Nordmark Capital Levy


Jun 6, 2017
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Nordmark Capital Levy


Nordmark levies do combat with Hvitskag screamers, 305 A.C.

Origins: The Nordmark Campaigns

As war waged in Songaskia, trouble brewed at home. General Leonard Reindwic, the Commander of the Nordmark, had been sent all over the north to put out the fires that were set - even conquering Hvitskag for King Osvald Krumme of Nordskag. This Mark had scored innumerable victories, aided primarily by Skaggers and Calembergers from the north. Relieved now of active service abroad, their legacy is upheld by our wartime peacekeeping.

Composition of the Nordmark Capital Levy

For each of the priorities and demographics of the Nordmark, a Chapter is formed. These Chapters actively assist one another in their duties, but simultaneously lead any efforts pertaining to their priorities. Through this, we may see to covering many issues throughout the city, whilst helping us successfully divide our attention without growing lost.

Chapter members are not to abandon fellow Chapters in their toils. Only whence the Municipal Legate overrules an act can the other brothers and sisters in arms ignore the pleas for support. Any Chapter Commander that withholds his troops from an operation are immediately reviewed, and the situation is investigated. It is considered an extreme measure to withhold support from a kinsman, and can symbolize one someone acting very far out of line. In the most critical situations, this may lead to the removal of a Commander from either party, or the dissolution of a Chapter if they acted with great dishonour.

Leadership of the Nordmark

Headed by a Municipal Legate, the Nordmark is lead by the families that founded the Capital Levy. These families also aid in counselling Duke Virathus Krupp in his rule in Drixagh, and form an official Ducal Council as well. Though the Blackshield Brigade is not included in any political functions in the North, they still help council in the affairs of the Nordmark and their duties in the city. The Municipal Legate may give directives to each of the Chapter as they see fit, and those chapter head in turn may give directives pertaining to the duties of their Chapters as they see fit.

Headed by a Municipal Legate and aided by Military Tribunes that guide their respective Chapters, who are currently:

Municipal Legate
Duke Virathus Krupp (@Theoderic )​

Military Tribunes
Vidarr Ulfurtonn (@MugKing ) Eske Ulfmaerr (@GrandVitaMorte ) Cesare Valliani (@Donnarumma_ )​

Chapters of the Nordmark

The Virathan Companions

As the resettlement of Drixagh had taken place, the best armed and most skilled fighters came to be favoured by Virathus. Often fending off raids and providing the most in hunts, they were treated as knights of sorts - albeit rather poor ones unable to settle land for themselves. Over time though, as the great hunting lodges were erected and ranches attached to them, it was these companions who began to oversee all of their operations.

Trusted dearly for their service in the North prior-to the ascension of the Krupp family, some of the most loyal of these Northmen help enforce the will of the Proconsul as they once did in Drixagh.

Oathing to Krupp and his Kin

Those who serve in the Proconsular Companions are seen not just as guardsmen, but full fledged political allies. As such though, they are expected to be oathsworn to Virathus Krupp and his family, as Opper Calemberger and Northerne traditions alike both take seriously one's word.

Joining the Companions, one must make the following oaths:

  1. As we march along the way, it is Virathus Krupp's lead that we follow - righteous and well guided is he.

  2. Dishonesty is treachery; not once shall I offer a lie to my brothers in arms, nor the Proconsul himself. If information is too sensative to share, then it will be deemed who amongst the Companions by the Proconsul is allowed to know.

  3. My sword arm will never tire, and I will strike all foes of the Proconsul. Virathus has no enemy that is not wholly wicked, and whence he bids I swing, I will swing.

  4. The peace is mine to keep. I will not disrespect the Regalian Guard, and with them, we will rid the streets of criminals, conspirators, and letchers alike.

  5. I will obey every command of Virathus Krupp and without hesitation. Aneath him, I will accept the guidance of the Praetor who I respect most.

  6. We serve the Municipal Legate, and with him we secure the Holy City from all threats.


Rather than adopting a strict hierarchy, the Proconsular Companions promote charisma and strength. Leaders - in the eyes of the order - are those who command respect. This respect and service provide one of three distinctions;


Considered unproven, an associate is treated as a friend of the Companions - but is compelled to serve in all the same operations and capacity. They are provided the protection and comradery of full fledged Companions, but are usually just not respected or seasoned enough to truly be called an equal to his brothers and sisters in arms.


