Archived Players Like Zombies Open Doors.

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Basicaly your attacking a faction where people are hiding inside their homes protected by wooden doors.
Zombies (a minecraft mob) can break down the door to get at the player.

It would make sense for players to do the same (open a door by smashing at it for a while (which would be noisy)) course players would just open it and not break it since people would just go everywhere breaking doors for fun if they could, but opening them is harmless.
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All this would do is encourage more iron doors.
I think this is a good way to force stubborn factions to surrender, so they aren't able to just hide in their base during an entire raid.
I've been on quite a few raids to minor annoying facs that just hid in their house and from an RP aspect it makes sense that you could break down wooden doors... Now would it be possibly for the player to have to take a while banging on the door to force it open, like a zombie but the door opens instead of breaking.
I must agree with Zero, people would just switch to iron doors which would just make places look ugly.
i say no to this, if you don't want to pvp the only option you have is hiding behind your door, making use of that i made some "panic rooms" around the faction, these panic rooms are actually 4 woodend doors when closed a midle block is safe to people that can't open the doors, easy to trap raiders or hide from them. the only reason i build those is for the people that don't want to pvp
i say no to this, if you don't want to pvp the only option you have is hiding behind your door, making use of that i made some "panic rooms" around the faction, these panic rooms are actually 4 woodend doors when closed a midle block is safe to people that can't open the doors, easy to trap raiders or hide from them. the only reason i build those is for the people that don't want to pvp
Lel make some secure room underground.
Its easy enough to switch to iron doors if you really don't want to get attacked...

Currently the fact that a little wooden door can stop a cannon or 30 charging people seems a big unrealistic...
I would think I panic room would be like 3 blocks thick and have iron doors or even two sets of them just in case.
My faction has those and even tunnels under them to all the other panic rooms.
Once again...the only thing that would change is you would see no wooden doors ever. This would be an entire pluggin made just to never be able to put to use. You want an entire pluggin to be made just for some realism that people are going to easily avoid. While creative, it just seems unnecessary.
Once again...the only thing that would change is you would see no wooden doors ever. This would be an entire pluggin made just to never be able to put to use. You want an entire pluggin to be made just for some realism that people are going to easily avoid. While creative, it just seems unnecessary.
They could always make iron doors possible to break but only with strong cannons I guess.
They could always make iron doors possible to break but only with strong cannons I guess.
Then that would take away a player's choice not to pvp and to hide in their own house, an option staff have made it quite clear they want people to have.
Then that would take away a player's choice not to pvp and to hide in their own house, an option staff have made it quite clear they want people to have.
Piston doors?:D

Not to sure what to think about this. Could be fun, but then people will put just a wall in front of their door or something.
Wooden Buttons + Useable By Enemies = No Wooden Buttons
Wooden Doors + Useable By Enemies = No Wooden Doors
Iron Doors + Useable By Enemies = No Iron Doors
Piston Doors + Useable By Enemies = No Piston Doors
All of the above + Useable By Enemies = Regalia houses the entire roleplay population and all the worlds are empty as f*ck.

Natually, I dislike this idea. It makes it impossible to have a roleplay accurate town, impossible to breed villagers (iron doors aren't counted I think) and impossible to use anything pretty.
I don't see how this would benefit anyone but the raiders.

Going manhunting in a tiny, defenseless faction is very entertaining, but put yourself the defender's shoes for a minute;
fighting unarmed against a flock of raiders wearing their finest suits of god-armor is nowhere near fun.

All this idea would do is put weaker factions in a basket case where they can only surrender every time someone shows up outside their walls.
As much as I agree with this idea, and it does Make roleplay sense, everyone would just switch to iron doors, or have no entrance at all.
This would interfere with the factions plugin's protection. It's basically saying
Permission manager: "They don't have this permission so they can't break anything."
Door: "Oh, well he banged on me loudly a few time so yeah, as a wooden door I'm gonna open."
Permission manager: "No! Wait! The permissions!"
Door: "Hey! He banged me!"
Permission manager: "Well just open for anyone that bangs you slut."

