Archived Party Forming Plugin (for Enhanced Roleplay And Pvp)

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Ive noticed that It would be a pain to change the armor in order to pvp and you can't really feel or hear where your friends are while in game or in a chat room so getting lost from your parties is very easy to do.

Having a plug in that would allow people to join parties would make it easier to find your friends.
This plug in would work like so :
  • Leader invights people to the party
  • Party members get arrows over their player heads (saw this in yog box)
  • Party leader could change the colors of individual arrows over his parties heads
    • Leader gets gold arrow, archers get green ect... (whatever you need really)
  • You can see the arrows through the walls and on your mini map if you had one.
I looked on the internet to find a plug in that was already built like it but only found party plug ins and in the fun kind. If anyone could list a plug in that does this pretty much It would be very helpful.

I would also like to ask some role players of how this could help enhance role play.

Any opinion would be good. (Ive posted this kind of idea before but the more I talk with people the more they agree with me that this would make the server intensely much better so I decided to take another crack at it)
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I love love love this! It would be really helpful with well, numerous things x3 (Sorry I am tired and dont want to list off all teh things.)
Factions already exist for parties, making any other plug-in would be a waste of time and resources. Teamspeak already exists as a means to speak, if you want to make sure you are coordinated correctly, make a teamspeak channel with a password that nobody would guess. I apologize, but I will have to say that this wouldn't be a good idea.
this would be a good plugin but how would they implement the arrows into the server wouldn't they have to use something like spoutcraft again?
Ive been trying to coordinate parties and teamspeak does not help as much as I would hope.
Usually ends up like this (Where are you?, Ime over hear!, Quick their killing me!, Where the hell are you, Hear are the coordinates) now your stuck trying to get to the coordinates.
Being able to distinguish friend or foe with the help of the icon above their head would also help while two parties crashed into each other, instead of hacking at your friend from time to time.
I am sure you can code one without the need of a texture.
One can make shapes with java easily. Putting the shape in 3D space and follow your buddy would be simple I think.
Ive been trying to coordinate parties and teamspeak does not help as much as I would hope.
Usually ends up like this (Where are you?, Ime over hear!, Quick their killing me!, Where the hell are you, Hear are the coordinates) now your stuck trying to get to the coordinates.
Being able to distinguish friend or foe with the help of the icon above their head would also help while two parties crashed into each other, instead of hacking at your friend from time to time.
As it is, it is fair, both sides end up whacking their friends. Likewise, I can say that no matter what happens, you'll still get the poor coordination, no amount of new plug-ins would help fix that.
If you wanted a reason why this enhances roleplay, well I don't know about most rpers, but I have laggy days. On said days, I am often wandering through regalia trying to find my group of friends because I lagged out and lost them. This would actually help a lot with moving as a group in a laggy Regalia.
If you wanted a reason why this enhances roleplay, well I don't know about most rpers, but I have laggy days. On said days, I am often wandering through regalia trying to find my group of friends because I lagged out and lost them. This would actually help a lot with moving as a group in a laggy Regalia.
Using your friends as moble RP hotspots :D
As it is, it is fair, both sides end up whacking their friends. Likewise, I can say that no matter what happens, you'll still get the poor coordination, no amount of new plug-ins would help fix that.

You mean painting a big red target on your buddies won't help you avoid hitting them?

I know this might sound rude but how much do you pvp?
I'd like to say that the arrows and minimap feature are impossible lest a mod is forged for it. I'm also assuming this involves direct chat between party members? In which case players are essentially creating their own channels, if this was a feature then I don't advise it. Sorry but as a development thing it's a good idea but as a plugin it's unrealistic
You mean painting a big red target on your buddies won't help you avoid hitting them?

I know this might sound rude but how much do you pvp?
I've helped fight in pretty much any combat that has happened against any faction that I'm in. This might sound rude as well, but any PvPer worth their salt would be able to distinguish friend from foe without such a target.
From a design standpoint. you wish to make a grouping where you can not hurt eachother and have a specific chat so you can chat and coordinate?

what im hearing and im sure cay will agree is. Grouping/party -> Faction . Party chat -> Faction chat.
remaking the faction plugin just to make people who can join together for free and have the benefits of a faction seems a bit derp.

If your serious about pvp you wouldnt use "chat" to communicate for one, bit difficult to charge at your enemies and give orders when your defending/attacking thus why TS is the best way of getting things done.
While hitting your teammates? not sure about you but thats what alliance/neutral status is for.

