Archived Npc Villager Trading Plugin

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
The add on to the factions Plugin to include taxes was a wake up call as to how bad the server economy has actually become.

I think that Taxes being added to the factions plugin was a drastic ,yet needed, way to help improve the servers economy.

The solution I propose is that we give NPC villagers chance to do what they have been doing ever since they were added into Minecraft,Trade
I think it would be beneficial to create a plugin that makes it so it cost money to trade with villagers similar to /lock with chest, as well as limiting the trading to a set limit per day per player.

I believe that a Villager trading Plugin Could help take money out of the server and speed up the recovery of the server economy.

Your Friend TheLoneShepherd :P
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If you ask me, villagers should only sell, not buy. For example, you can pay a set number of regals to the villager for an item; this also benefits market stability as it locks a price for a commodity as opposed to the current way of 7 year olds guessing prices and driving the market insane. Staff could tweak the prices to keep the economy balanced, and there can be a 1r bonus fee for each trade.


Steve finds a villager and starts to trade. He pays 1r to trade once, and he decides to buy 1 diamond for 2r. He gets his diamond, and the GUI closes.

Alex find a villager and starts to trade. She pays 5r to trade 5 times, and she buys 5 diamonds for 10r. She gets the diamond, and the GUI closes.

This is beneficial as it also discourages villager trading while giving a set price to items. For example, if there is now a recognized 2r price per diamond, you could buy a stack for 128r in the market, but it would cost 128r plus a surcharge to use a villager.
The server already too high of a supply of resources and not enough circulating regals, another regal drain and supplier would hurt the economy. The issue is not to many regals, it is more there is not enough.
I have to disagree, most people do not have access to villagers, and creating a trading option would give the rare few people who have villages an advantage. I believe massive meant to keep trade between players, as it would be hard to code the plugin to keep it between players.
Perhaps only have them buy stuff so that players can make Regals easier so that the value of regals drops in relation to the value of other items?
The server already too high of a supply of resources and not enough circulating regals, another regal drain and supplier would hurt the economy. The issue is not to many regals, it is more there is not enough.

You're partially right. If you look at /money analyze, you'll see that only 51% of all Regals are currently in circulation; the other 49% belong to inactive players. We should recirculate those Regals, not limit resources.
I cannot even begin to say how much people can abuse this with how many alt-accounts some players have. If villagers traded anything of remote value, the economy for things the villagers traded would plummet.

If you ask me, the only economy there should be is player trade, with regals and other in-game items / currency.
I think we should be able to spawn villagers, seeing that I have yet to ever find one anywhere's. Would give a bit of a population boost in RP cities.
I think we should be able to spawn villagers, seeing that I have yet to ever find one anywhere's. Would give a bit of a population boost in RP cities.
It's not like you can actively RP with villagers. If you let everyone spawn villagers freely, the lag would be worse than it already is.
I've been looking at your other posts, and you really need to think about some of the things your saying and about the ideas you are suggesting.
You're partially right. If you look at /money analyze, you'll see that only 51% of all Regals are currently in circulation; the other 49% belong to inactive players. We should recirculate those Regals, not limit resources.
The issue with that 51% is many players hoard regals, and have over 15k. These Regals are not being used, thus not in circulation. I am one of the hoarders, and have spent 7k in the last month trying to get more flow
I like the idea that Passably Villagers could sell items for Regals BUT not trade items. That is WAY better then my original idea.
That way the trading would not interfere with the actual economy yet give a unique experience.
The idea Mecharic had is not bad either if villagers bought goods and took them out of the server it would make prices go up so that we do not have diamonds etc for 1 r per stack (iv'e actually seen this in the market a few months ago)
I think that if i made a larger less one sided poll with more questions we could merge all our ideas into somthing that covers the whole picture.
This includes...
1 how a plugin could work so that people cannot take advantage of it
2 How we could get people to stop hording their money and create some cash flow
3 the possibility that they could buy items out of the server driving prices up
4 we would need some way to monitor and limit trading if needed

My new idea
5 maybe we could have villager prices be different in different worlds and have them sell different things based on such.
This could turn NPC villagers into a unique lore opportunity and actually give use for a mob that people at the moment only use in inefficient auto farms or to farm iron goloms. also because villagers can be killed by raids the actual availability would change constantly.

The reason i add this is NPC villagers will not breed underground so they are at the mercy of what ever raiders come to get them if you want to breed them.

Sources : links did not form properly so simply copy and past into search engine :P
The add on to the factions Plugin to include taxes was a wake up call as to how bad the server economy has actually become.

I think that Taxes being added to the factions plugin was a drastic ,yet needed, way to help improve the servers economy.

The solution I propose is that we give NPC villagers chance to do what they have been doing ever since they were added into Minecraft,Trade
I think it would be beneficial to create a plugin that makes it so it cost money to trade with villagers similar to /lock with chest, as well as limiting the trading to a set limit per day per player.

I believe that a Villager trading Plugin Could help take money out of the server and speed up the recovery of the server economy.

Your Friend TheLoneShepherd :P
LoneShephard, first interesting idea.
However, your entire idea is based on what you think should happen, and slightly how it could improve the server but no evidence to back it up.
Also, I don't think the tax plug-in was added to improve the server's bad economy, actually I think that was entirely irrelevant.

I would like to see this idea re-written with evidence to support why it would be a good idea, if you don't mind :)
I believe the economy should have no staff or npc interference. Keep the economy player driven. I've seen far too many broken systems when npcs or staff set prices or shops. This will be no different.
The issue with that 51% is many players hoard regals, and have over 15k. These Regals are not being used, thus not in circulation. I am one of the hoarders, and have spent 7k in the last month trying to get more flow

<--- Totes not a hoarder... :P
Not to say I'm big on the idea overall, but I'd only be okay with it if the villagers only bought items and didn't sell them. What the economy doesn't need is another way to get already devalued materials such as diamonds, and especially not ways through an NPC which is basically an infinite source so long as you have regals. Selling materials to villagers would at least remove them from existance, and give the items some of their value back in time, but villagers selling items to players would be very bad in my opinion, and make the economy much worse than it already is after being around for a while.

Still, I think it's best the economy stays player driven. Most other servers that have admin shops/set prices for items are so easy to exploit by finding cheap ways to get rich, it's not even funny.