Truly an ally of Virathus, these men and women serve as the backbone of the Order. These trusted men and women are pegged with honours often, and provided great respect by the Proconsul. Doing the heavy lifting in which such a vigorous regime hoists high the Empire, Companions may sometimes find themselves as delegates for Virathus and receive many perks politically by virtue of the political bloc the Proconsul represents.


Proven time and again as a powerful and voracious ally, the Praetors hold great esteem. Consider the first among equals, they are allowed to bid patrols, act in the absence of Virathus, and may be trusted to represent him officially in the Holy City. Those who bear this distinction are likely also a part of the exclusive Proconsular Privy, which helps guide the policy and actions of the regime.

OOC Notes

With this order, I wish to make a meritocratic guard force/personnel privy. As such, those who create RP, offer engaging storylines for people to pursue and prove themselves as allies in character will be rewarded accordingly.

If I find out you are harassing someone, or are acting inappropriately OOCly, you will be excluded. Even though this order may be aggressive in character, that ought not spill out of it. This is a game - we all ought to be trying to have fun.

Abusing the charter rights will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Virathan Companions Application
In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is Your Character Nobility?:
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?:
IC Letter:


The beginnings of this chapter are brief compared to many of the older conglomerations of warriors guilds and companies that exist. As the need for a heavy duty tiered unit became apparent Duke Krupp requested that his friend, Eske Ulfmaerr, gather men and women who fit the description as follows, tough, loyal, and skilled. So, with simple instructions Eske set out to do so, rallying men from all across Drixagh and Opper Calem and Galloway he found men and women who were skilled in their craft, combative or non combative he aimed to employ the very best from all across the militarised world. He called upon old friends and cousins(family members) to come and aid him in his task. Droves of men and women stumbled over each other at the mention of riches, glory and a better tomorrow. And so, in such a short time Eske had gathered the warriors and personnel under his command and presented them to the world as, The Krókspjót, the Barbed Spears.

These units, in their own right are the heavier shock troops of the Charter, engaging in extreme circumstances and called upon to guard, aid those needing, and to defend the Velheimer way of life until the very end of their days. Wearing a designating tattoo upon their arm these loyal and strong members of the Krókspjót are able to engage in defense of or offense for the Empire and its interests. Utilized in anti terrorism, High priority escort missions, Rescue and Secure missions, Seek and Destroy tasks, these Heavy duty fully operational elite fighting men and women are a force to tread lightly around, lest you awake the rage of true Velheimer kin.


Military Tribune;
Eske Ulfmaerr​

Those who prove their worth consistently and then as exceptional in their duties may attain this rank. These men and women act as officers for the Chapter, and only answer to the Military Tribune.

Minor officers of the Chapter, these men are trusted to handle minor tasks without supervision, and may themselves lead patrols.

A tested brother or sister in arms, who has earned the respect of their peers. These folks make up a majority of the forces in the Krókspjót.

The newest initiate, one who is not yet marred by the fields of combat or leadership. Easily surpassed by means of military education or effort.

Krókspjót Application
In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is Your Character Nobility?:
IC Letter:
The Ulvtænder
Our Kinsmen, like the Gods themselves, will take the tongues of those who dare to spit upon us.

To all those of Velheim culture, or those that unwaveringly follow the Oldt Fayth. To those that see how Regalia treats those that follow their Fayth, how they are disrespected and spat at as if they were the average sewer mongrel, The Ulvtænder gives you a chance to put an end to the discrimination and inequality.

The Ulvtænder is a chapter ran by Vidarr Ulfurtonn within the Nordmark Charter. The Ulvtænder stand for their fayth above all else, and ensure all that follow the Oldt Fayth are treated just as someone following Unionism would be treated. We speak for those too ignored to speak for themselves, and push back against those that wish to oppress and abuse us.

Along with our religious aims we act as a standard guard unit would, protecting those within the great Regalian walls. We ensure that no crime is to occur within the city under our watch. We set out to put a boot down on lawbreakers, and those that think they are too good to listen to the powerful word of our government.

