Archived Peaceful World Or Factions

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Mar 31, 2013
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I realise this is a raiding server, so I probably won't get far, also considering past posts on this subject. I also realise that raiding is completely legal and is allowed, infact in rp it is encouraged, but I personally disagree with it, and although many people will continue to enjoy it, I can't and will not ever raid anyone. So I realise that peaceful factions are out of the picture, they were tested and failed but I have discussed this with others in the past and thought up ways of making the peaceful option a fair one, for everyone : raiders and peaceful players. It might work better then if the server had a peasant world devoted to farming and building, without factions imposed on them. Thats one suggestion. Another could be that factions are able to be peaceful but cannot swing between peaceful and waring due to cooldown restriants. That could work? I also think that even if there was one faction on the server that was "reserved" for peaceful people, I would join it because I get sick of the whole enemying/allying/trucing business. Its a bit too "fragile" and "fickle" for me, because people can simply enemy and raid without any discussion or consent... I realise this post may likely be locked without any further discussion because there are too many people who like the server the way it is, but I am trying to consider raiders and those who enjoy the PVP side of things too, so please hear me out. ;)
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With the "fragile" and "fickle" Thats why people get good diplomats and that shtuff. And if you don't like raiding, well your either going to have to get used to it or just not be in a faction OR just leave the server. Thats all I have to say.
Well I think that perhaps the server could allow for it and also, the peaceful world could produce alot for the factions that are not peaceful like to sell some of their harvest. Idk Its just a suggestion, but I prefer the idea of owning your own peaceful faction (purchased as peaceful and permanently peaceful).Or you could change to a non-peaceful faction after a month or something to act as a buffer so as to stop raiders misusing it. Btw it wouldn't impact you in any way, because it would not clash with the current worlds. So whats your problem with it? No offense intended.
Did it occur to you this idea could easily become abusable and cause more work for the staff that volunteers for this?
I am trying to acknowlege that it would be abusable, but like the "race" thing allows you to change race with three days before you can change back, Im just relating how this could be a similar command etc which allows you to change only after a serious amount of time.
I am trying to acknowlege that it would be abusable, but like the "race" thing allows you to change race with three days before you can change back, Im just relating how this could be a similar command etc which allows you to change only after a serious amount of time.
It's not a bad idea, but be realistic, this can be very troublesome.
Yeah Probably. I have to admit.[DOUBLEPOST=1364795545,1364795485][/DOUBLEPOST]But the peaceful world thing could still work, like Kelmoria but only peaceful and only RP. It could be a heavy roleplay world where peaceful encounters and building/farming communities are encouraged.
We've been over this in another thread so you pretty much know the conclusion of what I am going to say.

I should however add to it, that in the meantime since your ban and this thread, I have concepted a future server expansion where a seperate Heavy Roleplay server can run next to MassiveCraft with PVP disabled globally.

This will not be materialized for many months, possibly even a year though.
Do you remove your self from dynmap pldeulz? Its usually the only way potential raiders know there is someone there to raid, if you and everyone in your faction are hidden I think you will find that you get attacked much less often- peoples ability to raid you wont be nearly as much of a problem.

A peaceful world might work, but how to make a country without violence fit?
Maybe make some areas of the island of regalia purchaseable/rentable for farms.
Thats good.[DOUBLEPOST=1364795960,1364795917][/DOUBLEPOST]Exactly faiyde. Thats exactly what I thought.[DOUBLEPOST=1364796027][/DOUBLEPOST]Is that something that will be developed maybe? Or is it still under discussion? monmarty
I lead a faction and I don't get raided, the key is to not make enemies.
My faction almost never gets raided.

