Archived "peaceful" Faction Flag

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Hello, the feature I am suggesting is a flag for factions in which it prevents them from setting their relation with any other factions to Enemy, and prevents other factions from setting their relation with the peaceful faction to Enemy.

It would work like this, Faction ABC is created, and cuts on the Peaceful flag and they are not able to have factions like Faction 123, a single person, raider faction who has as many enemies as possible, to enemy Faction ABC, and prevents them from having to deal with raids.

The Peaceful flag would not remove current enemies, but only prevent anyone else from becoming one. It could only be toggled every thirty days, or must be applied for on the forums, like a War Zone, however, it would not cost anything to turn on, but to turn off you must pay X amount of Regals. You would also have to apply to have it turned off, and would not be accepted except for every thirty days.

A simple feature that would help small or new factions grow without the threat of being raided, or for Roleplay factions not to have to worry about paying for a tribute they can not afford.

I believe this feature would help attract and keep players, as it would provide a safer Factions experience for those who do not like to PvP, but prefer to just build, farm, trade, Roleplay, or otherwise.

Thank you for reading, and I am interested in seeing others' thoughts on this!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This has been happening for a long time. The pvp and rp communities are drifting further apart and this is only more evidence. I joined in the days where no one was either a pvper or an rper. Everyone knew they had to survive in the wilderness, no one complained. Then came Regalia. If factions want peace, it's simple, pay the max tribute. Why would being an rper mean you have to be treated differently from pvpers, survival players, builders and farmers?
This has been happening for a long time. The pvp and rp communities are drifting further apart and this is only more evidence. I joined in the days where no one was either a pvper or an rper. Everyone knew they had to survive in the wilderness, no one complained. Then came Regalia. If factions want peace, it's simple, pay the max tribute. Why would being an rper mean you have to be treated differently from pvpers, survival players, builders and farmers?
This thread was never all about RPers.
I am on neither against or for both pvp and rp. But the division between the two communities is the reason this is even a discussion.
Perhaps you are right, and instead of separating the two more, we should work to draw them closer together.

1. It has been stated numerous times that this will never be added. Survival worlds are meant for survival, if you want a safe place to roleplay you have regalia available to you.

2. This will utterly and completely ruin pvp. I'm not even going to bother explaining why; it is more than self-evident.
Show respect for others ideas, I thought it was good.
Show respect for others ideas, I thought it was good.
And I thought it was a terrible idea, have seen it suggested around half a dozen times before, and know that it will completely and utterly destroy pvp, which despite some people's beliefs to the contrary, is actually important to the server's health.
Show respect for others ideas, I thought it was good.
And I thought it was a terrible idea, have seen it suggested around half a dozen times before, and know that it will completely and utterly destroy pvp, which despite some people's beliefs to the contrary, is actually important to the server's health.
@Jorgrandstad , While i am always in favor of people presenting their ideas to the forums. You also have to remember that not everybody thinks the same. And in this case, @65jes89 is who is most vocally against this idea.
Think about it. If the world you have spent so much time and energy creating and living in suddenly had the potential to gain a new thing that you would dislike or would be detrimental to your community within the world, you would try to do everything you can to stop it. Its what i would do, Its what Jes is already doing, and i would hope its what you would do too.
You either go hard or go home. Peace is bad
Reasons why I believe this idea will never work,

1) People will abuse it

2) Destroys PvP. (Don't say this has nothing to do with PvP, I love to PvP and I know some good RP items sell good on the market, therefore, I kill you, get items, sell items, buy PvP gear/Lamplight :) )

3) Defeats the purpose of having Roleplay worlds.

I have always tried to get into RP but never could, but I do know that you can go to regalia and RP without the strict rules if you and the people you RP with are okay with it. It most likely won't be involved with the official RP but more of a private conversation.

-- Squid
So....I just wanna put my 2 cents in on this matter :)

  • I'm not sure about the flag idea though... maybe... I'm really clueless but I thought it was ok. Fixes really what I didn't like about the PvP system... random enemy (without cause, really I guess).
  • I do know that ppl will abuse it. Ppl will abuse anything as soon as they find out they can safely.
  • I disagree in that it would defeat the need for the RP world, I feel like it maybe would force PvPers to RP sometimes which IDK how they'd feel about that... (I feel that it would kinda be fair since RPers are kinda forced to PvP sometimes). It would be like New York being the only city one would be able to see a movie in the U.S. or even one place in each state to watch a movie in... It still wouldn't be realistic just like it one removed the rp bandits n what not.

I have thought about something like this myself over and over... "Is there a way that I as a rp/minecrafter (just wants ta play minecraft like farm/build) can avoid the whole PvP thing of massive or at least avoid random enemies (in the /F sense)?"