Finally, members of the chapter give their loyalty to house Ulfurtonn for their founding of The Ulvtænder.



"I vow by my blood and kin to faithfully protect and serve Vidarr Tyroksson Ulfurtonn. Upholding our prayer to Haella for patience in such a time and Jovr smiles upon us as we carry out justice to those causing injustice. Balla will not distract us from our duties, but will reward us greatly for our service. I will please Varfal with dedication and persistance, and for that he will return the favor by granting me good fortune and strength in battle."



Family members no matter the rank should be respected and their orders should be followed unless they seem unreasonable. They hold no official power, other than their rank. (f)

Religious figures should be respected and their counsel should be considered before dismissed. They hold no official power, other than their rank. (r)

Mund (Military Tribune)

The Mund is the commander over The Ulvtænder, having complete executive control over all orders and actions happening within The Ulvtænder. Their word is unrivaled, and final. The Mund speaks for The Ulvtænder and represents them when The Ulvtænder needs representing. They are tasked with recruitment, and overlooking training. Finally they are to update the Oath as needed, and ensure all members upkeep it. To all outsiders of the chapter the Mund is officially referred to as "Military Tribune".

  • Can carry out all rights issued to the charter.
    Current Mund: Vidarr Ulfurtonn (f)

The Klo acts as the Mund's right hand. Ensuring the Mund's orders are carried out, and capable of reprimanding those that do not obey orders. The Klo as the Mund does holds complete executive control over the The Ulvtænder, unless the Klo's orders contradict the orders given by the Mund, in which case the Klo's orders are deemed irrelevant. The Klo has the right to take temporary command of The Ulvtænder in a situation where the Mund becomes incapacitated or unable to complete his duties.

  • Can carry out all rights issued to the charter.
Current Klo: Vedrfolnir Berdalfsson


The Legeme are trusted guards within The Ulvtænder, and are capable of giving orders to lower ranking guards, should they not conflict with any orders given by the Mund or the Klo. Legeme's can lead patrols, training sessions, and suggest rankups/demotions to the Klo and Mund. The final thing a Legeme can do that a standard Lår can't do is that they can approve, and oversee "interrogations" should the Mund or Klo not be around.

  • Can detain violators of Regalian Law.
  • Can lead patrols, and searches.
  • Can bear non-military arms and wear up to half-plate armor within the city.
  • Can host training sessions in keep.
Current Legemes:
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA

The Lår serve as a standard guard within The Ulvtænder. They are tasked with patrolling, and ensuring the rights of Velheimers, and Oldt fayth worshippers. The Lårs are to patrol in groups of two at least, unless expressed permission from a higher ranking officer on a case-by-case basis. The Lårs are allowed to wear up to half-plate armor, and open carry non-military weaponry while in uniform.

  • Can detain violators of the Regalian Law.
  • Can bear non-military arms and wear up to half-plate armor within the city.
  • Can patrol with one or more other guards.
Current Lårs:
  • Silver Valentine
  • Husni Na'im
  • Ikaiko Mordida
  • Britta Ulfurtonn (f)
  • Ragnhild Ulfurtonn (f)
  • Ylva Ulfurtonn (f)
  • Eeve Ulfurtonn (f)
  • Cerridynn Ulfmaerr (r)
  • Ullr Ulfurtonn (f)
  • Avilda Ignaard

The Hale are the equivalent to a squire within the guard. This is the rank you will hold when first joining The Ulvtænder, unless expressed by the Mund. This rank means that you are in training, or on a test run. You are not a full fledged member, meaning you are not yet issued armor, or a weapon permit. At this rank you are allowed to wear chain, and carry a baton. You will not hold this rank for more than a week.

