Archived Poll - Alternatives For Gift4alls Or Gift4alls

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Here Is a list of donation alternatives that I mentioned in another post.
Make sure to check that thread out HERE
Check out the MassiveShop HERE

Would allow for the player buying to:
1. Pick an item of their choosing.
2. Customly name the Item
3. Choose from basic or derp enchants to add to the item.
Ex. Flame 1, Fortune 1, Outgoing 1, Trippy 1, Swag 3
4. Custom lore, to add to the item (Like Peach or Pink)

Would allow for the player buying to:
1. Pick an armor of their choosing (Leather, or Chain).
2. (Player)'s (Fancy/Party/Assassin/Etc.) Cap/Curiass/Leggings/Boots
3. Choose from basic enchants or derp enchants to add to the item.
Ex. Flame 1, Fortune 1, Outgoing 1, Trippy 1, Swag 3
4. Custom lore, to add to the item (Like Peach or Pink)

1. Purchase off of server website
2. Randomly assigns each online player a random old voting item.
Staff would have to format a list of all old voting/unobtainable lore items.
So when a person buys OldVoting4All, each player on the server would randomly
receive an item that was on the master list. This option would be harder on staff.
However, I know that this is something that I would enjoy, and it would encourage
players to keep buying OldVoting4All until a player receives the item they want.​
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
There should be an option to get rid of gifts4all, it's ruining the economy.
Ok so alot of people have been bashing on Gift4All for ruining the economy, but the way I think about it is...
So until theres another way to bring in that stream of income theres no real way that it can be removed.
There should be an option to get rid of gifts4all, it's ruining the economy.

Honestly they really screwed the pooch with all the changes...not only are Regals horribly devalued now but now the economy runs mostly off of Voting which is pretty underhanded...

There needs to be scarcity otherwise the player-ran part of the economy is more or less docile and vestigial.

They should've been making preperations for this aeons ago rather than trying to patch it while it leaks

So until theres another way to bring in that stream of income theres no real way that it can be removed.

You know massive can technically have any premium features they want so long as they added an in-game way to attain it, IE an absurdly High regals gate; thats why those 'Free 2 play' games on the appstore make so much money.

Thats what the MC rules say, you can do whatever gameplay changes you want so long as all players technically can have access to it.

I think its less unstable than having Hundreds of God-tier items enter the market at a whim.
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Honestly they really screwed the pooch with all the changes...not only are Regals horribly devalued now but now the economy runs mostly off of Voting which is pretty underhanded...

There needs to be scarcity otherwise the player-ran part of the economy is more or less docile and vestigial.
The regal is not devalued. The regal would be devalued if we were facing hyperinflation and paying 10x as much as an item should cost. "See- Germany post WWI but pre WWII where a wheelbarrow full of money would barely buy a loaf of bread." Perfect example of what the MassiveCraft economy is not currently experiencing."

The regal has not lost its value. Items have decreased in value due to a sharp decline in demand but a large increase in supply.
@Alj23 So you agree that there needs to be Scarcity and you just wanted to correct my terminology, alright.
@Alj23 So you agree that there needs to be Scarcity and you just wanted to correct my terminology, alright.
No, he pinpointed that it hasn't detailed as much as you insinuated.

You know massive can technically have any premium features they want so long as they added an in-game way to attain it, IE an absurdly High regals gate; thats why those 'Free 2 play' games on the appstore make so much money.
No, premium features can only be cosmetic, according to Mojang.

They should've been making preperations for this aeons ago rather than trying to patch it while it leaks
I am sorry for that. But when the Tech Department has to deal with LWC replacement, Minecraft 1.9, and add EULA compliant premium features, then we can't do everything perfectly.
@Alj23 So you agree that there needs to be Scarcity and you just wanted to correct my terminology, alright.
No, your assumption that the regal has devalued was incorrect. I was making the correction so other people wouldn't look at your post and say, "this guy sounds smart, let's run with that. " and spread incorrect information around.

Edit: In addition, since I forgot to answer your question on scarcity: Yea, I believe there should be scarcity. Very little of it exist on the server at the moment. If you want to take the time to go look at some of the recent threads I have posted, I analyze and go into detail on the concept of scarcity, supply, and demand, or the lack of, and what we can do to fix it.
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No, he pinpointed that it hasn't detailed as much as you insinuated.

That is correcting my terminology: Both posts had the idea that the lack of scarcity was a problem. Very similiar ideas on mechanics, just technically wrong terms. I didn't mean to say correcting defensively, I recognize that I do have the wrong term.

No, premium features can only be cosmetic, according to Mojang.

I swore I read something about that, but then I rechecked over my things and it turns out I misread what Mojang saidm, sorry.

I am sorry for that. But when the Tech Department has to deal with LWC replacement, Minecraft 1.9, and add EULA compliant premium features, then we can't do everything perfectly.

I understand Tech is very very busy, but I was actually referring to EULA compliancy. I think the plans for making Massive EULA compliant should have been worked on and finetuned (but not enacted) a long times before the EULA was enforced. I'm saying this because I heard from a bird that the general consesus was to 'Cross the Bridge When We Get To It' and its important to have pre-emptive plans...if that was incorrect then I apologize. I could very well be wrong and that you were all working on that all along , along with the other things.
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Okay we are getting off topic

Yes regals are deflating like crazy. A single regal is worth more now than it did before the EULA switch.

However this thread is about 4all replacement ideas, suggestions, and opinions. And I really think that should be everybody's priority instead of the damn economy right now.

And after like 20 of these threads im tired of hearing people demanding immediate changes. Immediate changes are hard, and often buggy, and usually have unforseen issues that wouldve been worked out with prep time. The most recent immediate change was the armor4all because the server needed a quick addition to the shop to protect its income. And look where that immediate change brought us.

I'm not saying the economy isn't important. So let's find a replacement for the thing that is screwing it up first. It's like if you have a sewage pipe dumping into a lake. Why continuously try and clean the lake if the pipe is still dumping?

(I was tired when making this analogy and im not in the mood for corrections on why the analogy isnt 100% equivilant to the current issue)
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Immediate changes are hard, and often buggy, and usually have unforseen issues that wouldve been worked out with prep time.
Precisely the point, things do have unpredicted consequents that follow. Staff just said "O_O lets make something shiny that the players will want to buy". (They ended up overachieving)
No planning was put into the immediate negative effects, and there is a really simple fix for the moment. (This will curve some price drops)
That is:
Remove all unbreaking/fire aspect enchants off of the Gift4Alls and add thorns and blast protection to all the Gift4all armor so it deteriorates faster.