Archived Plagues?

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
I'm writing this suggestion while I'm exhausted and sleepy, so it might be a bit wacky. As the title suggests, I want some plagues in Massive. Not like the vampire "plague" which could be considered benefical, but a full on plague that causes negative only side effects. It would spread through contact, and it would kinda be like the Black Plague. People would avoid combat more in fears of getting it. The plague would be temporary before a "cure" was discovered and it vanished. I was thinking it would add more rp and would make it more interesting on the server. For a brief period of time people would avoid combat when needed, unless they were infected, in which cause they might "go crazy" (rp-wise) and attack random people, infecting more and more people. Just a little suggestion.
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Just a bit too young to get staff member with the normal recruiting terms ;)
To be fair, I use the term "Impossible" in many ways, often to simply give a quick reply to something that would: take too long to code or be redundant after a new upgrade to a plugin or be a stupid idea or be simply not possible code wise. In this case it would be redundancy since we are going to add a buff to holy water for non vampires and nerf some of the wooden weapon damage.

As for This concept, it sounds interesting but will require alot of thinking.

As for cowboys coding it. I have said before cowboys, if you are interested in joining the coding team (of 1 person lul) we can make an exception to the age rule if you can do some properly good coding. It would be interesting to see what happens when I give you one of the unfinished plugin concept plans. (we write full documents with commands and function discriptions)
I did wanted to say something about him working together with cay to get this properly into the "massive plugin construct" that we have... You can read minds...wait I already knew this a long time
MonMarty, challenge him I think he needs it.
Sounds great! I have finals tommarow so lets not fill my head with ideas tonight, but once the weekend arrives it will be time to do some coding :D
To be fair, I use the term "Impossible" in many ways, often to simply give a quick reply to something that would: take too long to code or be redundant after a new upgrade to a plugin or be a stupid idea or be simply not possible code wise. In this case it would be redundancy since we are going to add a buff to holy water for non vampires and nerf some of the wooden weapon damage.

As for This concept, it sounds interesting but will require alot of thinking.

As for cowboys coding it. I have said before cowboys, if you are interested in joining the coding team (of 1 person lul) we can make an exception to the age rule if you can do some properly good coding. It would be interesting to see what happens when I give you one of the unfinished plugin concept plans. (we write full documents with commands and function discriptions)
I wasn't trying to be derogatory to you, sorry I realize it kind of came of that way. I was primarly just trying to convey my admiration that he was able to perform work like that.
I would love for the disease catapult to be implemented, I can just imagine....

At the battle of Valyria
Diseased soldier: wait I thought I was getting a cure!
Monmarty: Oh did you? Well death can be considered a cure.
diseased soldier: wait WHAT? DON'T SHOOT M-
Monmarty: FIRE IT!
I would love for the disease catapult to be implemented, I can just imagine....

At the battle of Valyria
Diseased soldier: wait I thought I was getting a cure!
Monmarty: Oh did you? Well death can be considered a cure.
diseased soldier: wait WHAT? DON'T SHOOT M-
Monmarty: FIRE IT!
Haha i already made a catapult which basically uses the math+stuff from the cannons plugin and can launch projectiles but people as well if they shift+right click a stair. Its fun but not high priority for me. Id rather work on plauges more.
[user]Cowboys1919[/user] so Catapults plugin + Plague plugin = Launching diseased people over walls >:)
That would be AMAZING for a war! just like in RL medieval times, they would fling disease ridden dead animals and people over the walls! This would add to rp and non rp wars significantly! I like it >:)
What about a random dungeon created by the admins. And the person that survives that dungeon get's a reward. But the player that completed a dungeon opens a ancient old disease and he spreads it, but he doesn't know it after a while.

What about bats infecting players. random chance when you get to close.
i like this idea but...i kinda wanna hear more about this vampire bow :D
Wait! Plagues could be like a event! You could have a daily creeper article saying. Laura Redblock found a dungeon built by *insert recently implemented long-lost race here* that contains the cure! So then people from all factions could all team up and try and get the cure. The "cure would probably just be someone reaching the end and a admin going /plague off or something but the end result would be several large quests that could be put into lore and unimaginable fame and riches for the person/group whom reaches the end first.
this is all getting a tad too unrealistic....
All I suggested is that the cure to a plague could be a reward for beating a dungeon. Out of that would come tons of nice role play stories and lore, opportunities to role play, and a excuse to have an event and kill mobs with buds.[DOUBLEPOST=1359599478][/DOUBLEPOST]Dungeon meaning admin and volunteer made dungeon which is huge has traps, and tons of spawners. Not those little wimpy things that used to be useful for cocoa beans.
maybe run of the mill diseases can be cured just with good alters
Its not like making zombies is impossible, they've done it on MineZ :I. But it would take a heck lot of coding and the whole idea of plagues might lag out the server more than it is now :L
Very nice... Yes... VERY nice...
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