  • Can join higher ranking guards on patrol
  • Can bear non-military arms and wear up to half-plate armor within the city.
  • Can detain violators of Regalian Law under supervision of a higher ranking guard.
Current Lårs:
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
Ulvtænder Application
In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is Your Character Nobility?:
IC Letter:
The Blackshield Brigade

With the turbulence Vultaro and the fading of Montania into obscurity, many Dressolini grew frustrated with the complete disregard for themselves and their homelands, ultimately culminating in the creation of the Imperialismo ideology. It stressed the importance of the State above all, spearheaded by the patriarch, Cesare Valliani, who paraded and lobbied for the adoption of Imperialismo. Many landless immigrants and refugees from Vultaro quickly took to the ideal, seeing it as an escape from a life as a vagrant and the chance to destroy the negative image Vultaro currently possesses. With their numbers swelling in Vultaro, he quickly used finances from donations from various wealthy landowners to whom the Imperialismo followers promised a return to the status quo and usher in a new era of Dressolini greatness to fund the expansion of the organization. Many trusted and close captains of the various chapters in the Dressolini lands soon became right hand soldier of Cesare, who soon used his power to furthermore absorb House di Sansone and everything they possessed due to the utter catastrophe that the di Sansone's failed finances had become. With the ascension of the Valliani to nobility, he began forming what eventually would become the Blackshield Brigade, the non-Dressolini variant of the Imperialismo's in the Crown City.

The Code of Loyalty and Honor to Imperialismo and the State

All who claim to serve the Blackshields must swear to abide by the code instated by Imperialismo. Those who do take the oath are not considered mere soldiers, but brothers in arms, who would take a blade to save another and never betray what they serve. With Vultarin traditions in play, the value and significance of an oath is such that, if broken, they will be cast out and branded forever more as liars, traitors, and generally the likes of which are not to be trusted. The code itself details what every Blackshield must do, and ends with an oath to Imperialismo and to the State of Regalia.

The initiation involves swearing upon a book of whatever faith the person chooses (excluding heretical faiths) an oath of loyalty to the Imperialismo, and the slicing of the initiates and the initiators palms, with the initiate pressing his palm cut against all of whom are present, signifying the brotherly bonds between the Blackshields, and finally chant the Oath of lo Spirito.

"I, {Name}, swear upon my family name, my honor, and my life to serve the the Imperialismo and the Empire to only the best of my abilities. I swear to serve with loyalty, honor, and respect, to obey all directives and orders from my superiors. Only the Emperor supersedes the chain of command. I will honor my brothers in arms and treat them with the respect they deserve. Above all, I will protect the way of Imperialismo and the Great Way, and ensure the Empire's enemies suffer crushing defeat."


Military Tribune: Cesare Valliani​

Council of Bosses { Consiglieri dei Capi }
The Council of Bosses are chosen from among the Bosses by the supreme official of the chapter, the Military Tribune himself, who ensures there are no more than three Council Bosses to oversee the Blackshields. These Council Bosses words are law, and can only be overridden by the Military Tribune himself. These bosses advise the Military Tribune on matters that may be out of his field of expertise, and also function as a quintumvirate in his absence. When not present, the Council possess similar powers as the Military Tribune, but all Bosses must come to a 3/5 majority on a matter before moving on to even enact or instruct the Bosses on any matter. Whenever the Military Tribune is present, they simply act as Bosses with deference over other Bosses.

Boss { Capo }
The Bosses are the officers of the Blackshields, ones who've truly achieved a lasting position in the chapter. They are entrusted to act accordingly and required to follow orders from the Council Bosses and the Military Tribune to the letter. However they have the ability themselves to instruct the Captains and Troopers. They have limited powers other than ordering the lower ranks around, but they are allowed to request warrants on individuals and organizations of suspicion from the Military Tribune and the Council Bosses.

Captain { Capitano }
The Captains are official members of the Blackshields. They follow all instructions from their superiors without dissent, though they may respectfully question the validity of such orders, and are encouraged to report what might seem to be foolish or even fatal orders received from the higher ups directly to the Military Tribune for an internal investigation. Other than this, the Captains are expected to be taking Troopers out so they may achieve further advancement within the chapter. Recommendations for ejection or promotion for Troopers come from the Captains, who then voice their say to the Bosses and the Military Tribune, of the Council Bosses in the Military Tribune's absence. The Captains only have nominal power over Troopers, in that if the situation demands it the Captains assume temporary power to issue orders to Troopers, and they must follow if it is dire enough.

