Preserved Sheet Pechasera Tzavaras

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Nov 19, 2013
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team sad

↣☀Pechasera Tzavaras☀↢

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Pechasera "Peaches" Lindgren-Tzavaras
  • Age: 11 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-Etosian, Half-Northerne Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Popularity - Peaches wishes to meet as many different and diverse people as possible, and aims to do so by being as chatty and friendly as she can to as many people as she can.
Basic Information (Extra)
  • Peaches is a member of the low-noble Tzavaras family. Well, mostly. She was sent by her mother to Regalia after her mum decided she was 'better off' living with her father. This, in Peaches' opinion, was not a good idea. She ended up living with her Uncle Paraskevas after about 3 days of being in Regalia instead, due to her drunkard father's ineptitude to look after the little girl properly. It's now been a few weeks and Peaches still hasn't gotten her head around her odd family in this odd new city.
  • She is a bastard child between Baltasar Tzavaras and Tove Lindgren. She was born in the Kingdom of Nordskag, an only child in a high-class household. Little did Peaches know, her mother was a mistress to one of the barons in Nordskag, so Peaches' upbringing was a wealthy, distinguished one. She only knew of her mother on that side of her family, and has now been introduced to the other half of her family; the Tzavaras (include link).
  • The KIDDLYWINK aims to pursue a successful career in horse riding. For as long as she could possibly remember, she has always loved horses and ponies and almost any ungulate animal eligible to be ridden.

Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Dark Brown.
  • Hair Colour: Mahogany.
  • Hair Style: Unstyled and long. Peaches only really brushes her hair down and trims the ends when they split.
  • Skin Colour: Pale.
  • Clothing: Peaches chooses to wear pinks mostly. And dresses. So a pink, Etosian-style dress is her most common attire.
  • Height: 4'7".
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Body Build: Chubby.
  • Weapon of Choice: None.
  • Peaches speaks with a high-pitched, pre-pubescent voice. The sort of voice you would picture a little girl to have. It always has a hint of sweetness and innocence, no matter how poisonous the sentence she speaks is. Peaches is well-spoken, though her accent is patchy, due to the amount of people going to and fro over the course of her life. Peaches can already speak Northerne as her native language, and common due to her mother speaking this to others and Peaches. At school and around the city, Peaches would speak Northerne, but due to the amount of diverse people her secretly-prestigious mother met, her mother would always chatter away to Peaches in common.



