Archived Package System /mail Item

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That one cool dude
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
A cool beach with a pineapple in each hand.
Alright so I had an idea recently that I thought could be a minor but well needed update to the /mail system. Say someone wins an auction or purchases an item on the forums, it's easy to pay the person but what about getting your purchased item? If you aren't in the same timezone or have the same schedule as the seller then it could be days before you get your well deserved item. This is where the implication of the /mail item command would come in. You would type the command /mail item [username] and the highlighted item in your hotbar would be mailed to said person.
Now I have been told this wouldn't work as people could spam wooden weapons or such to their friends. So how this system would work is everyone would have a "mailbox" gui. You'll get notifications when logging in that you have unopened packages. You would type /mailbox check and there would be a small wooden plank icon in every slot representing every person who mailed you an item. When clicking on the icon it'll say who the package is from and what it contains, you can then either choose to accept or deny the package, preventing spam of junk items.
This was just some idea I had that I thought would benefit the community and help out those who purchase items on the forums. Hopefully it's seen as useful and maybe even implicated one day.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I know a plugin exists already for this, as another server has this, but you can be spammed. Soo maybe Massive can edit the plugin.
+1 (hundred)
I'd definitely use this, as a package deny/accept system is badly needed. I'd hate to be spammed with crap. However, this is useful for both auctions and roleplay as well, because players can receive 'mail' from friends. I think this would be incredibly beneficial, as just waiting for people to come online can be a bit of a hassle.
Another thought for auction related stuff. To prevent scamming or anything like that. They could make it to where in order to accept a package you'd have to pay, and it'd pop up with a confirmation GUI. And the money paid would be sent directly to the person who sent the package. A good thought when it comes to marketting as this system is in a few MMOs that I play in my spare time, it could be done for massive aswell.
This can be (ab)used to transfer things between worlds when you are a lazy prick. What do you think about that?
This would greatly help
Especialy since i stil have to get my stuff rom that auction i won a week ago and i just can't seem to be online at teh same time as the seller (and i don't pay in advance, only after i received my items)