Archived Player Trading Gui

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⌘ Lady of the Woods ⌘
Jun 21, 2014
Reaction score
I think we can all agree that the current trading method leaves something to be desired. Throwing items at your target and hoping they pick them all up before someone else runs past and grabs them isn't always efficient or clear enough to see exactly what's being exchanged. It would also help prevent scams by making transactions go through at the same time. Many other multiplayer games have a trading window system, but seeing the new teleportation GUI made me think it might be possible in minecraft as well.

Here's an example how it could work:
  1. Player 1 want to start a trade with Player 2, stands close to them (maybe limit this to whisper range?) and enters a command like /trade [Player 2].
  2. (Optional) Have a system similar to closed faction invites, where both an invite and request to join have to go out at the same time, to prevent people spamming it. Or have players set it to accept or decline requests automatically based on another command like /trade on/off.
  3. The trade window opens and shows inventory along with 2 boxes on top, one from P1 to P2 and another the other way around. Both players see what the other one puts into their trade box so they'll see what they get or lose. There could also be an option to give regals.

    Pic taken of a much older trading mod, and badly edited to fit with my example (deleted names, added fields for regals). Which proves something similar had been done before, my idea is far from original, but at least it's possible. :P

  4. When the players are happy with what's being exchanged, both will have to press a button to confirm the trade (Confirm/Accept/Ready). If not, they can press Cancel/Decline.
  5. If it's accepted but one of them doesn't have enough space or regals, it wouldn't go through. It could either make the window disappear and have to be started again, or prompt the player to change their offer and confirm again.
  6. A chat message would let you know if the trade was successful or cancelled.
Thanks for viewing, and I hope something like this could be implemented :) I'm sure the coding staff is more than capable!
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I don't really see a problem with the current trading method. I've never been scammed in a trade, and have only heard of one of two people who have, each of which were then helped by staff, as scamming is illegal.
This actually sounds like a really good idea. I can't fault it, except for the obvious 'it takes staff time' argument.

+1 Support!
As Jes said, the current system works fine, but there's always room to improve.
I actually love this idea :D!!! I feel like this would open up some windows for roleplay (Merchants) as well.
This would only be possible by using a mod (such a menu at least) which the staff have already ruled out.
This would only be possible by using a mod (such a menu at least) which the staff have already ruled out.
Plugin opens a chest, with unmovable iron bars through the middle that decide which side is yours for offering items and which items are the other persons. I've even seen this with checks to simulate plugin money. Of course that's just a plugin way to do it, this can be done without mods.

Not really required, but could improve things?
Plugin opens a chest, with unmovable iron bars through the middle that decide which side is yours for offering items and which items are the other persons. I've even seen this with checks to simulate plugin money. Of course that's just a plugin way to do it, this can be done without mods.

Not really required, but could improve things?
Something like this, right? It shows the use of commands similar to what I suggested as well, and is in plugin form, with sticks separating like you said, and colored wool instead of buttons. Works kind of like a temporary shared backpack, and it could possibly be a premium feature :)
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Plugin opens a chest, with unmovable iron bars through the middle that decide which side is yours for offering items and which items are the other persons. I've even seen this with checks to simulate plugin money. Of course that's just a plugin way to do it, this can be done without mods.

Not really required, but could improve things?

Well to be totally honest, in my opinion this plug-in really isn't needed and in my eyes would not be a great use of staff time / resources. I've probably sold 50+ items and I've only really gotten scammed once, and I got the scammer banned within an hour.
I don't really see a problem with the current trading method. I've never been scammed in a trade, and have only heard of one of two people who have, each of which were then helped by staff, as scamming is illegal.
Although it is fortunate that most can say they haven't been scammed during a trade, myself included, this way you can be 100% sure. If i understand this GUI corrrectly, you can even see the enchantments and lores on the items/weapons. This way also if you are trading and the other person drops their item so you pick it up, nobody can run by and grab it first.
Although it is fortunate that most can say they haven't been scammed during a trade, myself included, this way you can be 100% sure. If i understand this GUI corrrectly, you can even see the enchantments and lores on the items/weapons. This way also if you are trading and the other person drops their item so you pick it up, nobody can run by and grab it first.
Indeed, this way you could see exactly what and how much you're getting.
It's not really that much of a necessity since we've been doing fine without it so far, but it would definitely be an improvement that we could always go for. After all, custom plugins like that are quite a big part of what makes this server so unique ^^
Some people where in doubt of wether or not this is possible. I can tell you that some kind of trading GUI is possible. It won't look exactly as it does in the picture, but it is definitely possible in some shape or form.

Things I must say to ensure people don't think I promised anything.
For now I can't say anything about wether or not this will be implemented. As usual, don't expect this anytime soon and there is absolutely no guarantee for anything at all.
Nope. All of this was great accept those two words. Premiums have absolutely no reason to be the only ones to access this. I and some other players that aren't prem trade quite a bit of what they get from votes, and raids, and we are not premiums. I constantly worry about scam, and wish on a daily basis that something like this existed. Just. Not a premium feature please.
Nope. All of this was great accept those two words. Premiums have absolutely no reason to be the only ones to access this. I and some other players that aren't prem trade quite a bit of what they get from votes, and raids, and we are not premiums. I constantly worry about scam, and wish on a daily basis that something like this existed. Just. Not a premium feature please.
Personally, as a non-premium myself, I agree. I just added it as a possibility since some plugins are premium-only, but ultimately that decision is up to the staff in case they ever decide to implement it.

Thank you for the input @Madus , it's good to know it's possible even if there's no promise we'll ever see it :)
It's good to see that this was implemented at some point (maybe a while ago because I was inactive) :) Awesome work.
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