Oás’llen Cre Elläs Leos’as (order Of The Roses)


The Lonley One
Sep 5, 2016
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Oás'llen Cre Elläs Leos'as
Order of the Roses
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The Oás'llen Cre Elläs Leos'as is led by none other than "The Master". His face has never been seen, he wears a cloak 24/7. He is known by the members of the group as Báilass'inä Nёs, or the Black Dancer. He is essentially the Pawnmaster of the group, giving orders from the sidelines, and the 4 Commanders carry those orders out, in their own way.
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The Commanders each control one branch of combat; Blade Combat, Polearm Combat, Archery, and Berserking. Each commander may carry out their order however they wish with their men.
The leaders are as follows;
Theodluin Royra commands Blade Combat { @AnimalisticArts }
Zelriss Qantil commands Archery Combat { @LickTheDamnDoor }
Commander for Polearm Combat is available
Konnold Dunwynd commands Berserking { @TheSilverSpectre }
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Rules are loose in the order, the only real rules are to obey The Master and the character's appropriate commander. The commanders may make their own rules within their command, though only people within their sect of command must obey them. Punishment for disobeying are harsh. First warnings are a lashing. Second warnings are a cut on the arm, one for every time they screw up. Once a person reaches ten cuts on their arm, they receive a third warning the next time they slip. The third warning is rarely ever achieved but it is the most painful. The third warning is a branding, with a hot iron, right on top of the cut. Third warning gains a person two brandings. After five third warnings they are expelled from the group after receiving a burn on their cheek, a wilting rose.

The only other IC rule is to leave a rose at the crime scene, the symbol of the group.
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Blade Combat
Theodluin Royra { @AnimalisticArts }
Rashida Abazzi { @OffSeason }

Archery Combat
Zelriss Qantil { @LickTheDamnDoor }

Polearm Combat

Berserking Combat
Konnold Dunwynd { @TheSilverSpectre }
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Residents Of The Jaaku
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Ign: (Minecraft Username)
Character name: (Full name)
Sect of command: (blade, archery, polearm, berserking)
Is your character approved:
Physical Description:
Characters Strengths:
Characters age:
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10:
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?:
How active are you on massive?:​

(P.S. All races are allowed, so long as they can fight.)
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By the way, basically whoever applies first gets a shot at commander! Bring in those applications! :P
IGN: OffSeason
Character Name: Rashida Abazzi
Is My Character Approved: No
Physical Description: Rashida is a heavily-scarred, 6'7 and ripped Varran. He has long, sharp claws, and an impressive set of fangs.
Character's Strengths: Rashida is a cunning warrior. Passion never gets in his way. His brute strength and intimidating demeanor aids him in fights. Living most of his life as a pirate, softness is a foreign concept to Rashida. Rashida always goes hard, has a large threshold for pain, and stamina.
Character's age: 34
How well do you think you can roleplay?: 8
Do you believe yourself well-versed in the lore?: Yes
How active are you on massive: Everyday
But.... what does the Order of the Roses do exactly...? It looks really awesome, but what are its goals? Objectives? Purpose? Or is it all a mystery to be decided by the Báilass'inä Nёs? Spooky! ~(⊕⌢⊕)~
You got the basics however they also do contracts, jobs for people, the dirty kind. Killing, stealing, all that jazz. They eventually want to become a training ground for others as well, taking in the whelps, as they do have SOME sense of morality and helping them become strong. Also, the Master is very disliking of nobles, so pretty much nobles are a big no no. None of them like nobles, it's basically a rule to get in. Pretty much if you come and they find out you like nobles, or worse ARE a noble, they pretty much stab you on spot.
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One more question, would you accept a lampar in the group? ≧◡≦ And does poking people with a pointy stick count as polearm combat...?
yis Lampar are allowed, and I suppose pokey sticks would count as polearm combat. Though more likely than not, the Lampar would be used as a cute distraction... Also, if you're looking to be a commander, a Lampar might not cut it.
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