I have no idea... I have thought about different thing though:
  • Maybe changing the /f ally/truce/neutral/enemy set up...
  • So that you'd have to agree to be an enemy like with the other fac relationship things...
    • Well... I don't think PvPers would like this because it removes their ability to "hunt" randoms...
  • Try to appeal to their human side
    • Have tried this...
      • It kinda sorta not really works....
        • Most of the time the "other" just won't respond or gets more aggressive
        • PvPers don't seem to enjoy being talked to by their "victims" (nothing personal :) just how it feels in massive lol)
          • They'd rather kill n move on
          • Or if they become more aggressive...
            • They come back with more (sometimes 4v1) and make a point to kill the person talking to them
  • Offer my head
    • I do this really because I'm Prem....
    • Not all are Prem so this isn't a really good solution
    • it takes SOOOO long because the drop change is only 10% (not a big deal, by this point I'm committed)

Those are the three main things that I've come up with... I have never actually paid a tribute but I can imagine that would end up being a problem for ppl who can't afford Prem or who can't make the money back...

I don't think Pvpers attacking Rp/peaceful facs is a big problem... The only thing that I'm really talking about here are the facs that are just eneming (spelling i know awful) people for the sake of it... you all know the ones... If a member of them sees you at an rp even or something n the next thing you know you gotta random Enemy msg or the ones that stumble on your fac late at night and make it their mission to mess with you... those are the ones that make me wish there was a way to avoid that... Not the ones that raid n kill then we work it out and we're truced minutes later... I mean... It's not THAT big of a deal... it's not like these small fac get raided constantly (unless they got inta some stuff) most of the time like ppl have said here unless you're starting trouble usually they'll leave ya alone....

One last thing to rant about related to this subject...
Those random pvper types I was talking about (noone particular here :) haven't came across one like that in a long time) make me a little worried about their mental health a little... just a little. That is all :)

Keep an eye out for Fat'hiyaa Shop coming soon :)
So....I just wanna put my 2 cents in on this matter :)
  • I disagree in that it would defeat the need for the RP world, I feel like it maybe would force PvPers to RP sometimes which IDK how they'd feel about that... (I feel that it would kinda be fair since RPers are kinda forced to PvP sometimes.
RPers are never forced to pvp, they usually run away or hide.
RPers are never forced to pvp, they usually run away or hide.
If they know the enemy is there in time.
Otherwise, you're standing there with no armor on, no weapon out with your buddy, when all of the sudden you get stabbed through the back and lose everything in your inventory(For non-perms, that is.).
If they know the enemy is there in time.
Otherwise, you're standing there with no armor on, no weapon out with your buddy, when all of the sudden you get stabbed through the back and lose everything in your inventory(For non-perms, that is.).

^ That was what I meant by (sometimes forced to PvP)
Otherwise I personally would ever get into a PvP fight OOC with another person...

Want people to be peaceful? Pay them, thats why surrender rules exist FYI.
Ultimately what it comes down to is that you are rping on a faction server. Yes it would be fun to make your own little city to rp with your friends in but you have to remember that it is a faction server before it is an rp server. It may implement some rp elements but in the end a faction server is made for factions, not rp. However, there is only one use I can see for your flag and that would be a one month period upon the creation of a faction to build whatever they want in that time free from attack. At the end of this month upon creation they are subject to raids and the like. That's the only logical thing I can see this flag idea being implemented on a faction server. That way it doesn't hurt the faction or pvp aspect and allows for growth in new factions. For my closing remarks I say again, you are rping on a faction server, remember that.

(I know that a lot of people are attacking this idea with no respect to you and its probably frustrating, I'm saying this as a friendly reminder to you love the idea, just look at my way of it and I think it would work better)
Ultimately what it comes down to is that you are rping on a faction server. Yes it would be fun to make your own little city to rp with your friends in but you have to remember that it is a faction server before it is an rp server. It may implement some rp elements but in the end a faction server is made for factions, not rp. However, there is only one use I can see for your flag and that would be a one month period upon the creation of a faction to build whatever they want in that time free from attack. At the end of this month upon creation they are subject to raids and the like. That's the only logical thing I can see this flag idea being implemented on a faction server. That way it doesn't hurt the faction or pvp aspect and allows for growth in new factions. For my closing remarks I say again, you are rping on a faction server, remember that.

