Archived Plugin Idea: Ascend

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Nicholai the Elder
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I have been looking through the bukkit plugins for solutions to the siege issues, among other things, and did not find any plugins that would meet Massivecraft's needs that were compatible with the latest version and/or open source. I got this idea, for what I believe is a simple plugin, from reading the description of Portable Hole (

1x1 towers will always be a part of raiding in Minecraft. The problem is that they leave a griefed world behind, so I suggest a plugin with the following properties:
1. It has a single command /ascend
2. When executed, if you have blocks in your hand, it takes those blocks and makes a 1x1 tower where you are standing with the height given by the number of blocks in your hand (if you are in a place where blocks can be placed by you) and puts you on the top.
3. A suitable requirement for standing still should be enforced so this isn't used during active PVP, and a suitable delay should be used for the effect so that it isn't a form of fast travel and isn't flagged by any anti-cheating mods.
4. Error checking is done so that you don't place any blocks so as to not allow 2 or 3 block headroom as space for your character.
5. These blocks are logged and after a configurable time delay, are removed from the game.

A 1x1 tower and a single enderpearl will scale almost any wall. This mod gives a way to do this that eliminates the unsightly towers. I have several other ideas based on other bukkit plugins, but will post them later so as not to overwhelm the forums with my posts unless a mod lets me know that they would prefer to have them all at once.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
How can one be sure it will not be abused... Also this would easily become a new way to grief the worlds nature... 1x1 towers that spawns in with commands, aren't very RP friendly too. My thoughts on this is... No way... Sorry Lad...
Still... How realistic would it be if I went to your home and suddenly stood on a 10 meter high pole in your garden, looking down on you while yelling... I vote "No"
If you can build in your garden, then you can already do that. All I'm proposing is that with this command that tower will despawn after a certain amount of time.
Nicolai6904, this idea is meant to get rid of 1x1 dirt towers by making it so there's an easier way to make them that actually despawns after a time. Let me ask you this, how is it roleplay to have random 1x1 dirt towers everywhere?
It's impossible to stop every person on the server from making them, think about it, how would we tell and convince every single noob that joins to not do this?
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