Archived Players Like Zombies Open Doors.

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Basicaly your attacking a faction where people are hiding inside their homes protected by wooden doors.
Zombies (a minecraft mob) can break down the door to get at the player.

It would make sense for players to do the same (open a door by smashing at it for a while (which would be noisy)) course players would just open it and not break it since people would just go everywhere breaking doors for fun if they could, but opening them is harmless.
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There are no unfair advantages in war. Just people who don't know how to use all their resources accordingly.

So you mean that its appropriate for archery to be useless, swords to be so hopelessly overpowered you can kill everything just by blocking and axes to smash armor in 5 hits?

At least PvP is more fun now with the McMMO modification and item nerfs.
So you mean that its appropriate for archery to be useless, swords to be so hopelessly overpowered you can kill everything just by blocking and axes to smash armor in 5 hits?

At least PvP is more fun now with the McMMO modification and item nerfs.

PvP isn't fun because the same people participate battle after battle, and the involved strategy is rather bland compared to unrestricted. Also they completely overnerfed mcmmo, and from what I saw hardly listened to the affected community.

'Asking for a good fight' and running around attacking nonprem factions who have 2 nonprem members (probably both with less than a month on the server and a below 1k power level) when the faction has probably never even heard of you, are two very different things, and that's generally most of what I see lately.

Honestly if PVPers targetted other PVP-based factions and didn't seem to aggressively mostly go after weak RP-based factions there probably wouldn't have been nearly the debuffs on PVP-based items and plug ins. The raid rules and sanctions really aren't that difficult to deal with, since if you're creative, raid reasons and such are insanely easy to come up with. The MCMMO nerf was debuffed because of the insane amount of uneven combat-advantages it gave in PVP fights in general. Do you think others didn't suffer because of the MCMMO various nerfs? I have 1440 fishing, tell me the fishing debuff didn't make that useless to me and it's not even a PVP skill. MCMMO skills in general were nerfed because the higher levels made things UNFAIR in areas of the server that has an almost constant influx of new users. Do you think I'm aggressively complaining about it like I've seen people do about the PVP debuffs? No, I realized the problems the insanely high loot rate from fishing caused and I've accepted it. Just like high unarmed/disarm makes it almost impossible to fight with weapons normally, which makes no sense.

What I suggest is the PVPers generally leave the RPers alone, and in return, the RPers leave the PVPers alone. I really suggest setting different flags for factions that only want to be passive, nonPVP based, factions who enjoy a healthy mix of both, and PVP-based only factions, that way everyone would stop whining about all of the above and throwing cheap shots at each other. Some members simply do NOT want to PVP, they're here for the RP. Just like some people are here for the PVP and would rather NOT RP. Some people would like a fair chance to level their MCMMO as well before being thrown into combat situations where they don't stand a ghost of a chance.

Instead of trying to force them to combine when there are obviously both on either side that don't want anything to do with the others, why not just let them be peacefully separated? We all know that no one is going to "get a good fight" from a bunch of premium high levels raiding small, newer factions into the ground.

Reasons why I attack lesser factions:
1. They trash talk.
2. They hold wealth and resources, and a sub faction like them would be beneficial.
3. Test the waters. I have recruited several non-prem 'scrubs' from raiding them. If I attack someone and find they have someone who is resourceful and has potential. I will attempt to recruit them.

On regards of McMMo:
I believe the staff did a rather lazy job on the nerfing process. Fishing could have been fixed by editing the treasures.yml, Axes could have been fixed by adding a cap, counters and disarm chances were over de-buffed for lack of experimentation, Archery I believe was untouched even though it should have been buffed. The staff hardly even let PvP community have input on it. Aside from one forum post I never heard of any other outreach for PvP communities support.

RP and PvP community interactions:
The RP community technically owns everything. They can RP anywhere and be untouched. This makes Alorian PvP watered down from the typical factions PvP experiences. A typical factions PvP server is all territory and conquest. You can war claim and blow through enemy defences. Alorian faction PvP is you can only raid other PvPrs in a more arena style combat, and if you raid anyone else they hide. Where is the PvP world? where can the PvPrs legit PvP like RPrs can RP in Regalia?
Reasons why I attack lesser factions:
1. They trash talk.
2. They hold wealth and resources, and a sub faction like them would be beneficial.
3. Test the waters. I have recruited several non-prem 'scrubs' from raiding them. If I attack someone and find they have someone who is resourceful and has potential. I will attempt to recruit them.
  1. So do you.
  2. Resources like wood planks?
  3. -cries because he was never one of those scrubs and wishes he could pvp better-
On regards of McMMo:
I believe the staff did a rather lazy job on the nerfing process. Fishing could have been fixed by editing the treasures.yml, Axes could have been fixed by adding a cap, counters and disarm chances were over de-buffed for lack of experimentation, Archery I believe was untouched even though it should have been buffed. The staff hardly even let PvP community have input on it. Aside from one forum post I never heard of any other outreach for PvP communities support.

I do not believe that it is possible to 'cap' MCmmo stats, only to nerf them temporarily. Also, when they experiment don't you pvpers always complain that they're messing with your stats?

RP and PvP community interactions:
The RP community technically owns everything. They can RP anywhere and be untouched. This makes Alorian PvP watered down from the typical factions PvP experiences. A typical factions PvP server is all territory and conquest. You can war claim and blow through enemy defences. Alorian faction PvP is you can only raid other PvPrs in a more arena style combat, and if you raid anyone else they hide. Where is the PvP world? where can the PvPrs legit PvP like RPrs can RP in Regalia?

