Archived Player Money Drop.

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Incredibly good looking.
Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
I think something a long these lines has been posted. not sure.

I believe if you slay someone, you should be able to loot a small percent of their silver, I was thinking 0.5% of their silver.

How much players would lose:

How much player has: how much player lost:
100 silver. 0.5 silver (50 copper)

500 silver. 2.5 silver.

2000 silver. 10 silver.

5000 silver. 25 silver.

15,000 silver. 75 silver.

25,000 silver. 125 silver.

30,000 silver. 150 silver.

45,000 silver. 225 silver.

If this was implemented with that amount of money loss. It isn't enough to largely impact the players. Unless a person with 45k desperately needed the extra 225 silver. but I do still think the higher numbers would still persuade the poor to try to kill the rich to get that silver.

obviously the players drop would be fair RP wise too. As someone with 15-45k would not be, in person, carrying their full amount of silver, and poor people would swamp the rich walking through the streets for their go at the silver the rich were carrying.(idk if that made any sense at all, I'm tired).
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And would dropping for smaller amounts be disabled? Perhaps starting at 50s (dropping .25) so that people who just got their money aren't dropping it left and right.

I'm not really certain how I like this idea.
And then everyone puts in in thier faction bank. End of use of this plugin by then.
There is already a LOT of unnecessary killing, but this is really going to escelate it, considering you know you get money off of new players, which sort of encourages people to just find them and get them, they wont get much but there are plenty noobs to get all around. Also, when the money drops, its only going to benefit the good raiders, and not the people who actually work hard to get their silver and try to buy all those gold blocks to fill the void which inside there soul they believe exist. I do not agree to this idea. Even if it is a very small amount.
Also the rich people are OP as hell, I learned to live off the land not the economy of Mssivecraft, but I'm still banned because their ...whatever you call it, I'm innocent.
This would encourage even MORE pointless raiding . Disagree from me
Hmmm more raiding... sounds fun... Although this reminded me of the bounty hunter plugin we used to have where people could put silver on someones head so they would be killed, If there was going to be a plugin where it payed to kill, I would like to see that one come back instead of this.
Hmmm more raiding... sounds fun... Although this reminded me of the bounty hunter plugin we used to have where people could put silver on someones head so they would be killed, If there was going to be a plugin where it payed to kill, I would like to see that one come back instead of this.

If they bring it back they will have to find a way to avoid the bounties being taken by friends, in my opinion the regalian officials should govern a guild of assassins that take the bounties, every assassin should sign away his life, in fact I might just suggest this!
Hmm, What if there was some kind of out-law system to go with it. If a player kills enough neutral people than he will be automatically out-lawed and kicked from their faction, and /f join or /f create would be disabled until their out-law timer is up. But durin the time that they're an out law they would get the money bonus, Only The out laws would get the money bonus.
Imagine if a Guy with no armor but just a Stone Sword went into a rich base with Op players that have 4500s.
And killed the rich player while he is AFK and got his 255s for just traveling.....
Imagine if a Guy with no armor but just a Stone Sword went into a rich base with Op players that have 4500s.
And killed the rich player while he is AFK and got his 255s for just traveling.....
if a guy, managed to get into a rich base, and killed someone with 4.5k and they didn't realise he enemied them, and he managed to kill one with a stone sword, he would get under 25silver. he would have to kill someone like fhfdoom for 255s.
if a guy, managed to get into a rich base, and killed someone with 4.5k and they didn't realise he enemied them, and he managed to kill one with a stone sword, he would get under 25silver. he would have to kill someone like fhfdoom for 255s.
Oh....Now it's hard to make a living for Op people xD
There is already a LOT of unnecessary killing, but this is really going to escelate it, considering you know you get money off of new players, which sort of encourages people to just find them and get them, they wont get much but there are plenty noobs to get all around. Also, when the money drops, its only going to benefit the good raiders, and not the people who actually work hard to get their silver and try to buy all those gold blocks to fill the void which inside there soul they believe exist. I do not agree to this idea. Even if it is a very small amount.
That's why I suggested a money level cut-off. So people with lower amounts of sliver do not drop any money at all.
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