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On The Matter Of The Westmark


" Let the fields run red with the blood of the adversaries"
Denizens of Crown City Regalia


Undercrown Albaer Ravenstad has been appointed by His Holiness. Former Undercrown Charles Montagaard has fallen. Lieutenant-General, Imperial Knight Johann Eschevard has perished.

The Altalars have always viewed our great Imperium with fear and suspicion. They have always felt threatened by our ideologies and regarded our papacy as a sinister, alien institution, that opposed our infallible unionism, education and culture, and very much slander us by purporting a return of elven paganism. The establishment of the Magic Covenant is portended of the coming of a bitter conflict between the righteous and the heretics.

With the appointment of his royal majesty, Undercrown Albaer Ravenstad, let us tread the path of justice, decency, and mutual respect! In the name of the Imperial Spirit, each of us will do his duty for His Holiness. Let us follow the commands of the Creed which are engraved on our conscience, even when they seem hard to us: let us do everything to heal wounded souls and alleviate suffering.

No other race of beings in the world has such vile intent. No other race would dare to claim an Empire of their own against the Imperium of Man and choose to murder and destroy pious Ailor and steal their possessions and livelihoods. Only the Successor States of Rie are so crazy and misguided to do such and undermine the Great Way by forming the heretical alliance known as the Magic Covenant. They justify it by calling upon false pretenses, and they even manage to persuade the susceptible across Aloria that they are 'justified'. Those, like the Songaskians and the Chien-Ji, let themselves be fooled, and bow down to such falsities.

We, the Ailor, do not so. We declare that these so-called 'Alliance' are only insidious and contain only vile criminal goals. They flow from hatred and a lust for murder, power, and territory. They come from failed states, and have a history of such awful and murderous thoughts that deserve extermination.

Hereby, in adherence of facing the true foreign threats which are those that are minacious. The Westmark Army will be strengthened with the full commitment of the Logistics Reichsrat and the Curia

Let it be known that any patron to this cause - whether that patronage is via coin or men - will secure not just my favor, but the coming successes of Our Empire. Let us March together on the Great Way.

Minister of Logistics, Imperial Knight Hamelin d'Vaud


Barely hours after the news reached the shores of the Crown Isle, clandestine operations were put into place to begin one of the largest recruitment exercises in recent times. It swiftly blossomed into an enlarged and aggressive version of rearmament and mobilization as the furor towards the defeat was harnessed. The Westmark Army became the topmost priority of the Logistics Reichsrat and the Logistics Minister would spearhead any and all help of expansion and improvement.​
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Virathus Krupp, though toiling in Drixagh, would allow the settlers and ex tribals alike join this effort. He took great pride in his cousin's efforts, and would support him in any way he could.
There was silence betwixt pillars of once blazing radiance; There was silence down in the depths of these lands; There was silence within the ever burning empyreans... In short, the Ermegart d'Vaud allowed herself a moment of tense respite. Non-ailor who ever worked to undermine the Empire's efforts have struck and took two valuable individuals with themselves by drawing their honoured blood.

"We have not forgotten... And such a gesture to us is expected to be repaid."

She put a pair of gloves on, then ambled out from her office within the Black Tower.
Juliette upon hearing the news of the letter and search to rebuild the army leaned back on her heels with a thoughtful expression before starting, "Perhaps .." She paused before finishing the statement, muttering, "Good luck to them." With a twist on her heels, she made off for the lounge of the tavern.

Merina skimmed the letter briefly, not entirely understanding what it said but getting a good enough idea before she broke into a grin. As she set off, headed for the office she spent much of her time in with a feeling of pride for the Minister having wrote such a nice letter - or she assumed it was nice.