Saturday, March 8, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm PST (1.5 hours)
/tp Viduggla Estate
Countess Suvitril Nayëlen invites members of peerage and honourable guests to discuss resource distribution in the next State Sanction Assembly.
"To answer the issues of starvation, lifting violence and death, the Bureaucracy has zoned out a set of supplies for the nobles to choose between, including Temporary Food, Livestock & Animals, and Weaponry. Roca's company, too, has zoned some supplies, including Money, Magical Reagents, and Weaponry. The Noble Assembly to decide supplies will be on March 8th, at 3:00 PM PST. The Roca Meeting to decide supplies will be on March 9th, at 3:00 PM PST."
Excerpt from State Sanction 3: Tense Horizons by Fantuinn.
This is a private event. No party crashing. DM Soggytoenails on Discord to attend.
/tp Viduggla Estate
Countess Suvitril Nayëlen invites members of peerage and honourable guests to discuss resource distribution in the next State Sanction Assembly.
"To answer the issues of starvation, lifting violence and death, the Bureaucracy has zoned out a set of supplies for the nobles to choose between, including Temporary Food, Livestock & Animals, and Weaponry. Roca's company, too, has zoned some supplies, including Money, Magical Reagents, and Weaponry. The Noble Assembly to decide supplies will be on March 8th, at 3:00 PM PST. The Roca Meeting to decide supplies will be on March 9th, at 3:00 PM PST."
Excerpt from State Sanction 3: Tense Horizons by Fantuinn.
- 1:30pm PST (10 min) Welcome
- 1:40pm PST (10 min) State Sanction Overview
- 1:50pm PST (45 min) Discussion
- 2:35pm PST (10 min) Closing
- 2:45pm PST Travel to assembly hall
- 3:00pm PST Noble assembling begins
This is a private event. No party crashing. DM Soggytoenails on Discord to attend.
- Altagracia @Amores
- Beauchene @Daniel2stay
- Lávís @TyshaYaku
- Nayëlen @jamsoap
- Norinn @Nathan @AColorfulPigeon
- Silverberry @Sorc3r3ss @CyberKiller45
- Amalia Konstantinson @AprilBlossoms
- Elamöna Nomëssa @bahmboozled
- Orinteus Thalorën @GamingLeopurred
- Rekha Kaur Jalaalï @Sparrower
- Wisteria Nomëssa @TeaRoses
- Please see State Sanction 3: Tense Horizons to know what is being discussed.
- Please see State Sanction Summary Thread for an overview.