Archived Pickpocketing!

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
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Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
shift+right click to look in an inventory, cannot take items in hotbar or you will be caught. the inventory randomizes, making it so the hotbar items could be any item, and there is a chance to be caught even if you do not pick something in the hotbar. if you are caught, you will take 1 heart of damage, exit the inventory of the person, and a message will appear on their screen saying YOUR BEING PICKPOCKETED! 0:
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interesting... Now could silver be involved in this? like steal about 2-3 silver? but ofc you need a cool down for this. Otherwise everyone would be stealing from one another like every 3 mins.
While I don't think that's a good way to go about it, a pickpocketing plugin would be fantastic
I like the idea of pickpocketing but the amount of trolling afk players that would go on would be immense.
I think that the pick pocketing should be randomized. Like yeah, Shift + Left click would work well but maybe you get a random item and THEN the cool down starts and if you get noticed, well. Lets just say that not everything will be perfect.
Now don't go saying "This should be Premium only" it shouldn't and I will stand up for that.
Also, maybe if your pick pocketing you could get a status affect like, blindness, slowness (This would be preferable) or maybe poison if your a little pick-pocketing-hobbit.
Lastly, I think that you can't pick pocket in safe zones, or you CAN pick pocket in safe zones but you can be attacked. And maybe, you can even do it to Allies and factions in Truce because, there's always gonna be some stealing and scandal ;)

I think that the pick pocketing should be randomized. Like yeah, Shift + Left click would work well but maybe you get a random item and THEN the cool down starts and if you get noticed, well. Lets just say that not everything will be perfect.
Now don't go saying "This should be Premium only" it shouldn't and I will stand up for that.
Also, maybe if your pick pocketing you could get a status affect like, blindness, slowness (This would be preferable) or maybe poison if your a little pick-pocketing-hobbit.
Lastly, I think that you can't pick pocket in safe zones, or you CAN pick pocket in safe zones but you can be attacked. And maybe, you can even do it to Allies and factions in Truce because, there's always gonna be some stealing and scandal ;)

this sounds much better but a few changes
pickpocketing in safezone should not be allowed.
pickpocketing should have a cooldown?
premiums get a shorter cooldown or something?
I would like this, but if someone doesn't move for 2 minutes straight they should be rendered 'untouchable' so as to prevent trolling of afk people.
There is a pickpocketing plugin as a recall.
Maybe also add an mcmmo like leveling? so that the higher you get, the less effects you get and that you could get items worth more? so like someone thats 0-50 in pickpocketting skills get lower priced goods, but someone with 500-1000 could get higher priced goods like tools and armor.
Also, the chance of getting money is higher with the higher levels.
I think that the pick pocketing should be randomized. Like yeah, Shift + Left click would work well but maybe you get a random item and THEN the cool down starts and if you get noticed, well. Lets just say that not everything will be perfect.
Now don't go saying "This should be Premium only" it shouldn't and I will stand up for that.
Also, maybe if your pick pocketing you could get a status affect like, blindness, slowness (This would be preferable) or maybe poison if your a little pick-pocketing-hobbit.
Lastly, I think that you can't pick pocket in safe zones, or you CAN pick pocket in safe zones but you can be attacked. And maybe, you can even do it to Allies and factions in Truce because, there's always gonna be some stealing and scandal ;)

