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Shelved Character Pipa Pipa The Toad Daughter

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


The finest Pasty
Staff member
Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score


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⁎⁂ Basic Information ⁂⁎

Full Name:
Hiraeth Pipa Heqetrox (Hiraeth Grimbloe)
Nicknames: The Goblin, Pipa Pipa, Pip, Toad Goblin, Leaver, Home, Guardian of Freedom.
Race: Half Aldor Dwarf (Predominant Parent) / Half-Eronidas
- Mother: Eronidas
- Father: Aldor Dwarf
- Dwarf Racial Traits:
- Weapon Summon
- Control Immune
- Knockout Immune

Dwarf Buff 1: Crafting - Wood Craft Pack
Dwarf Buff 2: Resilience Pack
Dwarf Buff 3: Heavyweight Pack

- Delvesoul: +2 Con bellow ground, -1 above.
- Devysoul: Death Isldar combat +2, -1 Teledden.​
Age: 29
Gender: Female (More so Agender)
Sexuality: N/A
Eye Colour: Blue, greying Sclera
Preferred Weapon: Running away, Ranged Caster
Special Permission: Link


⁎⁂ Appearance Information ⁂⁎

  • Mutations and Abnormalities
Pipa has an alteration mutation that manipulates the texture of her hair to be blades of mossy green grass, clawed nails that fade to a burnt umber / black towards the tips and graying scaleras that shift between a similarity of a frog. Due to her Spirit Familiar, Pipa's skin has patches of water-colour-esque patterns and freckles that run along her back and cheeks.​
  • Visual Appearance
Standing at 4'2 due to her half Aldor lineage, Pipa is a lithe pale green Goblin-adjacent being with muted blue eyes centred with foggy grey sclera's hidden behind an unkempt mop of bottle green shrubbery and grass, usually hidden beneath a tall hat stuffed with dried flora. Her clothing resembles a blend between Dwarven and Altalar Culture, keeping to warm neutral tones; Fitted around the torso yet bellowing out around the limbs that allow free movement and comfort for the bags and book strap she keeps on her person.​

⁎⁂ Core Concept ⁂⁎
  • Religion:
Pipa Pipa is a devout worshiper of Eloblina, The Toad Mother, a Dark Ancient of decay and time. Standing ignorant to the other Ancients, Pipa knows nothing beyond her new Mother, despite a few stories from her childhood. Part of her devolution is harboring the Heralds of Time, sworn to protect them and bring them to health, as she had once been.​
  • Identity:
Pipa is the embodiment of a mossy-topped Goblin, the harbinger of toads and frogs alike; Never too far from a Herald of Time. She sparks the ecstatic stress-free energy that bubbles beneath swamp water, despite lurking in the murkiest corners of Aloria.​


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⁎⁂ Skill Information ⁂⁎

Proficiency Points: 13/14 Points
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Heavyweight Pack (Dwarf Buff 3)
    • Resilience Pack (Dwarf Buff 2)
    • Wood Craft Pack (Dwarf Buff 1)
    • Earthenware Craft Pack
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
    • Arcana Oceana Pack
    • Arcana Strategy Pack
    • Magical Talent
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Soft Landing Pack
    • Escapist Pack
  • Magic: 2
    • Radiant Revive
    • Radiant Relocate
  • Charisma: 1
    • North Linguist Pack
  • Faith: 3
    • Arcane Invocation Pack
    • Nature Invocation Pack
    • Body Invocation Pack
      • Script Invocation Pack (Free)
  • Languages:
    • Vasar (Mother's Tongue)
    • Common (Learned whilst traveling)
    • Skodje (North Linguist Pack)
    • Calem (North Linguist Pack)
    • Anglian (North Linguist Pack)
    • Breizh (North Linguist Pack)
    • Gallwech (North Linguist Pack)
    • Aontaithe (North Linguist Pack)
    • Barrudh (North Linguist Pack - Father's Tongue)

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⁎⁂ Life Story ⁂⁎

  • Childhood:
Born in Daendroc (Staat Ois Teras), to Avory Hishkabibble Grimbloe, an Aldor Dwarf who sailed to the Regalian Empire on business from Ellador. Patavas Baramm, a trader and talented weaponsmith Eronidas.
  • Adolescence:
Hiraeth spent the majority of her adolescence doing very little besides watching and listening; An easy-going lifestyle for the squat Eronidas. During this time her mother fell and her father 'fled' back to Ellador, which resulted in Hiraeth staying in Daen with the company. With a few unfortunate events, she found a crone that awoke her worship Eloblina, the Toad Mother.
  • Adulthood:
Healing from her wounds, Hiraeth left the crone to search for the company with no avail, following their route forwards towards the Regalian Empire as she strengthened her understanding of the Toad Mother and her new conduit for casting through the common book of sorcery and worshipping the diety directly. Learning Spirit Familiar, as well as mending magic to heal the wounded Herald's of Time, eventually expanding out to other fauna.
  • Regalia:
By the time she had reached port, Pipa had forgotten the purpose of her travels, leaning so far into the Toad Mother's worship that she experienced a phenomenon known as the doorway effect, but to a greater scale. To remedy this, she boarded a ship to Regalia, hoping that in doing so it would jog her memory.

Born in Daendroc (Staat Ois Teras), to Avory Hiskabibble Grimbloe, an Aldor Dwarf who sailed to the Regalian Empire on business from Ellador. Patavas Baramm, a trader and talented weaponsmith Eronidas; Bonding through their love for Metallurgy. Hiraeth was given her name through her parents' new lifestyle, traveling for the majority of their relationship through Daen and into the Regalian Empire as part of a trading company. As her mother carried the brunt of the work, her father was left to raise their daughter.