Personality Traits

  • Bubbly - Peaches is an abnormally vivacious person, making light of most things no matter how serious. Despite being incredibly sensitive to harsh tones, when she's not being dragged down by the lectures of her elders, Peaches will almost always see the best side of things. She's a very 'the glass is half full' kind of person and always has been throughout her life, which reflects on her actions, making her highly energetic and lively.
  • Mischievous - Just like the saying 'boys will be boys', Peaches follows this path of troublesome behaviour very blindly. She'll often cross the line with jokes and pranks, but never too far. Her insults will mostly be playful and she's hardly ever truly spiteful to people, unless she whole-heartedly despises the person. To get out of heavy punishment, Peaches will act as though she's innocent in any situation, often getting out of it due to her overly-sweet, childish nature and her adorably chubby face.
  • Neurotic - Peaches' behaviour and feelings will often sway dramatically between moods, going from one end of the spectrum to the other. Although Peaches is mostly seen as a bright, fun-loving person, the second someone hurts her feelings she'll become incredibly upset and act completely differently. The same goes for all moods, making her especially irritable, jealous, annoying, etc. when she wants to be. This, however, could be due to her age and the fluctuation of hormones and emotions always rushing through the youngster's body.
  • Impatient - In almost all cases, Peaches doesn't have time to be waiting around for dilly-dalliers. Her restlessness is very transparent, and she makes next to no effort to hide it, however this is mostly because of the fact that no one has yet called her out on it, and even if they did, it's likely that she'd ignore them unless it was some sort of lecture from someone she respected. She'll get snappy and jumpy when she's forced to wait too long for something she wants, which is kind of off-putting but is ordinarily bearable, providing that the person she's with at the time also isn't especially impatient too.
  • Honest - It's not that she's untrustworthy, but Peaches will be as honest as she can whenever she can. She can keep a secret, as she's not dense, but if someone asks her something important that won't impact her life terribly, she'll be able to talk about it as truthfully and freely as possible. One of the hardest tasks she's had to do since arriving in Regalia, is keep her past life a secret and fabricate a new story to tell those interested so her family and herself doesn't look bad. It's often a struggle to keep track of all these evil lies she's been telling, and she despises the fact that she has to speak them to save her reputation.
  • Sensitive - It doesn't take much to upset Peaches, in fact it hardly takes much to turn what is usually a bright, cheerful face, into a gloomy, dismal one. Her delicate feelings are easily hurt and to keep her happy often requires people to tiptoe carefully around her. Although those who know her going out of their way to spare her feelings is a good thing, it won't always prevent her from becoming upset. When encountering those who do not know her, or simply those who do not care for sparing her feelings, she is bound to get overly-upset as a result of their 'insensitive', or simply just normal, actions.
  • Linguist - After learning two languages back in Nordskag, Northerne in school and common back at home, Peaches was almost certain she'd learnt enough about the languages of Aloria. However, she was wrong. Even though she's already fluent in two languages, Peaches is now being tutored in D'Ithanie by Theo Ruest and Etosian by her other family members.
  • Horse riding - Back in Nordskag, between school and reading, Peaches found time to go out to the stables nearby and ride the assorted ponies and horses there. Following an obsession with ponies, Peaches decided she wanted to become a professional horse riding, primarily a racer, allowing her to spend as much time with horses as possible. Due to her natural adoration of these animals, she found riding them to be fairly easily, and could overcome most challenges regarding horse disobedience. (Bear in mind, however, most of the horses she'd of ridden would only of been small, more like ponies).
  • Imagination - Peaches' mind is usually overflowing with ideas, images and scenarios. She designs imaginary, most unfeasible, concepts within her mind and spends a lot of the time just inventing anything she can. Her advanced imagination aids her creativity and she demonstrates this well with any art she chooses to practise. Whether it's abstract or merely fictional, anything she makes would be particularly interesting to an onlooker and usually looks nice enough (except when she's doing childish things like finger painting).
  • Dyscalculia - If there's one thing Peaches especially struggles with, it's mathematics. She's almost completely inept, and cannot usually perform the simplest of tasks regarding numerical data, no matter how hard she tries. She's not stupid, but just like everyone else, she has talents in some places, and is particularly incapable in others. It's been her whole life that she's found maths overly-challenging, and she just can't seem to wrap her head around the numbers, often getting lost and overwhelmed very easily when presented with mathematical problems.
  • Young - Because of her age, Peaches finds challenges all around her. Not only hasn't she experienced as much as her peers because of how little she still is, she's also less physically capable than fully-grown adults too. Being: shorter, generally weaker, chubbier and mainly just underdeveloped. She doesn't have many stories to tell, nor can she reach anything on the top shelf, and is easily ignored by those older than her, and this tends to make life a lot more difficult for her in day to day life.
  • Gullible - Peaches is undeniably naive, perhaps as a result of her father possessing the same trait, or because she is simply a young and impressionable person. Whether she is being told something small and insignificant, or something much more extraordinary - Peaches is bound to believe it.. One of the main reasons for this is probably the influence that her elders have on her, being the youngest in the family, she is often spoken to by those older than her, and has started to perceive anything that her family members say to her to be true.
Personality and Abilities (Extra)
  • Peaches' main quirks is that she cannot for the life of her keep still. She'll fidget and wriggle no matter what, as she finds being completely still too dull and boring, really not fitting in with how Peaches behaves. Her erratic movements may be something to do with her erratic personality, or perhaps it's just because little kids can't keep still.
  • Whittling - As a Northerne, Peaches' mother took it upon herself to teach Peaches even the simplest traditional of tasks; whittling. Peaches is creative enough for it to look nice, but she's never made anything particularly extraordinary like some people can.

  • Ponies - Peaches is completely obsessed with ponies. If she could, she'd make her life solely revolve around ponies, and life only with the ponies. However, no matter how much she wishes, she can't do this, and at the current time doesn't even own a pony herself. This fact upsets Peaches greatly, but upon seeing a pony, Peaches will be filled with absolute joy from head-to-toe.
  • Pink - It's her absolute favourite colour. After she was told the family colours involved a shade of pink, Peaches was absolutely buzzing, and hadn't been more confident about herself in a very long time. If she had her way, everything herself and her family owned would be completely pink, and she doubts she'll ever change her mind on this.
  • Tattoos - Something she took from her home, is the desire to be inked. Back where she came from, she'd always see people dotted about with sleeves, legs and all sorts of diverse tattoos spreading all over the different people she saw, and she wished to be just like them. She'd always fancied it, and it is to be assumed that her first tattoo would be something pony-ish.

