Archived "peaceful" Faction Flag

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Hello, the feature I am suggesting is a flag for factions in which it prevents them from setting their relation with any other factions to Enemy, and prevents other factions from setting their relation with the peaceful faction to Enemy.

It would work like this, Faction ABC is created, and cuts on the Peaceful flag and they are not able to have factions like Faction 123, a single person, raider faction who has as many enemies as possible, to enemy Faction ABC, and prevents them from having to deal with raids.

The Peaceful flag would not remove current enemies, but only prevent anyone else from becoming one. It could only be toggled every thirty days, or must be applied for on the forums, like a War Zone, however, it would not cost anything to turn on, but to turn off you must pay X amount of Regals. You would also have to apply to have it turned off, and would not be accepted except for every thirty days.

A simple feature that would help small or new factions grow without the threat of being raided, or for Roleplay factions not to have to worry about paying for a tribute they can not afford.

I believe this feature would help attract and keep players, as it would provide a safer Factions experience for those who do not like to PvP, but prefer to just build, farm, trade, Roleplay, or otherwise.

Thank you for reading, and I am interested in seeing others' thoughts on this!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

1. It has been stated numerous times that this will never be added. Survival worlds are meant for survival, if you want a safe place to roleplay you have regalia available to you.

2. This will utterly and completely ruin pvp. I'm not even going to bother explaining why; it is more than self-evident.
First off. There already is a peaceful flag. Look at the information for the survival world spawn faction. It basically truces everybody and its purpose is for server-cities.

AND secondly...

1. It has been stated numerous times that this will never be added. Survival worlds are meant for survival, if you want a safe place to roleplay you have regalia available to you.

2. This will utterly and completely ruin pvp. I'm not even going to bother explaining why; it is more than self-evident.
Unfortunatly, @Legoclub22, im with Jes... Although you seem to have thought out all the aspects of a good idea.. Its just not for the worlds on this server. As Jes pointed out, if you want drama-free roleplay, use Regalia.
Not to be rude or throw down your idea, but since you're on a factions, survival world where obviously people like to raid, that's really all you can expect. If there was a "peaceful flag" I know of numerous factions that would instantly do that and no one would be able to raid them. Adding this would not help the pvp whatsoever since any faction at any time can obviously go apply on the forums to become "peaceful". Sorry for throwing your idea mate, I just don't think it would work/benefit survival. However if you are a peaceful faction, just ask the raiders to leave or surrender, it's not that difficult. :)
"It would ruin pvp!"

Not really. This is basically the same as a faction just staying inside and ignoring raiders, except in this situation you raiders can't annoy non-pvpers for hours on end. It makes sense to me.
Maybe you could apply for this, like a warzone? Of course, this would most likely be allowed for RP factions only. If it was left for players to decide, it would all go up in flames.
"It would ruin pvp!"

Not really. This is basically the same as a faction just staying inside and ignoring raiders, except in this situation you raiders can't annoy non-pvpers for hours on end. It makes sense to me.
Hey if you want to REALLY make it realistic roleplay... in real medieval times you cant just say no to a war!! or to raids!! In normal warfare you can destroy somebodies house to kill them. Here you can at least be safe inside.

Maybe you could apply for this, like a warzone? Of course, this would most likely be allowed for RP factions only. If it was left for players to decide, it would all go up in flames.
I would sincerely hope that this is never realized. It would completely ruin the PVP on the server.
Hey if you want to REALLY make it realistic roleplay... in real medieval times you cant just say no to a war!! or to raids!! In normal warfare you can destroy somebodies house to kill them. Here you can at least be safe inside

True but PVP happens outside of RP. So PVP 'raiders' don't exist to RPers.
If there was a "peaceful flag" I know of numerous factions that would instantly do that and no one would be able to raid them.
If they were to implement this as I suggested, then the Peaceful flag would not remove current enemies, and only prevent you from gaining any more.
I would sincerely hope that this is never realized. It would completely ruin the PVP on the server.
This will utterly and completely ruin pvp. I'm not even going to bother explaining why; it is more than self-evident.
This would not change PvP in any way, as you would have to have staff activate/deactivate the flag for you, and obvious PvP factions would not be accepted. Once again, it would not remove any current enemies, but only prevent more.
These are survival worlds… So survive
Surviving can be hard when every time you step outside you get ambushed by a Premium in God armor, who then demands you pay a ridiculous amount of items or a hefty sum of Regals. This would help factions get set up and expand by giving them a month of safety from raiders.
Also, perhaps it could expire after the 30 days are up?
Maybe you could apply for this, like a warzone?
Yes, as stated in my initial post, you would have to apply for this as with a warzone.
However if you are a peaceful faction, just ask the raiders to leave or surrender, it's not that difficult.
Who in the world where you ever raided by?
First off. There already is a peaceful flag. Look at the information for the survival world spawn faction. It basically truces everybody and its purpose is for server-cities.
This flag is only for world spawns, and can not be added to player-run factions. I think...
if you want drama-free roleplay, use Regalia.
if you want a safe place to roleplay you have regalia available to you.
Regalia is one city out of an entire world, wouldn't it be nice for Roleplayers to have a few more environments to Roleplay in, without risking being killed by raiders and having to pay to return your things?
True but PVP happens outside of RP. So PVP 'raiders' don't exist to RPers.
Erm... Bandits? Attacking armies? Mercenaries?
Roleplay factions could agree with others to have raids in a more Roleplay-is way, if they like. But that way at least there wouldn't be people standing around busy typing while an over powered PvPer sneaks up on them.

