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On The Massacre Of The Mumungaan


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia




A letter is written and sent around the Crown Isle, as well as stowed on Ships departing for the rest of the Regalian Empire, whether they actually make it across the land or not
To the families of the soldiers who lost their lives during the battle in the jungle Mumungaan,

Whilst this letter is brief, it tears me up inside that what occured was in part my fault. I was a Field Commander under the Field Marshal Rodrigo Peirgarten. Despite mine and my fellow Commander's attempts to muster a defensive formation, it was much too little, much too late.

I offer my sincerest apologies and beg for your forgiveness. Having returned to the Crown Isle, I am filled with pain and regret. That I was not worthy to protect your friends. Your family. Your companions.

I cannot bring back the dead. I cannot give you more times with your loved ones. But we can strive to be better. To ensure that another incident like this does not occur again so long as it is within my power to do so. I will do my best to ensure that their lives were not taken away in vain. That the Void-Tainted Allar of the Sendrassian's are felled on the island of Zzondaal as was intended. As was their mission. It is the most minimal compensation that I can offer you for the pain that you feel.

Osira Lae'rinsyr
Field Commander under the Peirgarten Regiment

A Url looks upon a copy of the letter given to him by a old friend.

"We have lost so many, will it be my hand that writes such a letter next. Telling my clan and the clans of my comrades how their Fathers and Sons, Mothers and Daughters died with honor and Fervor against a Sendrass onslaught.

Is it merely vanity, that I do not shrink back and save my Brothers and Sisters from death merely because I am cursed.

Basthur, you have shown this war winnable at great cost but...is it a cost that must be paid. In the lives of Trejis and Devouts. For if we lose do we not display a absence of the Gods Supports."

he grits his teeth, stabbing his cured blade into table. A sudden flash of clarity. As he looked toward the high tower of the Air Temple.

"So that is your will Bathur,
Prove ourselves in battle and earn that which you have denied many of us."

He prays to himself giving the courier a message for his soon to be commander.

Valarosta I have put my hopes in you,
Keep my brothers alive even at the cost of myself. My only request is if I am to die may it be in the place of my men and may someone ensure my wife does not follow me. My daughters will not be alone in this world, even if I must Shatter to put a end to the Sendrass.
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