  • Manipulation - Due to being naive herself, Peaches is absolutely disgusted to see someone leading on another person whilst being deceitful. If Peaches knows the truth about something/someone, she won't hesitate to interfere when another is trying to twist the truth and change the opinion/feeling of a different person to suit the evil being that's poisoning them with falsities.
  • Not getting what she wanted - Despite her miserable life, there's one thing that was for sure, Peaches always got whatever materialistic possessions she wanted. She'd ask her mum for something and to be rid of her, her mother would simply provide it to her. So now, when she can't simply have everything presented to her on a silver platter, she finds it very distressing and annoying, and generally puts her in a bad mood.
  • Mathematics - As evident through her clear lack of understanding of the subject, Peaches despises maths. She's always hated it, and she's always hated that she couldn't do it. It just wasn't fair; all the other kids could. It also makes her particularly upset when someone mentions the fact she can't do it, or asks her simple maths problems just to see how bad she is, and these actions put her in a really grumpy mood.

Tove Lindgren (NPC) - Mother who mostly neglected her then sent her to Regalia.

Baltasar Tzavaras (@CuteSebby_ ) - Deadbeat Dad.

Paraskevas Tzavaras (@TotallyNotRice) - Lovely Uncle Pear whom took her into his home when Baltasar was being too inept.

Basil Tzavaras (@MistressRochelle) - Peaches' favourite Uncle. He's just so sweet.

Apollonia Tzavaras (@Soopermanatee) - Peaches finds Auntie Apple very interesting. She still loves her though.

Raia Al-Safir (@StereoTurtle) - The best Qadir bodyguard she's ever met.

Life Story
Pechasera Lindgren, otherwise known as 'Peaches', was born to only her mother, Tove Lindgren, in the year 293 A.C. Her and her (mostly) single mother lived in the Kingdom of Nordskag in a rather sizable house. Her father, Baltasar Tzavaras, only found out about her very recently as she was sent away to Regalia by her mother. During all her time in Nordskag, Peaches was kept quiet and hidden, due to being a bastard, and since her mother was a mistress to one of the barons in the kingdom. Her mother still tried to keep a prestigious appearance whilst hiding all her secrets in the shadows; including Peaches.

Despite being concealed, Peaches was still sent to school by her mother, Tove particularly hating ignorance and stupidity, not wishing to home-school the girl of whom she found intensely dense. At school Peaches never had many friends. She had a few that shared her hyper-active nature, but they were possibly too similar and often fell out between themselves. She was kind of an outcast to the other kids, since her mother forbade her from talking about her home life, and because of this she never was able to explain herself to any of her peers. She often trundled behind the class academically too, only excelling at the languages they taught: common and Northerne.

In her free time, Peaches often visited the stables down the road from their home, learning to ride horses smoothly and efficiently, sparking her love for ponies. She also read a lot; a nice quiet task she could perform without the risk of being too noisy and getting scolded for it. She'd read books in common, which is where she learnt most of her common (that and the occasions when her mother actually spoke to her). She'd also do as many cheeky things as she could get away with: moving things around the house, making small scratches on walls, pushing furniture over and blaming the cat, etc. just because she got a small kick out of this smidge of exhilaration that she hardly ever got to feel.

Possibly the most influential experience in Peaches' life is when she was told she'd be moving to Regalia. She was practically glowing with excitement the entire trip and even prior to the trip. Given simply a note with the name of her father and a few words of 'helpful' advice, Peaches was shipped off as soon as possible to Regalia. Again, her mother told her that she'd be an "embarrassment" if people were to find out she was born out of wedlock, so she had to create an entirely new life story to tell the curious people of Regalia instead.