Also, Roleplay is not the only thing you can do in a faction. For instance, perhaps you just want to quarry stone out of a mountain, or build a grand city, or farm, breed animals, etc. etc. etc. There are plenty of things you could do with the Peaceful flag, that otherwise would be very difficult due to raiders. I still believe this is a good idea, and if it is implemented properly, could both be helpful to many, but also not harmful to the PvP community.
Surviving can be hard when every time you step outside you get ambushed by a Premium in God armor, who then demands you pay a ridiculous amount of items or a hefty sum of Regals. This would help factions get set up and expand by giving them a month of safety from raiders.
Also, perhaps it could expire after the 30 days are up?
Okay so... Lets start with this one. There are roleplay worlds. No pvp. no raids. If roleplayers would like to build Factions in the Survival worlds... then they may! They should, and they are encouraged too. Lets not stifle the PVPers in the survival world.
Regalia is one city out of an entire world, wouldn't it be nice for Roleplayers to have a few more environments to Roleplay in, without risking being killed by raiders and having to pay to return your things?
Even the survivalists know that if you dont have premium... you DONT put yourself in a situation where you could die... while carrying things that are important.
This would not change PvP in any way, as you would have to have staff activate/deactivate the flag for you, and obvious PvP factions would not be accepted. Once again, it would not remove any current enemies, but only prevent more.
This could be easily abused... Also it would further halt raids and wars and i hope to all that is holy that the staff would never agree to this.
This would not change PvP in any way, as you would have to have staff activate/deactivate the flag for you, and obvious PvP factions would not be accepted. Once again, it would not remove any current enemies, but only prevent more.
You're kidding right... Taking away someone's ability to enemy someone wouldn't change pvp at all? Yeah...

It's really not that hard... Hardly anyone raids anymore, due to the popular rp mindset of "don't let faction members or allies defend themselves so that the raiders will go away." And the factions that do generally have a reason for doing so, and it's generally because you pissed them off in some way, which can be quite easily avoided.

In all honesty, this post, just like the previous posts suggesting this idea, just sound like whiny attempts to make the survival worlds essentially regalia because for some reason the giant, beautiful, staff built city isn't a big enough safe haven...
"Leaves current enemies but doesn't allow anyone else to enemy" /f disband. /f create HorsePicklers /ti c Can I please have a peaceful banner on my faction so no one can raid me? Thanks"
You're kidding right... Taking away someone's ability to enemy someone wouldn't change pvp at all? Yeah...

It's really not that hard... Hardly anyone raids anymore, due to the popular rp mindset of "don't let faction members or allies defend themselves so that the raiders will go away." And the factions that do generally have a reason for doing so, and it's generally because you pissed them off in some way, which can be quite easily avoided.

In all honesty, this post, just like the previous posts suggesting this idea, just sound like whiny attempts to make the survival worlds essentially regalia because for some reason the giant, beautiful, staff built city isn't a big enough safe haven...
Whattaaaa G
OK then back to the other argument…. These are survival worlds… So survive
Regalia has strict rules on RP that not everyone wants to follow. The faction worlds don't have these rules and factions allow you to create your own roleplay environment.

Also as legoclub said, some people are neither pvpers nor rpers. Some are builders, farmers, pvers, etc.
Erm... Bandits? Attacking armies? Mercenaries?
Same thing. Anything not specifically agreed upon by both RPers does not exist in their RP.
So if you dont want them as your allies then dont complain if they raid you

That would make sense if I participated in PVP. But again, I don't and wont. So i'll complain all I want. How about you worry about your own damn self and stop trying to tell everyone else what to do? Hm?
That would make sense if I participated in PVP. But again, I don't and wont. So i'll complain all I want. How about you worry about your own damn self and stop trying to tell everyone else what to do? Hm?
Im not trying to tell you what to do.

