Archived Player Building Prompts

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Aug 30, 2016
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I suggest the creation a mechanism analogous to player writing prompts for building. That is a channel thorough which players can work on assignments to help world staff.
In this mechanisms the players receive basic instructions an build upon them.

Building prompt
- House with an interior space of 7x9.
- Maximum height is 38 blocks from the floor.
- Use layout no. 35, respect door position.
- Follow Ithanian style.

Check /plot Staffname for building layouts and examples of building styles.
When you finish add Staffname to your plot, tag me and write your IGN.

Then staff can visit the plot and, depending on the quality of the building, decide to reject the building, request specific improvements, do minor improvements and add it to Regalia or copy the building into Regalia without modifications.

While this adds a layer of bureaucracy this proposal can potentially free time from world staff and allow them to focus on complex tasks. This also offers players the possibility to contribute to the server by building things for Regalia.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Heck yes. It could help replace some of the lost functionality of Bo2 Department as well, with the player build nights or whatever those were called. And maybe help some players build up to Aspirant wink wink dab dab
I feel like steps are being made in the right direction with staff trying to recruit World Helpers, but this is still also a cool idea that hasnt had a reply in a month so ima bump it :3
I like the idea, but there's a bit of synchronization problem. Player prompts for lore works because literature is easily edited. If a player completed a building with a flawed structural design, the entire building will have to be rejected. I'm not sure whether the potentially high fail rate is going to be worth it.
I like the idea, but there's a bit of synchronization problem. Player prompts for lore works because literature is easily edited. If a player completed a building with a flawed structural design, the entire building will have to be rejected. I'm not sure whether the potentially high fail rate is going to be worth it.
Perhaps it could be handled in a similar style to old Bo2 work, where a list is put up, and players start off with simple asset-esk prompts, IE: Making different tent designs, or things of that nature. Then as players prove they are capable they start getting more complex things, working up to eventually having housing designs, catapults, wall segments, etc? Things World Staff can draw from in a pinch to quickly put together larger builds.

From what I can tell this is already somewhat how things are handled, the latter half at least, with a lot of "Assets" ill call them, stored in the Staff Build Worlds to be pulled from to save time.

EDIT: Re-reading what I have typed out, this sounds more like a system that would be better to hand off to World Helpers than making a new system for outside people to work into to be honest.. Though, I think it could still be useful however it is used.