Maybe I got a bit carried away but you see what I mean, I hope. The permissions are set that they can NOT edit terrain in anyway or open doors/container that they aren't permitted to. Please try to understand how much it would screw everything over if an enemy has permission to open up a door by hitting it. It seems good but it's impractical. That and it would upgrade raid portals to nearby portals to the little bit of unclaimed land inside the faction walls
like the idea, but at the same time I don't. The points Techpac and Mech have made are completely valid, and perfect reasons why this shouldn't be implemented, along with the permissions contradiction. But from a realism stand point, I like it and it would help the roleplay aspect of raiding, but it gives access for factions to be raided relentlessly.
I could see this idea being a good idea at times, but as Mech said, there would be close to no one in the various worlds, and everyone would be trapped in Regalia, too afraid to use their own faction. There's not enough people outside of Regalia as it is. I could also see this being used to make life horrible for the small factions out there.
@Mecharic which is why when you are getting raided you put all the peasants in a gated castle not use homes as forts, I love this idea, too long have I raided factions only to have then cower behind doors and talk smack accomplishing nothing. You realize that it would only be DOORS, Not creative gates or blocks.
I could see this idea being a good idea at times, but as Mech said, there would be close to no one in the various worlds, and everyone would be trapped in Regalia, too afraid to use their own faction. There's not enough people outside of Regalia as it is. I could also see this being used to make life horrible for the small factions out there.
Oh and in response to this, this would also help factions trying to grow, instead of people wasting money to make a small faction with ugly ass cobble and dirt boxes maybe they will join large developed nice looking factions for safety? Thereby decreasing the noob city population and saving the worlds generated ecosystem or whatever.
Oh and in response to this, this would also help factions trying to grow, instead of people wasting money to make a small faction with ugly ass cobble and dirt boxes maybe they will join large developed nice looking factions for safety? Thereby decreasing the noob city population and saving the worlds generated ecosystem or whatever.
Oh the beauty of watching Asmo trying to be logical without an axe in hand, "saving the worlds generated ecosystem or whatever" :P
@Mecharic which is why when you are getting raided you put all the peasants in a gated castle not use homes as forts, I love this idea, too long have I raided factions only to have then cower behind doors and talk smack accomplishing nothing. You realize that it would only be DOORS, Not creative gates or blocks.

The issue with "only [wooden] doors" is that over the course of about a week every single faction would have an iron-doored stone tower or fort in every town for when raids happen. This would then result in the exact same situation except instead of "only [wooden] doors" it would be "only [iron] doors" and then so on and so forth until you can blow holes in enemy faction castles "because if we can't they'll just hide and talk smack against us". Here is my full and honest opinion: if you don't want to be stuck outside peoples houses while they talk smack against you, raid factions that will fight back instead of factions that roll over and hide.

Oh and in response to this, this would also help factions trying to grow, instead of people wasting money to make a small faction with ugly ass cobble and dirt boxes maybe they will join large developed nice looking factions for safety? Thereby decreasing the noob city population and saving the worlds generated ecosystem or whatever.

No it won't, they'll just have iron doors instead of wooden doors.

I'd also like to state that we've all forgotten about the lock plugin - would this extend to doors locked with said plugin or would it only be unlocked doors? If it doesn't affect locked doors than every house will have a locked door.
Everyone makes valid points and I think it comes to the conclusion of the system being just fine as it is.
this would be only good for God war raiding and only (censored) people would want that.
The intention I had for this was for roleplay but yet again they can open the door them selves to make the illusion you are breaking it down OR you could ask the leader to give door access to enemies and you could roleplay it took you say 6 seconds to knock it open or something.
Even though this is unlikely I think we don't have the choice to make roleplay 100% voluntary even though people usually do not comply when being raided (in RP or not)
And when I say RP raided I mean Iron armor and no magical (censored) lol.
Honestly this just seems like another string lately where PVPers are trying to force weak/nonPVP/roleplay based factions into extinction, considering most of the suggestions of this nature lately have been in support of PVPers only. There are literally already dozens of factions that have no strong PVPers every day that already get forced to submission by groups of 4-5 god-armor >9000 level PVPers, it isn't exactly fair to force them to PVP with you when you're obviously going to one hit them.

Especially if they have large, un-hoppable walls that you enderpearl over anyway. If they disable enderpearls and you actually have to breech walls in medieval ways, then I feel like enabling doors to be 'broken down' would be more acceptable since you'd have to have reached the door naturally then. But until other, obvious things are debuffed to be more 'natural', breaking down doors is going to be just stacking things in an unnatural manner in the ongoing pvp vs roleplay war that seems to be running rampant in suggestions.

At this point, there are factions that surrender every day. Then there are factions who will refuse to surrender-- who will wait out raids, or call allies. This is a decision the staff has GIVEN players-- the ability to hide and wait out raids. That's why there's a time limit on how long a raid can go on for. That is a decision that should be respected, since not everyone on this server wants to PVP, and rather, wants to roleplay a normal setting in their homes and you shouldn't try to force them into your way of playing the game.
I don't see how this would benefit anyone but the raiders.

Going manhunting in a tiny, defenseless faction is very entertaining, but put yourself the defender's shoes for a minute;
fighting unarmed against a flock of raiders wearing their finest suits of god-armor is nowhere near fun.

All this idea would do is put weaker factions in a basket case where they can only surrender every time someone shows up outside their walls.

