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On Regalian Insult Laws: Declaration Of Cowardice Without Proof


Feb 20, 2018
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Arriving to Regalia I sincerely thought this would never be a topic needed to be brought to attention. Though, after various occurrences between nobles and even commoners, I now feel the need to express not everyone and their grandmother is a coward.

What is a coward? A man or woman excessively afraid of danger or pain. A coward is a man or woman who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

What is not a coward? A man refusing a spar, or training session. A coward is not someone refusing a duel, unless it is a matter of properly defending their honour, holdings, or family. Which more often than not, it is not.

The word coward is thrown around too often within the Crown City of Regalia, I having heard it more than once just yesterday to describe a noble simply for the fact that they did not want to spar with another noble. A nobleman that just earlier in the day helped defend two nobles and a tavern of others from sewer mongrels.
Yet, this accuser throws this word around anyway?

I appeal to the Judicial Minister, The Kade Court, and peerage of the assembly to raise the stakes on those that violate the Regalian Insult law concerning calling citizens cowardice without proof. Though the offense in itself is quite small it is incentive for the verbally slandered party to retaliate in a more profound manner, as seen with recent challenges of duels.

My appeal could and likely should expand to the rest of the Regalian Insult Law subsection of our state laws. In my opinion and the opinion of others I have spoke to on the matter we feel the fine should only be a first or second offense punishment, further offenses for these types of crimes should be resulting in physical punishment or public humiliation as response to their unjust attempt at humiliation on those that do not deserve it.

Though, ultimately the final verdict is not up to public opinion, we still hope to see more sufficient punishments issued to these lawbreakers.

House Morgann wishes the spirit's guidance on all those that have taken the time to read this.
Spirit bless,
Aldrich J. Morgann.
Zas'kince Allas the Kathar just looked at this thing, thinking to himself, ' if your hurt by words and want to limit insults, your the coward.' However, he'd manage a muttering of, "This is stupid," in Modern Elvish before walking off to find a spot for tea.
The Paladin read over the notice before glancing to his cousin beside him. "Aye, sure, he has a point but you would think nobility, or anyone in this city, would have thicker skin. Being called a word by some commoner or otherwise should mean nothing. Respect in nobility, sure, but no worthwhile Lord would care about some lackluster insult such as 'coward'." He shook his head, continuing on down the street.
Kilian would cast a glance towards his cousin before dropping his gaze back to the notice. A dull hum escaping the younger man before he responded."A rather sad truth. A lord should easily be able to shrug off the word coward as if it were a pesky fly."He'd in turn follow the Paladin down the street.
The Paladin read over the notice before glancing to his cousin beside him. "Aye, sure, he has a point but you would think nobility, or anyone in this city, would have thicker skin. Being called a word by some commoner or otherwise should mean nothing. Respect in nobility, sure, but no worthwhile Lord would care about some lackluster insult such as 'coward'." He shook his head, continuing on down the street.
Kilian would cast a glance towards his cousin before dropping his gaze back to the notice. A dull hum escaping the younger man before he responded."A rather sad truth. A lord should easily be able to shrug off the word coward as if it were a pesky fly."He'd in turn follow the Paladin down the street.
"I thought you knights saw honor as something important. An insult is an offense to your honor, and if someone insults a Lord they should either duel or withdraw their words to maintain honor." Alfred said, going down the streets with them
Marissa Morgann gazed at the announcement with a guise of pride on her countenance, she nodded and took a long swig from her whiskey canteen, before heading off to report the events to her Liege.

"You're doing well, little brother."

"I thought you knights saw honor as something important. An insult is an offense to your honor, and if someone insults a Lord they should either duel or withdraw their words to maintain honor." Alfred said, going down the streets with them
"Hardly the case. I know when and when not to care about someone spewing words from their mouths. Such a word as coward thrown around as much as it is has grown to mean nothing. I hold myself above the lesser folk, perhaps try it sometime." Jeremias spoke to this Alfred fellow before turning off towards the Viridian Castle, disappearing off inside it should the man care to follow the two that far.
Niko shook his head, "I've heard and been called worse, no need for yapping." he'd shake his head reading the flyer at the forge.

From the desk of the Judicial Minister, Rodderick Howlester on the topic of the Insult Law relating to cowardice
I would like to take this time to insist flawed logic on Mister Morgann's interpretation of the law, though not on the moral implications of what he states.

While I do agree that refusing a sparring challenge or a duel isn't cowardice, the law is in place to prevent aimless name calling and prevent public disturbance. The City Law Enforcement Organisations are tasked with examining each instance on a case by case basis and make judgement in light of the current law and apply a fine as is applicable. Defamation and slander is a stretch in this case, as common sense would prevail. If Mister Morgann is claiming incitement of violence from refusing a duel, then I would begger examples of such conduct for review. From my opinion, to challenge another noble to a duel is their right, though explicitly illegal under the Passage of Arms Act without the consent of the Imperial Family, which the Judiciary will now interpret as a representative of the Kade Lordly Council or the Kade Steward. Those who refuse a duel that has not been sanctioned by such cannot be called a coward, as to accept would be a breach of said law itself.

Its the opinion of the Judicial Minister that the current law in place is sound and does not require review. However, the Judicial Ministry will look into the current laws set in place and discuss possible law reforms in the coming weeks.

May the Light of the Imperial Spirit Illuminate your Path,
Rodderick Aethelwulf Howlester
High Revain of Galloy
Judicial Minister of the Regalian Empire
High Justicar of the Lesser Courts
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