It was within hours of arriving that Peaches met a member of the Tzavaras family. Or rather, the bodyguard of said family. After asking around the city, a Qadir named 'Raia' overheard her and took her to Baltasar's and Basil's home, which is where Peaches' wonderful adventure as a proper Tzavaras all started. Unlike when she was back in Nordskag, Peaches really feels at peace with herself amongst this family, and gets along with them a lot more than she did her mother back home, of which she appreciates gratefully.
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Lovely start! I can't say I've seen an application for a child character as thorough as this - beautiful job! Now for the review:
  • A minor recommendation, but perhaps you can add on to the current list of likes and dislikes?
  • Neurotic may be a better definition of the personality trait 'Extreme'
These are really minor edits, and none of them are pressing enough for me to hold for approval. So, I'll approve the sheet now and trust you can make the changes I suggested!
oh my gosh. I found a kindred spirit...
-coughs loudly- I am currently updating her app, but sweetie Lizzy and Peaches must talk They both love pink and ponies! (Lizzy has 14 though o///o She's an expensive lil princess) and she loves sweets and is terrible at politics and math! They even have similar dislikes too!~ Peaches dislikes Manipulation and Lizzy dislikes Liars and being used!
-squeals- this is great. finally found another child roleplayer
oh my gosh. I found a kindred spirit...
-coughs loudly- I am currently updating her app, but sweetie Lizzy and Peaches must talk They both love pink and ponies! (Lizzy has 14 though o///o She's an expensive lil princess) and she loves sweets and is terrible at politics and math! They even have similar dislikes too!~ Peaches dislikes Manipulation and Lizzy dislikes Liars and being used!
-squeals- this is great. finally found another child roleplayer
I'm actually considering making a child character sometime soon. His name's Jude, but I just can't decide on a last name.

Lovely start! I can't say I've seen an application for a child character as thorough as this - beautiful job! Now for the review:
  • A minor recommendation, but perhaps you can add on to the current list of likes and dislikes?
  • Neurotic may be a better definition of the personality trait 'Extreme'
These are really minor edits, and none of them are pressing enough for me to hold for approval. So, I'll approve the sheet now and trust you can make the changes I suggested!
I'll be sure to get round to them, thank you so much <33
oh my gosh. I found a kindred spirit...
-coughs loudly- I am currently updating her app, but sweetie Lizzy and Peaches must talk They both love pink and ponies! (Lizzy has 14 though o///o She's an expensive lil princess) and she loves sweets and is terrible at politics and math! They even have similar dislikes too!~ Peaches dislikes Manipulation and Lizzy dislikes Liars and being used!
-squeals- this is great. finally found another child roleplayer
This sounds amazing! I'll be looking out for you in the future ! c:
This sounds amazing! I'll be looking out for you in the future ! c:
I can't believe it. At first I was shocked that they are both 4'7... and around similar weights (I must update mine, I intend to redo it soon)
AND THEIR FAVORITE COLORS ARE BOTH PINK!!! Lizzy can't wear too much pink since her family's colors are black and dark grey. and she likes to match the rest of her family y'know, but trying to work some color into her clothes <3
Her favorite kind of pink being baby pink. Like me XD
Aaah this is so great, finally will have a friend. Lizzy is very girly though >///<
I can't believe it. At first I was shocked that they are both 4'7... and around similar weights (I must update mine, I intend to redo it soon)
AND THEIR FAVORITE COLORS ARE BOTH PINK!!! Lizzy can't wear too much pink since her family's colors are black and dark grey. and she likes to match the rest of her family y'know, but trying to work some color into her clothes <3
Her favorite kind of pink being baby pink. Like me XD
Aaah this is so great, finally will have a friend. Lizzy is very girly though >///<
Peaches gets to wear pink (raspberry but meh she works with it) bc of her family colours.
eep, they'll get along so great, i'm sure ^-^
Peaches gets to wear pink (raspberry but meh she works with it) bc of her family colours.
eep, they'll get along so great, i'm sure ^-^
Literally cannot wait. So excited sorry aaaaaah I'm going to go fangirl in the corner for a while. This is also beautifully done. I have a ton of Lizzy stuff if you're ever interested or curious aaah. I love my character so much. It's crazy.
Literally cannot wait. So excited sorry aaaaaah I'm going to go fangirl in the corner for a while. This is also beautifully done. I have a ton of Lizzy stuff if you're ever interested or curious aaah. I love my character so much. It's crazy.
chhh i'm going to read up on lizzy bc she sounds so adorable. Peaches is my baba and from what i have saw your lizzy app is superb. cant wait<3
chhh i'm going to read up on lizzy bc she sounds so adorable. Peaches is my baba and from what i have saw your lizzy app is superb. cant wait<3
oh geez it's really outdated. I have a more accurate thingy madoodle if you wants to see it. I'll PM you. The linked application needs an overhaul.