely off-topic... Sorry
They already announced they are going to change it to one time paying....
Lifetime donations would be a short-term response. Those who play the server now would use it, income would spike, then it would decrease untill only a few do it.
Lifetime donations would be a short-term response. Those who play the server now would use it, income would spike, then it would decrease untill only a few do it.
But many other servers have lifetime ranks. Also I highly doubt they didn't think it through.
You are correct that mostly newer players would pay for it. But they also donate much more. So as long as the community grows there will be new donators.