Trooper { Poliziotto }
The basic backbone of the Blackshield Brigade, these men and women form the front lines of the order. Troopers are considered entry level enlistees, and must go through the initiation rites to be even allowed to accompany Bosses or Captains in order to rank up. They possess little power other than making arrests and dealing with criminal activity on a case by case basis. They are to follow all orders from their superiors, with an addendum concerning orders stemming from Captains. If Troopers believe the Captain in question abused their power in using their situational power to issuing orders to themselves, they may bring it up to a Boss, Council Boss, or the Military Tribune himself for review. If found to be true, the Captain will receive a demotion, and the Trooper who submitted the investigation will receive a promotion. If found to be false however, there are no penalties incurred, other than making it more difficult for the Trooper to rannak up.

Blackshield Application
In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is Your Character Nobility?:
IC Letter:

-To wear half plate
-To maim/kill
-To enforce the law
-To bear arms
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@MugKing @Theoderic @GrandVitaMorte

In Game Name:
In Character Name: Cerridynn Ulfmaerr
Approved Character Application Link: to be reviewed.
Combat School and Level: N/A. Just a shield maiden and oldt fayth priestess.
Is Your Character Nobility?: N/A
Skype?: You have me.

IC Letter:

In neatly scrawled handwriting is a letter adressed to Vidarr Ulfurtonn and anyone else needing to assess her legitimacy for a place in the Ulftænder Chapter. If opened the letter smelt of smoke and pine.

Vidarr Ulfurtonn and other(s),
You mayhap find me of use for your new and most intriguing Ulvtænder chapter. Why, a priestess of the faith must be able to garner a position! If you reject this, I will not get on my knees and beg but only persist again and again until I suceed in becoming a part of the 'fun'.
I feel there is an important event to come and wish to ensure my involvement.

High Priestess of the Fayth,
Cerridynn Phenix Ulfmaerr
@MugKing @Theoderic @GrandVitaMorte

In Game Name:
In Character Name: Silver Valentine
Approved Character Application Link: (currently in re-review)
Combat School and Level: Warrior Griffer
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Skype?: you got me
IC Letter:

The letter would be sent on a nice piece of parchment to Vidarr Ulfurtonn. The handwriting is like chicken scratch, hardly readable, and written in Skodje. There is also a splat of ink that looks rather smudged, as if it was accidently spilled, then hurriedly attempted to be cleaned.

Dear Vidarr,
Accept your favourite house guard into the chapter, and I won't have to lick your face. Choose your options wisely.

Love, Silver.

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@MugKing @Theoderic @GrandVitaMorte
In Game Name: A_r_e_s
In Character Name: Vedrfolnir Berdalfsson
Approved Character Application Link: Here
Combat School and Level: Champion Skagger
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Skype?: I'm in all the chats.
IC Letter:
On a piece of paper handed to Vidarr in person was a letter in skodje that read,
I'm tired of writing letters, I am joining.
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@Theoderic, @GrandVitaMorte

Krókspjót Application

In Game Name: JennaLikesCoffee.
In Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Approved Character Application Link: x.
Combat School and Level: School of Skagger, Champion.
Is Your Character Nobility?: No.
Skype?: Ya'll should have it!
IC Letter:

My love,

You know that I will fight with you every step of the way. Consider me interested in joining your ranks among the Krókspjót.


In Game Name: Xref74
In Character Name: Maximus Krupp
Approved Character Application Link: - Being reviewed
Combat School and Level: Feer-Drakken Warrior soon to be Champion
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Yes
Skype?: You already have it
IC Letter:
Dear Brother,
I would like to continue my service to you in the Virathan Companions as I have before. You know I'm a competent warrior and my loyalty to you is untouched.

Maximus Krupp
Ulvtænder Application
In Game Name: Emperor_E
In Character Name: Britta Ulfurtonn
Approved Character Application Link: Here.
Combat School and Level: Warrior Griffer
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yeaaa.
Skype?: You have me.
IC Letter:

A small, neat and orderly letter. And yes it's written in skodje.

Dear Brother,
I see what you've been doing with your free time. I want in.
With love,
Ulvtænder Application
In Game Name: WalnutNinja (WalnutPumpkin)
In Character Name: Seraphina Eroth
Approved Character Application Link: Boop
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny Warrior
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nope.
Skype?: You already have it I believe.
IC Letter:
A letter enclosed in an envelope closed by a red lily wax seal would arrive.

