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On The Contrary


Carnation of Fristadvlom
Apr 19, 2017
Reaction score

A public reply to Gaston Du Loic from the desk of Hamelin d'Vaud. Brought to the attention of denizens that concerned it.



You likened me to a Songaskian? You say that I am unfit to rule? You say that I spit venomous words? What more outlandish lengths will you take beyond seven paragraph's expansion on a single frustration that is being repeated over and over again.

You dare address my people and fling their names like tools while you act as some sort of beacon or savior against my 'Tyrannical' and 'Jacobinist' rule.

You drag in my own flesh and blood. My own sister, who serves this Imperium dutifully and does not even engage in the avarice of politics that runs this capital.

Go and kindly bring the hand that wrote this writing up your own asshole. Perhaps you will discover the Du Pont hand already there which despaired my flesh and blood into this dishonorable farce of a denouncement.

Lacta alia est

Venomous words is what you define this mutual agreement bringing together common interests in greatening prosperity within the Archipelago. Your avarice and twisted sense of perception have derailed you from one of the most basic responsibilities of being an Ailor House- To march along the great way, not spent thousands of regals in a pompous parade to flaunt your soldiers.

Perhaps therein is your sense of greatness, for the music to be forever playing your tune. All whilst milking your power freely and vassalizing lesser independent nobles, to mold Regalia and her people in your ideas and branding them however you choose to.

Is this entertaining for you, Gaston Du Loic? To label and portray four noble lords as part of the Massaya?

I find myself truly flabbergasted. The depths you plundered today in writing these vile comparisons show what desperation you must have in seeing a simple agreement ended. How much you reek of utter shit that you immediately suspect a defense pact to specify something so audacious and dishonorable as waging war to be its ulterior motive.

I will carry on. This does not deter me from our agreement at all. Your writing will achieve the very opposite, as I shall tell my colleagues I will not scoot off meekly into a quiet corner. Tolerating these lies and abandoning my friends is as good as chopping off my own manhood and sending it to your hands.

I will continue to lead my people out of duty and merit as a Lord to see to their prosperity and wellbeing, for their fathers and sons to not become statistics overnight and forgotten by the next week or for the coin they are taxed for their hard work be used not in glorifying my rule.

All of these lies and fury towards men and women that have done you no wrong. All will atone under the Everwatch, I will not dish out threats over what I know to be false. What I know that those who matter to me, the people of my realm, believe to be false. I wish you a good life, Gaston Du Loic.

Hamelin d'Vaud

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After Roesia's meeting with Charles du Lioc, she was walking along toward the Charity Event when the public response had caught her eye which caused her to stop in her tracks to read it. She read it over with a curious light flickering in her eyes as she read it over. Once she finished reading it over, a small smile was on her face and she muttered, "Well, this just confirmed what response I will write to du Lioc."
Marie Peirgarten's brow perked, with a whistle of disappointment, she looked forwards and around for her dear Matriarch. Boyo she's got a few words to share.​
A frown creased over the woman's features as she eyed over the announcement that was tacked only a few yards from her store front. She turned her gaze elsewhere- watching those citizens who passed by her, frown still present. With a swish of her skirts, the Kaeppler turned heel and strolled back into her shop. A few words escaping her painted lips before the door swung shut could be heard: "How fascinating. But one can merely hope that there won't be fisticuffs in the near future. Nor even more Ailor blood shed."
Fray snorted, head cocking to the side as she finished skimming the response. "Was there even a point replying to something so.. petty. I can't wait to hear them spew more bull in their reply," she murmured beneath her breath as she strode along.
The Frostling gave another huff as word reached her quite suddenly. "Well, the word of the former emperor should be enough, even now, considering he was the vessel of the imperial spirit at the time. Should prevent a total butchering for the time being."
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Poppy strolled by, her attention caught by the signature of her former relative, brows lofting up as she let out a few 'heheh', "That Gaston just gotta owned."
Gaston gives a hearty laugh as he reads the message.

"What a rude and silly man."

He then continued to strike out the the words 'lacta alia est' and correct them as 'iacta alea est'.

"No one spells like Gaston."