It's more realistic that those who can't defend themselves either have to make defenses or defend themselves...
Everyone makes valid points and I think it comes to the conclusion of the system being just fine as it is.
this would be only good for God war raiding and only (censored) people would want that.
The intention I had for this was for roleplay but yet again they can open the door them selves to make the illusion you are breaking it down OR you could ask the leader to give door access to enemies and you could roleplay it took you say 6 seconds to knock it open or something.
Even though this is unlikely I think we don't have the choice to make roleplay 100% voluntary even though people usually do not comply when being raided (in RP or not)
And when I say RP raided I mean Iron armor and no magical (censored) lol.

Wow... it would make more sense to have the enemy open the door for you if your just walking into to talk to them (RP)
I could see this idea being a good idea at times, but as Mech said, there would be close to no one in the various worlds, and everyone would be trapped in Regalia, too afraid to use their own faction. There's not enough people outside of Regalia as it is. I could also see this being used to make life horrible for the small factions out there.

Then can go to Regalia... or they can go out unarmed / trap the aggressor instead of acting helpless.
It's more realistic that those who can't defend themselves either have to make defenses or defend themselves...
Yeah, yeah, realism.

Sometimes, realism is hindering, in real life, you usually injure yourself if you fall more than 4 meters, in massivecraft, you can just obtain a graceful landing and have no problems walking afterwards whatsoever, you can construct a whole town by yourself, carry 2432 cubic meters of iron around as if it was nothing, and you can make crops grow instantly by putting crushed bone fragments on it, and yet its "unrealistic" that peasants decide to hide instead of fighting against invaders.
Yeah, yeah, realism.

Sometimes, realism is hindering, in real life, you usually injure yourself if you fall more than 4 meters, in massivecraft, you can just obtain a graceful landing and have no problems walking afterwards whatsoever, you can construct a whole town by yourself, carry 2432 cubic meters of iron around as if it was nothing, and you can make crops grow instantly by putting crushed bone fragments on it, and yet its "unrealistic" that peasants decide to hide instead of fighting against invaders.
I think this is the most beautiful and accurate response and I wish I could vote twice on it

I think you are wrong. It is not us PvPrs trying to force RPrs out of extinction. It is you RPrs trying to force us PvPrs. Who have spent large sums of money on premium, and countless hours training and collecting resources on this awesome server, however, we have been chased after time and time again. First was god apples, then was blood lust, the raid rules, sanctions, mcmmo nerfs. Every time our community took a hit we adapted. For example, we learned to fight without god apples and blood lust. We have been flexible with the raid rules and sanctions. The mcmmo nerf made our time in the darkroom pointless, but we still powered on because the time we devoted to the server out weighed the way we were treated.

Time and time again, people constantly call our community toxic because of a few bad apples, but they are wrong. We are a community that just asks for a good fight. We cannot continue on our current way. The current PvP community is "How many ways can we fight the Solaris-Mag war" We just shuffle sides fight a war, go inactive, and come back to shuffle sides again and fight a new war. It is boring and has been happening for half a year now.

What I suggest to the RP community. Be flexible with us. Find a PvP teacher. I am one along with many that are willing to help. We need your help to stimulate our community once more. You will find that if we revive the PvP community back to its old form you will see big empires with many of RP opportunities outside of Argonia.

Those changes were made to balance PvP and make it better for you: the ones who actually give two damns about PvP.

God apples, bloodlust and McMMO all give unfair advantages, and were disabled/nerfed on the premise that they imbalanced PvP and made it less enjoyable, they were in no way some sort of attack against you, and unless I'm wrong, it was primarily the PvPers who complained about these things.

Trying to force the RPers to PvP is like trying to force the PvPers to RP, you should be able to choose not to PvP as well as not to RP.
Personally I see no reason why this thread is still open when even they guy who made it has been convinced it wont have a positive outcome for the server.

Those changes were made to balance PvP and make it better for you: the ones who actually give two damns about PvP.

God apples, bloodlust and McMMO all give unfair advantages, and were disabled/nerfed on the premise that they imbalanced PvP and made it less enjoyable, they were in no way some sort of attack against you, and unless I'm wrong, it was primarily the PvPers who complained about these things.

Trying to force the RPers to PvP is like trying to force the PvPers to RP, you should be able to choose not to PvP as well as not to RP.

There are no unfair advantages in war. Just people who don't know how to use all their resources accordingly. Also we are now forced to RP more now than ever before. The front page of massive used to say PVP RP experience. Now it strictly says RP. The biggest thing that saddens me the most is Cayorion created this awesome Factions plugin, and back in the day it was completely utilized Allies meant something, and multi faction empires stretched across lands. War between factions were common and interesting. Now it is underutilized, Many people spend all their time in Regalia, people have allies for no reason, actual wars are far and few to come by. PVP/RP utilizes words and actions. It is just a shame no one wishes to participate.
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