Archived Pickpocket Rp

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Aug 13, 2015
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(I forgot)
So the world of pickpockets is full of powergamers and overall god rpers. Well now I've discovered a new and efficient way of doing pickpocket RP
So the thief rolls a 1-5. They get caught. which can end in either jail time or character death if they react violently. The thief rolls a 6-10. They don't get caught but don't get any regals. They then roll a 10-15. They get about like 2 regals. They then rolls a 16-20 they get about like 4 regals. Now I think that should be the amount, as I think with such low amounts of money being obtained only the very devoted thief Rpers will be able to make any actual living off of it, which means less powergaming thieves.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think it is unnecessary, it would have to be a plugin. And it would discourage self balance.
I've done pickpocket roleplay before, and usually found it 100% impossible to steal anything from anyone.
This is to discourage powergaming thieves, but it kind of goes both ways.

In terms of gaining regals, would the regals actually be taken from the pick-pocketed player?

If so, then that's quite OOC. Someone who owns a rich faction with loads of money OOC as a player, could have nothing IC, and thus would be weird for their character to provide actual regals to steal in that case.

If it doesn't take the regals from the actual pick-pocketed player, then couldn't two people spam this to get easy money from this source, on eachother, or even on an AFK player?

It seems like too much to consider and implement. In terms of fixing this area, I think thieving RP should have much more concrete and clear rules as to how it works and plays out, for both parties involved (especially less experienced thief players).

Sorry if this was random, I just like giving my un-needed and un-asked-for input :D