Archived Plague In Regalia

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Massivecraft level of technology places it around the 13-1400's in our real world. In this time frame, there was a severe breakout of the bubonic plague in Europe. What if, in Regalia, there was a breakout of this desiese. There is bound to be a plugin for this, or at least, the staff could make one.

The desiese would give players a very, very slow wither effect, taking a few inn game days to kill a player. This would only be active in the medieval universe, though. The plague would be contagious, and if you get near a player with if, they get sick.

Only certain players could apply to become plague doctors, and staff would give them a cure in the form of a potion. They would need to give people to potion for them to be cured.

This is just a suggestion, and would probably be hard to code. But I think it would be interesting to see.
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Sounds fun, but would be annoying if you didn't want to RP or what would happen to people like me? My time zone would make it impossible to be cured.
I am current doing the let me write for the most major diseases, plagues and illnesses in Aloria. If you want to help, just say so.
This has been suggested before, prior to when I joined staff. They essentially said they would not go through with something like this for several reasons, one being that there are many other things on their plate which take precedence.

Myself and a group of people did design a plague, however. It was looked over by staff and deemed lore compliant. There is nothing stopping anyone from roleplaying out a plague if they wish, and with proper design you could get many of the player base to join in :)

Also if anyone is interested in a copy of the plague we designed (it is available in a book in game) I would be happy to freely supply a copy.
This has been suggested before, prior to when I joined staff. They essentially said they would not go through with something like this for several reasons, one being that there are many other things on their plate which take precedence.

Myself and a group of people did design a plague, however. It was looked over by staff and deemed lore compliant. There is nothing stopping anyone from roleplaying out a plague if they wish, and with proper design you could get many of the player base to join in :)

Also if anyone is interested in a copy of the plague we designed (it is available in a book in game) I would be happy to freely supply a copy.
What's the plague, I'm doing a let me write of such things.
Not Trying to be nuisance, I love the idea, but there already is a plague. The Dark Disease
Perhpas though, the coders of plugins could manipulate this one to add a second disease that acts more like a virus. Slowly killing you, and whenever someone touched you they would become infected. Possible effects: Nausea, Poison, Weakness, Slowness. Getting cured could add a second use to an alter of light besides vampires. Clicking with a potion of healing could createe a medicine used to heal yourself. Juts my thoughts.
-gets infected- -walks into Kelmoria's base- -3 days later, everyone in Kelmoria dies- #Victory :P

In all seriousness, this would be cool but only if there was a way to be immune for like the first 1-2 months of your time on Massive. It would suck for people to join a server and end up dying 2 days later because they were sick.
It would be interesting.. But multiple down sides have been listed... Another negative is that you do actually die.. Think if you're in a city and you got the plague bad.. and have had it a while.. and then you just die and your stuff explodes everywhere.. Say goodbye to your stuff... People will grab it.
It would be interesting.. But multiple down sides have been listed... Another negative is that you do actually die.. Think if you're in a city and you got the plague bad.. and have had it a while.. and then you just die and your stuff explodes everywhere.. Say goodbye to your stuff... People will grab it.

OH! Maybe the plague infecting you keeps your stuff safe? "Because you were infected with the plague, no one wanted to take your things. Lucky you!"
As Omnom said, it is better to just role-play it out and "spread" it to other people. A plugin for it would get quite annoying.
Sewer fever...rats..? Oh dear oh my o.o
If you dislike some sewer rats, I think ya' might need to meet the fabulous, totally not sick, Rat Queen Monica Radovsky. @w@


No, no, dear. Rats are love-ly. Lovely. Absolutely ador-ableee.
don't insult the rats
love the rats
-Monica overhears insults to rats-
-raises her knife-


Rats? You like rats.. I'm always used to killing them.. In the beginning of every Roleplay story EVER MADE
Thou kills rats?

-raises Monica's knife-

Say again, dear? >:3
For my support their must be a way to fling diseased corpses over castle walls.

I of course jest, this sounds like a great idea.

Er, basically, the torture method you use with Monica is one I've read before and I think I have a phobia for it. I mean. Oh god that is just. Oh god.
I, surprisingly really dislike rats IRL. I can't look at them, touch them or aoihfahfoa. They scare the living life out of me so bad. Especially sewer rats. Idek how I pull it off with Monica sometimes. XD

Killing rats is so much fun -squishes rat under boot-
-forces rat to burrow it's way through intestines after strapping you onto a chair-


yuuus rat powarah!
-gets infected- -walks into Kelmoria's base- -3 days later, everyone in Kelmoria dies- #Victory :P

In all seriousness, this would be cool but only if there was a way to be immune for like the first 1-2 months of your time on Massive. It would suck for people to join a server and end up dying 2 days later because they were sick.
It was a strategy to fling plague ridden corpses over enemy's walls. :P
If you dislike some sewer rats, I think ya' might need to meet the fabulous, totally not sick, Rat Queen Monica Radovsky. @w@

-Monica overhears insults to rats-
-raises her knife-


Thou kills rats?

-raises Monica's knife-

Say again, dear? >:3
Wait whoa whoa whoa! Put da knife doooowwwwnnnnn....lets talk about dis! We can talk about dis!
-forces rat to burrow it's way through intestines after strapping you onto a chair-


yuuus rat powarah!
And that is the end of our tale, the tale of the ratqueen and the explosive knight.

Insert ending credits here.

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