I need something to do again since things have gone to shit. I'd like to join your ranks if you'll have me.
~Seraphina Eroth
Ulvtænder Application
In Game Name: CRASHIR
In Character Name: Avilda Ignaard
Approved Character Application Link: Here
Combat School and Level: Champion Skagger
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Skype?: You have it
IC Letter:
A letter arrived for Vidarr, it was rather lazily written. With only a couple words.

I helped you with this, you really think I wouldn't ask to join?

Avilda Ignaard.
In Game Name: Sparrow26
In Character Name: Cedric Burkhart
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Viridian Paladin (Champion level Viridian)
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Yes
Skype?: Already have Theoderic on Skype, prefer not to reveal it publicly.
IC Letter:

To His Grace, Virathus Krupp

Duke Krupp, I have contemplated over the past week my position in this order. You will most likely recall the conversation we had over a mug of ale a few days past. I wish to inform you these doubts I have had for the past number of weeks have been silenced. I hope you will find it to forgive me for my doubts, and that you see them for what they were: An internal struggle at the thought I may need to stop serving you.

Hope you are well, and I look forward to your response

Cedric Burkhart
In Game Name: MugQueenGhost
In Character Name: Eeve Ulfurtonn
Approved Character Application Link: I Ain't got one
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny, Warrior
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes. Yes.
Skype?: I'm The Spxce Boi
IC Letter: *A neat letter in Skodje would be scribbled out onto a small Scrap of Paper a Bit messy but not horrible* Dear Vidarr, Your Youngest sister would like to join you to better regalia, I'm not Big and strong like you but i'm sure I'll be Helpful in your cause. Signed Your beloved sister, Eeve
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Ulvtænder Application
In Game Name: Wolfiecat940
In Character Name: Ÿlvà Jòrunń Úlfurtönn
Approved Character Application Link: Still in progress, soon to be posted.
Combat School and Level: Fighter level in Feer-Drakken and student level in Lecgaen.
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nope, You twat, yes I am.
Skype?: You have it
IC Letter: {The letter was crumbled somewhat and was given by Ylva herself to Vidarr. It was also written in their native language, but had a few letters and words scribbled out.}

DeAr ViDder VIder
dEar Brodar,
wHY yOu N MaKe mE rIgHT WrItE? i WaNt Y To jIoN.
Ÿlvà Jòrunń Úlfurtönn
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WalnutNinja (WalnutPumpkin)

Vidarr spends his lunch feasting on legs of lamb, and washing it down with a large horn of mead. He then begins to shuffle through the letters. He understood the ones from his family in Skodje, though remained stumped at Ikaiko's until he saw the word fish. Sera's causing him real issue and forcing him to stop his lunch to find a translator. Once again no official letter of approval is sent, but all applicants would recieve their armor, and permits.
In Game Name: HigherAltidude
In Character Name: Gustavus Ostrokrupp
Approved Character Application Link: Here
Combat School and Level: Champion Skagger
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nah
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Yuh
Skype?: got me homie
IC Letter:
All these letters you got me writing. You know me, and my worth. Why else would I be family?

- Gustavus.

Vidarr would be washing away the daily filth in a steaming tub, when the letter was brought in to him. He huffed in irritation as he could not read common and simply walked around his household naked until finding someone to read it to him. No official acceptance was sent, though Hunsi would find his armor and a permit waiting for him.
In Game Name: Spooky_Wrath
In Character Name: Úllr Úlfurtönn
Approved Character Application Link: Tah Dah
Combat School and Level: Warrior Feer-Drakken
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Skype?: I wonder
IC Letter:
The following was written in Skodje
I'm in.
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Virathan Companions Application
In Game Name: Jack_Castle
In Character Name: Iona von Bastillion
Character Application Link: Its a work in progress.
Combat School and Level: Himmlisch Warrior aiming for Champion.
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nerp
Are You Playing a Character That Was Previously a Virathan Companion?: Consul Companion if that counts.
Skype?: Already got me dood
IC Letter:

Municipal Legate
Duke Virathus Krupp

Dear Consul;

As requested I have drafted a letter and sent it to you. I hope it reaches you well. I look forward to serving in the times to come.