Hiraeth spent the majority of her adolescence doing very little besides watching and listening; An easy-going lifestyle for the squat Eronidas. She'd fall victim to folk-tale and children's stories told by the Altalar of Void Elves and the Faith of the Dark Ancients and the horrors of Aloria, stories of frozen strongholds and Dakkar, late at night by her father. Early into Hiraeth's adulthood, her mother fell, the reason unbeknown to her.
With her father's quick, uncharacteristic desire to travel back to Ellador, Hiraeth was told she was abandoned, left to aid the company whilst her father recovered. Lacking in faith, Hiraeth searched for Eloblina, knowing she could bring them time. While working with the caravan moving through Staat Ois Teras, the company was attacked by Baros Eronidas; rather than stand and fight against sure death, Pipa decided to scatter, becoming separated from the rest of her company.
While running, she entered a forest, and injured herself by falling over the remains of a dead tree, though she wasn't left alone for long; a crone sequestered in the woods came upon her and took her to her hut, where she treated her wounds and took her in for a time. It was here that Hiraeth learned about the Dark Ancient Eloblina for the first time and became particularly enamored by the possibility of turning back time; reasoning that she might even be able to turn back time to return her mother, to bring her father home, Hiraeth learned as much as she could about the Toad Mother from the crone in the woods.

Once Hiraeth found the strength to leave, she'd start her journey, returning in search of her family. As a parting gift, the crone left her a palm sized golden statue of the deity, curled up akin to a fetus and a Common Book of Sorcery bound in a leathery plant-like substance she promised would keep her safe. Knowing the route they traveled, she hoped they had continued forth, following towards the Regalian Empire.
As time progressed, Hiraeth's attachment to the Toad Mother grew stronger. The bond she possessed manifested through study and the conduit of Eloblina, choosing her Spirit Familiar, a Highland Creaker to aid in her journey, as well as learning to manifest magic through the Mother's conduit. During this time, Hiraeth physically mutated, evolving with her knowledge as her body became freckled with faint spots, her nails darkening to points, her hair shifting from it's original dirty blonde, to blades of mossy green grass.
A year in, Hiraeth's drive became twisted, her intentions and personality swayed by her love for her new mother, so much that her original direction swindled, decaying as she grew stronger beneath the Kobold Queen. In doing so, she found a new name, Pipa Heqetrox, Eloblina's daughter, collecting frogs that crossed her path, 'rescuing them' from the otherwise stressful, dangerous situations. Bonding to the cause; Protecting the Herald's of Time that otherwise weren't fit to do so themselves. With the quantity, however, Pipa searches for those befitted for giving them a safe new home, offering guidance with how to care for a Herald of Time.

By the time she had reached port, Pipa had forgotten the purpose of her travels, leaning so far into the Toad Mother's worship that she experienced a phenomenon known as the doorway effect, but to a greater scale. To remedy this, she boarded a ship to Regalia, hoping that in doing so it would jog her memory.

  • Pipa found friendship in her childhood simplistic and easy going, despite her lacking in height. The difference wasn't prominent to spur any blunt scrutiny from a child's curiosity. If anyone, for that matter, had anything negative to say, she'd inform her parents and move on.
  • Struggling with the predicament of being mistaken for an Eronidas child, she became reluctant to feel the need to fully grow up and with being Aldor, it was easy.
  • Pipa never worried for her father, nor held a grudge over him for leaving. Knowing it was just his way of dancing around the uncharacteristic stress he developed. She hoped, one day, he'd return well enough to continue their travels.
  • Pipa knows very little about the Eronidas, as her mother was less present, only knowing what her father picked up on through conversation, otherwise the specifics confused him too.
  • Pipa puts stories to all of her frogs she finds, perhaps as a way to connect more with her childhood, telling stories of her own.
  • Pipa developed mutations through the worship of Eloblina, the Toad Mother. She does not worship the Faith of Dark Ancients and deems she doesn't need to, to worship the Mother.


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: )
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Pipa Pipa's Alchemic Assemblage

  • - NO FUN - Un-alcohols your drink.
  • - HOT - Hand salve for cold flanges.
  • - DUSTER - Idly sucks in dust.
  • - Black Mould Memo - One time use memo recording.
  • - MISC - Pipa's funky unlabelled jar.
  • - NEW - Potion of Good Breathe.
  • - Genderless - Morphing Potion
  • - Male - Morphing Potion
  • - Female - Morphing Potion
  • - HANDSAN - Clean hands good hands.
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Please specify which points are being allocated into Horticulture. It looks to me like you are spending 20 Hobby points, when in fact you may only spend 10.

You may keep the life story you've written, but I would ask you to move it to a spoiler; please write a shortened bullet-point summary of the life story above your current one for my ease of review / per character application template rules.

This character is delightful. That's not part of the review, I just wanted to say it.

Make edits in a seperate color and tag me when ready for further review. @Patsie
I've updated Pipa Pipa's app to the most recent magic changes.
Lot of stuff effectively renamed or replaced if they were removed!
Edits are in Red : )
With the upcoming prof updates I've done my best to try and update to what we've got so far! -

Noticed that the Dwarf page had updated, so removed shaker pack = strength to 0, added heavyweight, added 1 more con pack as one of them turned into a buff, and added arcane faith. Waiting for cleric profs to add more healing stuff (swap out spells if need be for cleric) due to the updates to spell point buy and the removal of the specials.

All edits are made in red! Anything in orange is what is being removed following updates, etc.

Waiting for all prof updates to be done completely.