I dont mean to pick holes but this is the scrutiny youd recieve by our grand plugin wizard.

so to put it simple as with most suggestions. "whats the point?"
From a design standpoint. you wish to make a grouping where you can not hurt eachother and have a specific chat so you can chat and coordinate?

what im hearing and im sure cay will agree is. Grouping/party -> Faction . Party chat -> Faction chat.
remaking the faction plugin just to make people who can join together for free and have the benefits of a faction seems a bit derp.

If your serious about pvp you wouldnt use "chat" to communicate for one, bit difficult to charge at your enemies and give orders when your defending/attacking thus why TS is the best way of getting things done.
While hitting your teammates? not sure about you but thats what alliance/neutral status is for.

I dont mean to pick holes but this is the scrutiny youd recieve by our grand plugin wizard.

so to put it simple as with most suggestions. "whats the point?"
Thats way way off what I am asking for O.O

I use teamspeak to coordinate combat I would not switch to text.
Also trucing or ally is easy and I don't see why you would fight with anyone that would not have those status.

All I am asking is setting a "party" to have arrows over their heads so you can find them easily.

a party chat would only be good for roleplay and even then others around will not be able to join the conversation so its useless.
Thats way way off what I am asking for O.O

I use teamspeak to coordinate combat I would not switch to text.
Also trucing or ally is easy and I don't see why you would fight with anyone that would not have those status.

All I am asking is setting a "party" to have arrows over their heads so you can find them easily.

a party chat would only be good for roleplay and even then others around will not be able to join the conversation so its useless.
Did you read my post above?
"You mean painting a big red target on your buddies won't help you avoid hitting them?"

"(Where are you?, Ime over hear!, Quick their killing me!, Where the hell are you, Hear are the coordinates) now your stuck trying to get to the coordinates."

I assumed you were having issues with hitting your allies and communicating?

But what you ask for is a mod im afraid, arrows cant be placed on top without the api, an name color changes would only be effective to the same distance as normal player tags, extending that would be pointless toil.
Some kind of "party chat" would be a wonderful idea. It would be nice to be able to make groups and have their text be distinctive and easy to spot amongst chat noise. Cool idea.
I think that as more of an RP thing, this would be wonderful; I rarely RP with people in my faction, and never RP with people exclusively in my faction. Even so, having their chat be distinctive would be great.
However, it may lead to it being even harder to join conversations (I know I'd end up only checking the coloured text, though I dunno about anyone else).
I want to again highlight the realistic features of this. players will be creating THEIR OWN CHANNEL. I'm sorry but when implemented this would be bad. Similar ideas have been previously proposed but rejected each time. I would love to list off reasons but I'm on my phone so it's not the easiest. Plus I live in fear of being caught by my math teacher
Yars. I can see it won't work… though it would be nice. Very nice. Ah,well.
Yars. I can see it won't work… though it would be nice. Very nice. Ah,well.
I agree, it would be nice but alas, not everything can work out so well :( But perhaps something not to different from this can be created if a fair bit of thought and effort was put in towards it. While this was a well thought out idea, logistically it's not a good idea on such a big server and while I admire optimism, some things just can't be done in Minecraft without a mod, even if Cay puts all his knowledge into it
I like both the idea of a party chat and a way to see the difference between you and your party members. I think both ideas have been suggested a few times, but I don't know if someone actually made a thread about it.

For PVPers an alternative could be:
- An extra chat = Party chat P: (replace Premium chat! :D).
- Instead of seeing your party members, you just see the different colours of the name of faction/enemies/allies/truced/neutraled. These could be the same colours you see with the /f commands. Only problem is that you can't see who is premium, because "green" is faction.
I am sure you can code one without the need of a texture.
One can make shapes with java easily. Putting the shape in 3D space and follow your buddy would be simple I think.
This would be extremely easy, if we were talking about a mod. I'm sure you could find one that doesn't affect PvP or other aspects of the game, that would be allowed onto the server, but as a plugin, this would be impossible. If you wanted a party plugin, that would be much easier. But trying to create over head displays would be rather hard.
Ive attempted to look for such a mod. If anyone can list one on the thread I would appreciate it.
I've seen quite a few party plugins/mods in the time I've played minecraft and the most they ever do is give you a party chat which I doubt would be that hard to implement but it might cause lag? I"m not very good at these sorts of things
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