PvP Worlds: Minigames, Ellador, Daendroc, Fendarfall, Ithania, New Ceardia, Rift - PvP is possible and easy in all of these worlds, the only restraints are on grief-allowing abilities like tnt and warclaim.
I have only one suggestion on the matters of subfactions:

Raiding to recruit small, weak factions as subfactions and making them do your work is the effort of true laziness/worthlessness. How about you get off of your butt and collect your own damn resources like the smaller factions are doing, or better yet, buy resources.

People don't come on massive just to work for others through violent means just because YOU don't want to put forth the effort of supplies. If people like you and you're nice to them they tend to be willing to give supplies for VERY cheap or even free, like allies of mine. There is literally no excuse for not doing your own work, or paying someone to do the work for you.

I have subfactions, but I don't require taxes/supplies from them. They're literally here because I went 'hey, wanna join my kingdom and rp with us?' and they're hella nice and more than willing to help when I need things.
I have only one suggestion on the matters of subfactions:

Raiding to recruit small, weak factions as subfactions and making them do your work is the effort of true laziness/worthlessness. How about you get off of your butt and collect your own damn resources like the smaller factions are doing, or better yet, buy resources.

People don't come on massive just to work for others through violent means just because YOU don't want to put forth the effort of supplies. If people like you and you're nice to them they tend to be willing to give supplies for VERY cheap or even free, like allies of mine. There is literally no excuse for not doing your own work, or paying someone to do the work for you.

I have subfactions, but I don't require taxes/supplies from them. They're literally here because I went 'hey, wanna join my kingdom and rp with us?' and they're hella nice and more than willing to help when I need things.

Then they are not sub facs they are allies. Sub factions are subordinate they do what you want. In empires as the rich become more powerful so do their workers. Sub-Factions of mine can expect a two things from me: Protection and Connections. That is what I got when I was an Argonian slave. That is what made me who I am on this server.

@Mecharic You just need to ask. Back before my hiatus I was on a spree of going to factions who were getting shat on and giving them help.
Then they are not sub facs they are allies. Sub factions are subordinate they do what you want. In empires as the rich become more powerful so do their workers. Sub-Factions of mine can expect a two things from me: Protection and Connections. That is what I got when I was an Argonian slave. That is what made me who I am on this server.

@Mecharic You just need to ask. Back before my hiatus I was on a spree of going to factions who were getting shat on and giving them help.

I distinctly remember keeping your ass safe from Argonia back when you were a noob, just sayin... also, wanna help me not get raided by Raptum? :P
PvP isn't fun because the same people participate battle after battle, and the involved strategy is rather bland compared to unrestricted. Also they completely overnerfed mcmmo, and from what I saw hardly listened to the affected community.
I would suggest you start doing Dynamic-RP its a mix of RP and pvp outside of Regalia the rules so far are simply no diamond armor unless you are a wealthy faction king you can wear a diamond chestplate and in all cases you can't have enchants so that leaves diamond weapons and iron armor (no rules on potions or endearpearls yet)
Ulldin has been attacking factions at random with no discrimnation of who or what they are and it has been going quite well.
We believe that eventually pvp will be restored with RP ideas in mind and will make a great balance.
Yes their have been some hichups and we simply state that we will attack in God armor if they don't agree to the rules (most would agree) others will simply start a war that can't end because their is no more RP grounds for it and instead head to flaming on the forums like God wars usualy do.
So in the end I believe that Dynamic-RP will be a great addition by the players to massivecraft (dynamic-RP is the willingness to do pvp while RP) like if I decided to attack a castle lets say my faction is not wealthy and we don't to battle with demons ore are demons so we would not have enderpearls, we would build a bit of a catapult then come back an hour latter and build a bit more then once it finishes we would state that we build seige weapons and that the enemy would have to blow a hole in their wall for us to raid them through failure to do so will just make us use pearls God guear flam, send alts in their faction to steel, attack whenever we feel like it till their members give up and we just end up agreeing to the RP fight again XD

Their is allot of rambling in my post I apolagise now...
But yeah as for the door thing it would realy be no good because the enemy could just give enemies access to the door for the battle and we could RP breaking in and whatever.
I am sure that with two teems that enemy eachotehr that highly respect eatchother because they do Dynamic-RP together offten then they could even give enemy build perms durring battles and thigns could unravel from their.
I think their is a future for massive in this and no plug in is needed just respect.
So I am calling for unrestricted PvP, and you go and suggest I try even more restricted pvp.
Yeah sorry but Ive done some Dynamic-RP and I find that it makes the opposition more inclined to participate in the battle.
As for if they cheet(break the rules) it gives you a great reason to go all out on them without getting others involved because its clear the opposition was in the wrong.
Could give you an out to war with people without getting the other big factions you talk about on your tail.
Something like this has been suggested before, some kind of plugin where you can break trough doors and blow up walls, but it would regenerate after a while. I really find this a nice idea to add, because it would enhance the tactics that raiders need to use. And it is more than logical that a cannon can blow up a wall. So I would say, some sort of plugin where you can use cannons to go through walls. But it would regen after like 5 minutes. One more problem though is that some factions in a war using traps and all that stuff will lose the use of there traps as anyone can just bash down the wall and start f home murdering them.
I think you guys should just look for another server to do all that stuff on then... Because their are full out pvp servers that have that like manlycraft.
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