I think it should work in safe zones, because I can't imagine someone wondering around a forest in the wilderness waiting to pickpocket someone, in the wilderness people kill someone to get that persons items, to me pick pocketing is more of what a poor person would do in a city; such as Regalia.
yea, the pickpocketing is meant for cities - like real life[DOUBLEPOST=1364862023,1364861934][/DOUBLEPOST]it would make it easier for people like me to get items, because I cant kill people properly
Maybe also add an mcmmo like leveling? so that the higher you get, the less effects you get and that you could get items worth more? so like someone thats 0-50 in pickpocketting skills get lower priced goods, but someone with 500-1000 could get higher priced goods like tools and armor.
Also, the chance of getting money is higher with the higher levels.
That reminds me of the RuneScape skill "Thieving" so much. :P
If pickpocketing were added, i doubt it would become a skill :P
If this were added it could add more Role-Play into raiding factions. Maybe because you raid someone because they pick pockted you? Or other things
This sounds intriging
Well, I don't care if this were implemented, because whenever I enter a city I would just throw everything into my backpack :D
I think the appropriate punishment for a failed attempt is to die with peaceful = no, so that you drop all your items, adding a chance for a neutral fail, with nothing taken and no repercussions provides a wider range of realistic outcomes. (You got caught with your hand in the person's pocket and he/she killed you.) This gives a balance, as there is risk for the person stealing as well. This would mean everyone would travel with less inventory, to reduce the chance of pickpocketing and loss of items from raiding.
I think it should work in safe zones, because I can't imagine someone wondering around a forest in the wilderness waiting to pickpocket someone, in the wilderness people kill someone to get that persons items, to me pick pocketing is more of what a poor person would do in a city; such as Regalia.
It's called a safezone for a reason, you should only be able to pickpocket where you could attack someone. (enemy territory, wilderness, ect) if you could pickpocket in safezones, everyone would be doing it. This also ensures that the pickpocket-ee can fight back.
Perhaps introduce pvp/pickpocketing in the Sewers/Undercity? Would certainly make the place more scary, not where vampires can stroll about, with nothing to fear.
Perhaps introduce pvp/pickpocketing in the Sewers/Undercity? Would certainly make the place more scary, not where vampires can stroll about, with nothing to fear.
Perhaps introduce pvp/pickpocketing in the Sewers/Undercity? Would certainly make the place more scary, not where vampires can stroll about, with nothing to fear.
It would, but safezone/warzone is classyfied by chunk, and I couldn't imagine how the team could pull that off, since the sewers are directly below regalia.
It would, but safezone/warzone is classyfied by chunk, and I couldn't imagine how the team could pull that off, since the sewers are directly below regalia.

With Regalian houses, mods can distinguish build rights for certain areas. For example, I can't mine under my house, or place blocks on the exterior of my house. If it's possible to give build rights within chunks, could the same not be done for areas with pvp enabled?

Come to think of it, the Stone Ale Inn has a small pvp ring in it's cellar, which fron the roof, is still a safezone. So yes, I think it is possible (Could a mod confirm this?).
People should only be able to pickpocket/be pickpocketed inside the wilderness, as you won't get pickpocketed in your own territory ... Also, there should be a cooldown and a skill categorized in Pickpocketing called resistance, or you can only pickpocket people within a certain amount of levels (RS Stealing Creation)
With Regalian houses, mods can distinguish build rights for certain areas. For example, I can't mine under my house, or place blocks on the exterior of my house. If it's possible to give build rights within chunks, could the same not be done for areas with pvp enabled?

Come to think of it, the Stone Ale Inn has a small pvp ring in it's cellar, which fron the roof, is still a safezone. So yes, I think it is possible (Could a mod confirm this?).
Its a matter of which plugin is used, with factions things like pvp and building rights is done by chunk. However, regalia is all wilderness according to factions and pvp/building is disabled by another plugin (world guard I believe). World guard allows for more specific areas to be zoned. Because of this there is no reason why the under city cant have pvp
It should be allowed in cities/safe-zones. If you get caught you don't get the item and you get find like 1s and if you don't have that much money all your money you collect will go to that fine untill it is paid. If you pickpocket it should come up with a inventory screen of the other player and you select something and if you have a low skill you can take small items like redstone, sugar. reeds and to the victim it should come up as " You hear something" or some sound effects in the background that and if the victim finds you he can right click and you get caught and find.
I can already imagine the heaps of complains people would have. This is most likely not going to happen.
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