"HAIL fellow citizens of Regalia, my name is Oliver Flåmus Obdrogen and id like to be your Oligarch for the poor distract."
-Id like to be able to clean up the poor distract first hand.. soo people can live in the poor distract without fear of being mugged/robbed or attacked, and not just this distract but all of Regalia id like to clean up and withdraw fear of being mugged/robbed or attacked.
-Since, i'm after all a priest id like to make it soo all relgions and orders throughout the continents
can have have a safehaven present in Regalia. Id also like to make a selective order of citizens and guards to protect regalia's streets.
-I know there has been some talk about vampies.. but vampies are also people too and should be treated equal like the rest of us. But id also like to put guards around the distracts to protect against rouge vampires and protect the street's of Regalia from all crime affairs..
-And finally id like to add lumber mills to Regalia so we may increase wood supplies and public use farms to the outside of Regalia for all it's citizens to use.. Id also like to share my ideas to the other Oligarch's and let them share there ideas to me.. so we can create a peaceful and perfect society. Id also like to be able to allow citizens of Regalia their input, and how they see Regalia fit so Oligarchs truly know what to do in Regalia..
-Id like to be able to clean up the poor distract first hand.. soo people can live in the poor distract without fear of being mugged/robbed or attacked, and not just this distract but all of Regalia id like to clean up and withdraw fear of being mugged/robbed or attacked.
-Since, i'm after all a priest id like to make it soo all relgions and orders throughout the continents
can have have a safehaven present in Regalia. Id also like to make a selective order of citizens and guards to protect regalia's streets.
-I know there has been some talk about vampies.. but vampies are also people too and should be treated equal like the rest of us. But id also like to put guards around the distracts to protect against rouge vampires and protect the street's of Regalia from all crime affairs..
-And finally id like to add lumber mills to Regalia so we may increase wood supplies and public use farms to the outside of Regalia for all it's citizens to use.. Id also like to share my ideas to the other Oligarch's and let them share there ideas to me.. so we can create a peaceful and perfect society. Id also like to be able to allow citizens of Regalia their input, and how they see Regalia fit so Oligarchs truly know what to do in Regalia..