Let me be clear.

This idea is never happening. This would lower PVP activity. This defeats the purpose of having SURVIVAL worlds.
That would make sense if I participated in PVP. But again, I don't and wont. So i'll complain all I want. How about you worry about your own damn self and stop trying to tell everyone else what to do? Hm?
Im not trying to tell you what to do.

Let me be clear.

This idea is never happening. This would lower PVP activity. This defeats the purpose of having SURVIVAL worlds.
Znake right. The PvP population would decrease, and after that, there would be no point in this. It defeats the purpose of SURVIVAL worlds. Just hide inside or /tp Regalia.
Im not trying to tell you what to do.

Let me be clear.

This idea is never happening. This would lower PVP activity. This defeats the purpose of having SURVIVAL worlds.

You literally told me what to do twice, but okay.

First of all, i've yet to see anyone actually present a valid argument stating how it would affect PVP and its population at all. This feature would obviously have to prevent the faction from damaging other players as well as being damaged. So how could it decrease the PVP population? Nobody pvping would be able to use it.

Secondly, anyone using this probably doesn't pvp already anyway. If you're worried you'll no longer be able to gank under geared players outside their homes, that isn't pvp.

Thirdly, 'survival' doesn't necessarily mean PVP. At least not in regards to Minecraft. Its mostly a PVE thing.
You literally told me what to do twice, but okay.

First of all, i've yet to see anyone actually present a valid argument stating how it would affect PVP and its population at all. This feature would obviously have to prevent the faction from damaging other players as well as being damaged. So how could it decrease the PVP population? Nobody pvping would be able to use it.

Secondly, anyone using this probably doesn't pvp already anyway. If you're worried you'll no longer be able to gank under geared players outside their homes, that isn't pvp.

Thirdly, 'survival' doesn't necessarily mean PVP. At least not in regards to Minecraft. Its mostly a PVE thing.
Let me be MORE clear. The word "Raid" really doesnt just involve 2 PVP facs 1v1. No no. Its more like a PVP fac "Raiding" a smaller/non-pvp fac.

It gets boring when the stakes are equal. Im just gonna go flat out and say it. Its much more fun when you raid a small fac that cant defend as easily.

And im not telling you what to do. Im telling you, although its my opinion i think im pretty sure how the server will lean on this argument, what isnt going to happen. I have not ONCE told you what to do. You have brought forth a problem and i've been offering solutions.
It's definitely a lot more fun when you have a fight, not just an undergeared opponent ^ lelelelel
Let me rephrase. I didnt mean to say that its NOT fun when you have even playing field. But with the availability to raid ANYBODY it doesnt get boring.

Even so, not everyone is an RPer. You'll still have your noobs to pwn.

The funny thing is, I can think of a couple of reasons killing small factions hurts pvp but you guys probably don't really care.
And this mentality right here is why I moved on. At least when I am playing Battlefield I don't have to worry about some scrubs playing make believe in a corner and crying that I put a bullet between their eyes.
Nobody pvping would be able to use it.
This is true, because as it stands, only an enemy can harm/attack/kill you inside your own faction territory. So that would not have to change. Also, you would have to apply for it on the forums, and PvP factions would not be accepted.

Its much more fun when you raid a small fac that cant defend as easily.
It may be more fun for you, but not for the small faction. Another example of something fun for one individual but not another, which may seem rather drastic, Griefing. Trolling. This are fun for the griefer/troll, but not for the victim, quite a lot like being constantly, without warning, pounded by yet another premium in God armor each day.

Even so, not everyone is an RPer. You'll still have your noobs to pwn.
This is not exactly true either, new factions would (probably) apply for the Peaceful flag also.

The funny thing is, I can think of a couple of reasons killing small factions hurts pvp but you guys probably don't really care.
Hey, I don't care if they would care, I want to hear your reasons.
Hey, I don't care if they would care, I want to hear your reasons.

IMO it creates an atmosphere that makes it harder for new players to gain strength, which eventually leads to the problems we have now where there is hardly any PVP going on. You have to allow players to get to your level if you want keep the PVP aspect of the server going. Even if you aren't able to take a lower level players items, doing things like camping and demanding ridiculous tributes can really discourage people.

It also leads to uncreativity. People become afraid of getting killed so they just build big cobble boxes or giant ugly walls to keep people out.

