Panthors and Ravens
As the war against the heretical Altalar continues, it is paramount to ensure that the Crown Isle retains stability and harmony if the conflict is to be won. We must not turn on one another in times of turmoil, nor must we shove blades at each other's throat. With a plague at our doorsteps and a landmass intent on questioning the force and prowess of the Regalian Empire, to remain fragmented would be to invite chaos.
House Rosendahl formally recognizes Xavier Ravenstad as the King of Brissiaud and offers its support to the Ravenstad's kingdom. Both claw and feather will unite in harmony to ensure the stability of Brissiaud; a war amongst ourselves would only harm our efforts of outward conquest. House Rosendahl urges the Regalian peerage to dedicate their strength and vitality not only to concluding the conflict in the east, but to snuffing out the illness that has festered within the Holy City.
@Muffins_ @seoulmate
@Muffins_ @seoulmate