Raiding comes with the game, even if you are a peaceful faction. Bandits and all.
I lead a faction and I don't get raided, the key is to not make enemies.
Raiding is not something I personally do, ever, but I respect that thats what others in the game enjoy. You can't avoid making enemies especially when someone enemies you because their ally did (a weak reason for enemying someone) , or for some petty reason (a personal trait which is disliked and you are enemied because someone has no patience/long-suffering). Anyway raiding is almost unavoidable on this particular server, which is a pity because I really do love it for all the cool maps/worlds and lore etc.
Raiding is not something I personally do, ever, but I respect that thats what others in the game enjoy. You can't avoid making enemies especially when someone enemies you because their ally did (a weak reason for enemying someone) , or for some petty reason (a personal trait which is disliked and you are enemied because someone has no patience/long-suffering). Anyway raiding is almost unavoidable on this particular server, which is a pity because I really do love it for all the cool maps/worlds and lore etc.
Actually I avoid raiding and have only been raided by one person (and that was within the first month of my faction been created before I had any real allies). May others also avoid raiding and war. Its all about how you act, when you act, and where you act. Also to enemy someone because your ally did (especially if they are a close ally) is not at all a weak reason.
Actually I avoid raiding and have only been raided by one person (and that was within the first month of my faction been created before I had any real allies). May others also avoid raiding and war. Its all about how you act, when you act, and where you act. Also to enemy someone because your ally did (especially if they are a close ally) is not at all a weak reason.
I think it is a weak reason because:
1. It shows you are not strong enough to stand on your own two feet in decision making.
2. It doesn't take into consideration the person your enemying, because you do not have a personal issue with that person.
3. It just adds more enemies to your long list.
1. I did make my own decision, its not like they ever had any influence on the path I took, in fact the past couple of times they have been raiding you I have stepped down.
2. Of course I do not have a personal issue with you, if I did I would raid you constantly and call my allies for help, this was a one off time
3. My long list equals one faction, and that is yours which is MockingJay.
1. I did make my own decision, its not like they ever had any influence on the path I took, in fact the past couple of times they have been raiding you I have stepped down.
2. Of course I do not have a personal issue with you, if I did I would raid you constantly and call my allies for help, this was a one off time
3. My long list equals one faction, and that is yours which is MockingJay.
Actually they did have an influence on you because you probably wouldn't have enemied us if you hadn't been told about us by them.
I was simply providing moral support, in which I did not once hit one of your members or allies and after we were driven off we didn't come back. I take an alliance very seriously in which when I see they need to support I will very gladly give it to them. Ever since we (Vanguard) joined the Auxillian Alliance we haven't had much time to actually 'help' them out, I saw you as an enemy of my ally (which makes you an enemy of me) in turn allowing me to give them moral support.
If you beg to differ I did in fact consider not attacking you. Although I am not a leader, I lead a faction because I am holding it for a great friend during he is sick, which is why I like to find someone or some group that can over rule me and guide me to do better.
I think it is a weak reason because:
1. It shows you are not strong enough to stand on your own two feet in decision making.
2. It doesn't take into consideration the person your enemying, because you do not have a personal issue with that person.
3. It just adds more enemies to your long list.
These reasons are rather invalid because
1. How do you know what decision that have made or how long they have thought about it. It may benefit them if they help there ally or they may be just honoring there alliance, they may even be just looking for easy loot because they know you will have your hands full fighting their ally
2. Its not always about personal issues, allies are there to help each other, that's basically the point of an alliance, to help your ally is perfectly fine and proves you are true to your word. Also if someone attacked a close ally of mine I would have a personal issue with them, no further explanation needed.
3. Most people either don't have a long list or don't care how long a list it is and wont mind adding someone to it, especially if they know that someone is already busy fighting their allies.
Thank you for expressing more of my points of view.
These reasons are rather invalid because
1. How do you know what decision that have made or how long they have thought about it. It may benefit them if they help there ally or they may be just honoring there alliance, they may even be just looking for easy loot because they know you will have your hands full fighting their ally
2. Its not always about personal issues, allies are there to help each other, that's basically the point of an alliance, to help your ally is perfectly fine and proves you are true to your word. Also if someone attacked a close ally of mine I would have a personal issue with them, no further explanation needed.
3. Most people either don't have a long list or don't care how long a list it is and wont mind adding someone to it, especially if they know that someone is already busy fighting their allies.
You see this is exactly why I don't want to deal with this anymore, because there are so many excuses for enemying etc. It would be so much easier in a peaceful world/map. No bitchy this or that, just build and farm and get on with the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1364814416,1364814324][/DOUBLEPOST]Its too much like the real world/wars/politics LOLLOLOL
Yes you must've missed it. Feudal Europe......ok. But I would prefer to live like a peasant in that "Feudal Europe". Not a knight.
Then you would be ruled over by a knight (or some other form of nobility). To that end, why not join a big powerful empire who can crush anyone who attacks you?
I have concepted a future server expansion where a seperate Heavy Roleplay server can run next to MassiveCraft with PVP disabled globally.
<3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H) <3(H)
Peacefull factions, well the Okamiden Empire is part of that! :)
1. Okami
2. Okamiden
3. Okamisu
4. Semishi
Minecraft is like nothing without PvP but too much would destroy it.
i think that massivecraft has found a really good balance and i don't want it changed
If you want to rp but not pvp, I have only one question.... why are you on this server? Seriously, the pvp adds greatly to the RP (most of the time) and is one of the most important parts of the server. If you want a non-pvp, RP server, go find one and not try to make Massivecraft belong to every. single. server. type. It just won't happen. Well that's my two cents.
If you want to roleplay without getting attacked, go to Regalia. Just sayin.
The medieval world was a dangerous place.
The only thing that keeps people right now away from flaming at each other even more, is the fact that they can beat each other up. In a peacefull world there wouldn't be less conflicts, but they would be held in chat, which would be an even bigger annoyance.
Peacefull factions, well the Okamiden Empire is part of that! :)
1. Okami
2. Okamiden
3. Okamisu
4. Semishi
Awesome, lets be allies or something ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1364853189,1364853078][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you want to rp but not pvp, I have only one question.... why are you on this server? Seriously, the pvp adds greatly to the RP (most of the time) and is one of the most important parts of the server. If you want a non-pvp, RP server, go find one and not try to make Massivecraft belong to every. single. server. type. It just won't happen. Well that's my two cents.