Anyway, on the main subject; Alternatively, we could have the peaceful option, plus certain days of the week where pvp is forced on. I've seen other servers use this method and it worked well. Also I think there would obviously have to be a cooldown period before a faction can change their peaceful/pvp flag as well as before a player can join another faction.
@ All the pvpers saying that raids and war is a realistic part of medieval life. This is true. But roleplayers narrate their own story, they don't like a bunch of raiders in diamond armor (which doesn't exist) with enderpearls (which don't exist) creating a narrative that neither makes sense nor can be explained in their story. This is why PvP is generally OOC unless two parties actively decide otherwise.

@ All the rpers saying this would keep them safe- There is a dynamic on this server where if you just want to RP as a peaceful faction, it is quite easy to do so. Just don't associate with any pvp factions, ignore them if they contact you, never both to pvp them or even respond to a raid (just tp to Regalia for an hour or so, or go get lunch). The bottom line is it seems to me that the Pvpers only really raid people who are willing and desire to put up a fight. If a faction is truly all about RP and doesn't do any pvp at all, there's generally never any threats for them. So this idea seems less than necessary, and would probably be used more by rival PvP factions to escape raids from their rivals, only to turn around and start raiding again later.
All the rpers saying this would keep them safe- There is a dynamic on this server where if you just want to RP as a peaceful faction, it is quite easy to do so. Just don't associate with any pvp factions, ignore them if they contact you, never both to pvp them or even respond to a raid (just tp to Regalia for an hour or so, or go get lunch). The bottom line is it seems to me that the Pvpers only really raid people who are willing and desire to put up a fight. If a faction is truly all about RP and doesn't do any pvp at all, there's generally never any threats for them. So this idea seems less than necessary, and would probably be used more by rival PvP factions to escape raids from their rivals, only to turn around and start raiding again later.
This is hardly true at all. I was once standing outside in my faction RPing with a member/pal when we were raided by... A premium in God armor, one in yet another faction we had never heard of. He said something about "Stupid peaceful RP", And demanded max-tribute. Moral of this story, it simply isn't that easy. Trust me.
This is hardly true at all. I was once standing outside in my faction RPing with a member/pal when we were raided by... A premium in God armor, one in yet another faction we had never heard of. He said something about "Stupid peaceful RP", And demanded max-tribute. Moral of this story, it simply isn't that easy. Trust me.
In my experience, it has been. I apologize, I'm not familiar with everyone's experiences I suppose.

But I would think they'd just lose interest if you tp to Regalia, and do /dynmap hide so they don't know when you will return.

If you come across an immature player, you will find that asking them to stop, even if you are polite, and complaining will often just encourage them to bother you more. Just don't interact with them and go to Regalia is my advice.
Sort of saddens me that this is what the server is now in regards to PvP. Like, when I first joined the server a couple years ago now, it seemed like every faction was either brand new, or was somewhat/well established and had at least some people that were willing to Pvp(not necessarily experts at it), survive on their own, and generally knew what they were doing in survival worlds. Even in my first faction which had a measly 1 premium member out of like 30 members, we still had a few people that would raid and grind and stuff. Now it's like, every Pvper is crammed into one of maybe 5 factions, and every other faction feels they deserve to be invincible. 75% or more of factions would apply for this. What are people supposed to do? Fight the exact same people every day? You think they'll stick around for long? Fortunately, this suggestion has been rejected every time prior to this.
Note: I do not answer in the function as a staff-member nor a Programmer, simply voicing my opinion as a former faction leader.

Being peaceful was always something discussed about. I the dark ages (way before sharding and the nice RP worlds built) we roleplayed where we were and with what was given to us. Even there, it wasn't safe and we roleplayers who didn't do particularly well in fighting (like me) had to adapt.

There was a bigger faction raiding you? Team up with others who struggle and help each other. That is how alliances form. If you have the feeling that there are only big factions attacking you, maybe you can offer them something to protect you instead, maybe even encourage them through faction wise roleplay.

You cannot build because of attackers? Maybe you need to take the battlefield away from you. Smaller/weaker factions don't have the mcmmo to do this forever, but raiders search the fight, so give them one. And if you can make it to their terrain, its funnier for them, a challenge for you and maybe afterwards you can talk about terms.

Lastly, there sometimes is a way out of this: By talking to each other. Maybe you can agree on a fight (champion vs. champion or whatever you like), maybe surrender terms or some completely other way.

Take it as a roleplay opportunity: When there is a force oppressing you, there are roleplay choices to take: Fight back? Surrender? Join their side if possible? Pay fees for not being hurt or disturbed? Not all of them work too well in a pvp sense, but you can/should try.