(I know that a lot of people are attacking this idea with no respect to you and its probably frustrating, I'm saying this as a friendly reminder to you love the idea, just look at my way of it and I think it would work better)
I did mention in my original post how this could be activated when factions are created if I recall correctly.
Two words, defend yourself.
When you are in a small, poor faction that can't offord top of the line gear, or even tribute for that matter, and you're just barely scraping by on tax, not to mention all being non-prem players, there is nothing you can do.
You make allies, or you can offer other things besides regals. I know when I was around I would ask people for like god armour, food, weapons, potions and such.
I was once askes for max tribute in bread. It was about 16 doublechests of bread. That's far, far more than my farms can produce in a month. How was I to pay that?
It's not hard to do, I have seen Jackson413 mass produce potatoes constantly, I don't think it takes more than a month to make 16 dub chests of potatoes. Also you have multiple members in your faction, therefore you can have more than one working on it.
A month of constant work which halts my faction's progression and growth.
A month of constant work which halts my faction's progression and growth.
Then ask some pvpers. Or hide inside. Or just go in a darkroom for an hour, and make more than enough money to surrender. Everyone went through it, whether it was tyberia, sunkiss, or any other faction today. We all did it. There's no reason you should just get a freebie because you don't want to.
A month of constant work which halts my faction's progression and growth.
Then ask some pvpers. Or hide inside. Or just go in a darkroom for an hour, and make more than enough money to surrender. Everyone went through it, whether it was tyberia, sunkiss, or any other faction today. We all did it. There's no reason you should just get a freebie because you don't want to.
Indeed, do you think that the countries and nations today in the world have not been through hardships. If you can't support/defend your faction then you shouldn't be running one.
there is only one use I can see for your flag and that would be a one month period upon the creation of a faction to build whatever they want in that time free from attack. At the end of this month upon creation they are subject to raids and the like.

I kinda like this idea.
Makes the server more player friendly
Add notification of this thing after creation.
link the month safety to the creater to prevent disbanding and recreating to keep the peacefull flag.

Thumbs up if this is what we go with.
If they were to implement this as I suggested, then the Peaceful flag would not remove current enemies, and only prevent you from gaining any more.

This would not change PvP in any way, as you would have to have staff activate/deactivate the flag for you, and obvious PvP factions would not be accepted. Once again, it would not remove any current enemies, but only prevent more.

Surviving can be hard when every time you step outside you get ambushed by a Premium in God armor, who then demands you pay a ridiculous amount of items or a hefty sum of Regals. This would help factions get set up and expand by giving them a month of safety from raiders.
Also, perhaps it could expire after the 30 days are up?

Yes, as stated in my initial post, you would have to apply for this as with a warzone.
Who in the world where you ever raided by?
This flag is only for world spawns, and can not be added to player-run factions. I think...

Regalia is one city out of an entire world, wouldn't it be nice for Roleplayers to have a few more environments to Roleplay in, without risking being killed by raiders and having to pay to return your things?

Roleplay factions could agree with others to have raids in a more Roleplay-is way, if they like. But that way at least there wouldn't be people standing around busy typing while an over powered PvPer sneaks up on them.

Also, Roleplay is not the only thing you can do in a faction. For instance, perhaps you just want to quarry stone out of a mountain, or build a grand city, or farm, breed animals, etc. etc. etc. There are plenty of things you could do with the Peaceful flag, that otherwise would be very difficult due to raiders. I still believe this is a good idea, and if it is implemented properly, could both be helpful to many, but also not harmful to the PvP community.

The fact you call a PvPer "Overpowered" is indicative of quite a lot, I believe.
That would make sense if I participated in PVP. But again, I don't and wont. So i'll complain all I want. How about you worry about your own damn self and stop trying to tell everyone else what to do? Hm?
You are trying to implement a feature that would ruin pvp and you say that znake is telling people what to do. GG.
IMO it creates an atmosphere that makes it harder for new players to gain strength, which eventually leads to the problems we have now where there is hardly any PVP going on. You have to allow players to get to your level if you want keep the PVP aspect of the server going. Even if you aren't able to take a lower level players items, doing things like camping and demanding ridiculous tributes can really discourage people.

It also leads to uncreativity. People become afraid of getting killed so they just build big cobble boxes or giant ugly walls to keep people out.

Anyway, on the main subject; Alternatively, we could have the peaceful option, plus certain days of the week where pvp is forced on. I've seen other servers use this method and it worked well. Also I think there would obviously have to be a cooldown period before a faction can change their peaceful/pvp flag as well as before a player can join another faction.

The problem stems from the fact that PvP on Massivecraft is entirely Pay-to-Win, and the amount of grinding you have to do to get to appropriate stats and gear to actually PvP. It has little to do with facs getting over-raided. When I was a new player, being raided inspired me to become geared and trained in PvP stats so that I could do the same to them. But you wouldn't know that, since you don't PvP. Ignorance is bliss.