Because massivecraft is the best server for giant awesome maps/worlds and interesting races and lore. So I will not try other servers because I have done in the past and just been dissapointed. How would a peaceful map/world effect you? anyway?[DOUBLEPOST=1364853334][/DOUBLEPOST]
I knew this would happen... (facepalm)

For gods sake, do not try and separate pvp and rp. I (and many others) can't have one without the other, as typing "Prestatamore rushes forward, swiping his axe" is just retarded. What we need is a bloody taskforce of factions that punish any whom raid for no goddamn reason, not disabling pvp in a "Heavy Roleplay" world. Bandits should be able to be bandits, thieves should be able to be thieves, but what the players AND staff need to do is create that alliance, that force that will hunt down any whom attack for no reason. Or hell, just have more factions be hunters of bandits. So yeah, a raider can destroy a peaceful village, but they need to weigh that reward with the risk of making half the server there enemy. THAT is a solution. Separating the servers players from PVP's and RP's is not.

Peaceful Rp occurs quite frequently on many worldwide servers and is very enjoyable. It usually occurs in "creative plot" servers which are not lasting as they are renewed monthly, so thats a waste of time because I like to keep my creations as long as possible. How would a peaceful Rp world effect you anyway?[DOUBLEPOST=1364853626][/DOUBLEPOST]
If you want to roleplay without getting attacked, go to Regalia. Just sayin.
The medieval world was a dangerous place.
I want role play without getting attacked, yes, but I also want to have some land to build on as well....without the constant and ever lingering threat of someone forcing us to surrender or something really bitchy like that. I realise once again that that is an essential part of wars/raiding but I personally think its really petty, wastes time and makes gameplay miserable, when its meant to be reacreational. This is also along the lines of my comment about it being too similar to the real world wars/politics, which are evidently flawed. Why can't we all just get along, is the thought that rings through my head daily, but it still doesn't stop people threatening you for carrots or whatever lol. But It happens.
wait a second, didn't you make a thread about this months ago? And wasn't it rejected? In fact, I remember someone with a similar username making like 3 threads about peaceful factions and worlds, and all of them were rejected. Even if that wasn't you, use some common sense. In RP there aren't magically invincible people that can never be attacked. There will always be war in medieval roleplay, it leads to the creation of great villains and heroes.
Its sometimes nice to consider others who may not enjoy pvp as much as you do. Infact hundreds of people enjoy role-play without pvp or factions, just look at dubcraft for example, (no advertisement intended). So consider that. Just because the server is a medieval roleplay server does'nt mean that people should be forced to enter into pvp just because the majority enjoy violence and battle/tacticsetc etc. And thatw as me, and I will continue to post my ideas because I realise that they are not impossible for the server to acheive. Consideration costs nothing but it shows respect for others. :)
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