Phaedra Mikaladis

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by YunYun, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. YunYun

    YunYun cat girls nya nya nya

    Jan 26, 2019
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    〚”Hold your head higher than the water.〛




    ◪ Full Name: Phaedra Deanira Mikaladis
    ➸ Phae
    Age: 18

    ◪ Gender: Female
    ◪ Race: Etosian - Ailor
    ➸ Pure breed
    ◪ Sexuality: Heterosexual
    ◪ Preferred Weapon: Corseque Polearm


    〚"Oh darling.. That just won’t do."〛


    Total Points: 33 | 18 Proficiency points + 5 given boost + 10 hobby points

    ➸ +5 Pole Combat Skill (Boost)

    ➸ +5 Maritime Knowledge

    ➸ +8 Medical Sciences

    ➸ +5 Thread Arts (Hobby)
    ➸ +3 Theatre Arts (Hobby)
    ➸ +2 Culinary Arts (Hobby)

    Body Shape:

    ➸ +5 (Pole Combat x1) +5 (Maritime x1) | 10


    ➸ Moderate body fat

    ◪ Languages:

    Etosian | Learnt from her parents.
    Common | Free language, learnt over time.




    〚"My my, I’ll just have to leave a bad review.."〛


    Eye Colour: Hazel.
    Hair Colour: Dark auburn.
    Hair Style: Wavy, decorated with golden charms.
    Skin Colour: Olive Tan.
    Clothing: Light weight, traditional Etosian clothing.
    Height: 5’4”.




    〚"Remember who raised you, lovely.."〛


    Choose your Character Alignment:

    ➸ Neutral evil

    Choose your Character Personality Type:

    ➸The Commander: ENTJ-A / ENTJ-T

    Choose your Character's Religion:

    ➸ Unionism: 1/10 (Though that is what she appears for public and family situations.)

    ➸ Agnostic

    Thyolaeus Mikaladis @Clewii -- "For my dearest friend, and my dearest kin."

    Lyris Mikaladis @Boss_of_Runes -- "Are you even apart of this family? One day I know you will bring shame."

    Vladislas a Galamb @MrSpideyPool -- "A dog? Or perhaps just a deranged monkey. Your emotions are fun to play with."

    Daniel Sirgrauth @DankDan -- "I hope that you'll be around for awhile. I'd love to have more of your wine, perhaps I'll find out you have hidden wealth one day as well."




    〚"Success comes with work. You’re willing to do that, right?”〛


    Childhood | Birth to 12 years of age.

    ➸ Phaedra Deanira Mikaladis was born on the isles of Theos in 289 AC to two Etosian parents, Meria and Emilius, after an older sister and brother. The family was large and loving, surrounded by many cousins and relatives. Being the youngest of them all, she was the “baby”, always teased but protected equally so. The earliest years of her life were the happiest in memory, short though they were; she spent much of her time on the beach, playing with her siblings and cousins in the water, leading a carefree life without responsibility. On one notable occasion, her older siblings stole one of the family boats with her in tow and sailed to a nearby isle. When they returned, they were severely punished, though Phaedra received the gentlest treatment.

    When she was just seven years old, life took a sudden, drastic turn for the worse. Her mother caught a incurable disease that brought her to death's door. Meanwhile, the young Phaedra was only able to hear of her mother’s condition from the passing words of doctors before she was quarantined away. During the long, drawn-out period of her mother’s failing health, Emilius became extremely withdrawn, too grieved by the prospect of losing his wife to pay much attention to his children. They were left essentially to raise themselves, with the oldest, Athila, taking their mother’s place. Phaedra was too young to understand all this entailed, but she was saddened greatly by her mother’s eventual demise. The once bright, carefree children were forced to mature, leaving their childish inclinations in the past.

    Teenage Years | From 13 to 16 years of age.

    ➸ This event, while being incredibly tragic, is what sparked Phaedra’s greatest interest: medicine. In her youthful innocence, she was determined to learn every conceivable ailment and its remedy as a way to make up for what she saw as inadequacy in the doctors who treated her mother. Vowing her life to this practice, she tucked herself away, poring over books and vials for months on end. It was for the better, it seemed, as her family struggled to put itself back together after their devastating loss. She was able to cope with the grief on her own time, distracting herself with herbs and alchemies.

    ➸ With all this time to herself, Phaedra grew rather isolated. At last, she had finally sought out refuge with one of her most trusted friends, and from there, a love bloomed between the two. Though it was young, and informal as Phaedra was merely fourteen at the time, she thought it was true. Things unfortunately did grow sour between the pair as by sixteen, Phaedra found herself lying of the love she then felt. He was obsessive, always seeking to know of her whereabouts. As well as judgmental and controlling of each person she chose to bring herself rarely near.

    Adulthood | Present days | Age 17 to 18.

    ➸ Around the time of Phaedra’s blossoming adulthood, her cousin made a bold declaration: the family would be moving to Regalia. The older generations of the Mikaladis clan were outraged, doing their best to persuade the youth to remain behind, but Phaedra’s mind was already made up: she desired nothing more than to leave her hometown, as it was plagued with bad memories in her mind as well as to serve as an escape from her unfortunate lover. Free from guilt or remorse at this decision, she sailed for Regalia along with her siblings and cousins, looking forward to the prospect of furthering both her education within medical knowledge and the family’s status.



    〚"Sustained by wine.."〛

    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 3
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    #1 YunYun, Feb 24, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
  2. Clewii

    Clewii Woman

    Jul 29, 2016
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    incest?? this is disgusting. delete your account right now.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. YunYun

    YunYun cat girls nya nya nya

    Jan 26, 2019
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    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  4. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  5. YunYun

    YunYun cat girls nya nya nya

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @Caelamus I've updated religion, sexuality, and back story. I just wanted to remove the part of her relationship with her cousin
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  6. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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