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Outstanding Citizen Poster


Former Pink Knight
Jun 13, 2014
Reaction score
The Corn State

Juneya Perrot would tack on the Slaughterhouse bar a list, inscribing the names of Azures and Hightowers with bounties below each. The bounty list found in locations like Butchy's, Click 'n' Clank, The Falcon's Nest and on the odd pillar sprouting up in the slums.
-=Fiske Eberline=-
  • Dead: 150
  • Alive: 100

  • Dead: 50
  • Alive: A pat on the back

  • Dead: 100
  • Alive: 50

  • Dead: 100
  • Alive: 50

-=Camilla Viduggla=-
  • Dead: 50
  • Alive: 150

Turn in all bounties to Juneya or Sloan Perrot. Can be found either in the Emporium or the Slaughterhouse.
(Character death rules still apply)​
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Beni Yahdga would let out a long sigh at the list of names he knew so well. Then he would stumble upon Camilla Viduggla. She was one of the few he did not know, but something seemed off to him. Then it hit him: the price for her being alive was higher than her being dead, unlike the values of all the others. And Benjamin did not even have a price for being dead. Beni would once again sigh, knowing he could only wait for this mess to be sorted out.
Benjamin reached to firmly grasp the mug at his front. He twirled the golden honey mead inspecting it as per usual. Thereafter, he leaned back, his head sharply lifting to take a swift gulp. Then, as his eyes wondered over Senobia's facial features, his gaze was stolen from the nearby poster, nearly choking on the drink.
"WANTED?! Ohh, at least it is alive. ONLY ONE HUNDRED REGALS?!"
Fiske Eberlin would be blissfully unaware of his name being on a wanted board, as he was never interested in the slums. If did know, however, he would probably remark that he feels quite annoyed that his name was spelled wrong, and that he was worth less than the less active of the Lesser Vigils.
Zas'kince Allas just stared at the poster, shrugging it off and walking away. Thinking to himself, 'glad I'm not any of those people,'.

Juneya Perrot would tack on the Slaughterhouse bar a list, inscribing the names of Azures and Hightowers with bounties below each. The bounty list found in locations like Butchy's, Click 'n' Clank, The Falcon's Nest and on the odd pillar sprouting up in the slums.
-=Fiske Eberline=-
  • Dead: 150
  • Alive: 100

-=Edward Estellenar=-
  • Dead: 250
  • Alive: 150

  • Dead: 50
  • Alive: A pat on the back

  • Dead: 100
  • Alive: 50

  • Dead: 100
  • Alive: 50

-=Benjamin Journey=-
  • Alive Only: 100

-=Camilla Viduggla=-
  • Dead: 50
  • Alive: 150

Turn in all bounties to Juneya or Sloan Perrot. Can be found either in the Emporium or the Slaughterhouse.
(Character death rules still apply)​
Mother Lisa looked over the one in the Clink 'n' Clank, smirking under her brass mask. She could easily get rid of so many of her little co-workers quickly if she lead them into a trap. All she needed was manpower, and then Rikkira's Will could become even easier to do in the Open Streets....perhaps even allowing for her to even take over if all those higher ups are gone or dead.
Estiñe glanced upwards towards Benjamin as they sat by the Falcon's Nest bar, her Mercenary tendencies itching as she considered giving him in. It was signed 'alive only', at least..
And yet, she decided not to.

"Could've been worth a little more.."

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