-Iona von Bastillion
Ulvtænder Application
In Game Name: super_enderman
In Character Name: Bjorn Frisfjellsson
Approved Character Application Link: x
Combat School and Level: Champion Skagger
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nay
Skype?: Ye've got it
IC Letter:

The letter would be written in Skodje, but a very broken far northern dialect
To Vidarr Ulfertonn
I be a champion skagger, I think me services could be of help to you.
- Bjorn, sun of Frisfjell
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@Theoderic, @GrandVitaMorte

Krókspjót Application

In Game Name: JennaLikesCoffee.
In Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Approved Character Application Link: x.
Combat School and Level: School of Skagger, Champion.
Is Your Character Nobility?: No.
Skype?: Ya'll should have it!
IC Letter:

My love,

You know that I will fight with you every step of the way. Consider me interested in joining your ranks among the Krókspjót.


There was never a doubt in my mind.

@MugKing @Theoderic

Ulvtænder Application

In Game Name: norrstrom
In Character Name: Dauðrikk Vørbanne
Approved Character Application Link: ,,, it's in the works™
Combat School and Level: School of Yazgak, Warrior & School of Husbandry; Discipline of Falconry, Scholar
Is Your Character Nobility?: no
Skype: posidem
IC Letter:

A small piece of tanned rabbit hide would make its way to the pair, addressed to both, was written in Skodje and bore various runes around the edges. It read:

I am the Warrior Priest of Ul and her Champion in the mortal world, it would do me great honor in protecting her honor and that of the Old Gods. I will be doing it regardless I think it be best we work together.

Dauðrikk Vørbanne,
Whisperer of Bones
Champion of Ul
High Priest of Ul
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Vidarr having little to no life he likely got to reading the letter before Virathus did. Not certain whether the letter was an application to his chapter, or Virathus', he decided to claim the man. No official letter was sent to the priest, though he would find an Ulvtænder uniform and weapon permit at his doorstep.
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The Krókspjót will be accepting URL and Orc units for a short period of time as a trial run period! If you believe your Character would be able to match up with the fighting best of Regalia then sign up today!
Vidarr would be brought his letter late in the evening, having to send his... "Entertainment" home for the night. The Velheimer would take a large swig from the mead horn he has on his nightstand, before having the messenger translate to him. Vidarr nearly burst a lung, laughing and snorting hard at the mention of the "spirit". Vidarr simply tossing the letter into the fire pit, not bothering to write in reply.
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Blackshield Application
In Game Name: HodlinG
In Character Name: Utyosov Polzira
Approved Character Application Link: None quite yet.
Combat School and Level: School of Grun, Fighter.
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nope.
Skype?: come on scaf, pls
IC Letter:

Cesare Valliani

With this brief letter, I ask for admittance into your chapter house, along with consenting to any interviews you may wish to level at me. I hope you'll excuse the lack of pleasantries, in this letter.

Utyosov of House Polzira

Blackshield Application
In Game Name: Jugswe
In Character Name: Magnus Viduggla
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Fighter, School of Siegwald
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Skype?: You've got me.
IC Letter:

To Cesare Valliani
Spirit's blessings upon you and your house! I have had an interest in serving a charter for a while now, and yours has piqued my interest - it seems a perfect fit for me. I have a military background, with plenty of experience in the field: both as a commander and as a warrior. Needless to say, I can hold my own in battle. It would be an honour to serve in the Blackshield Brigade.

Magnus Viduggla

Blackshield Application
In Game Name: HodlinG
In Character Name: Utyosov Polzira
Approved Character Application Link: None quite yet.
Combat School and Level: School of Grun, Fighter.
Is Your Character Nobility?: Nope.
Skype?: come on scaf, pls
IC Letter:

Cesare Valliani

With this brief letter, I ask for admittance into your chapter house, along with consenting to any interviews you may wish to level at me. I hope you'll excuse the lack of pleasantries, in this letter.

Utyosov of House Polzira

Blackshield Application
In Game Name: Jugswe
In Character Name: Magnus Viduggla
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Fighter, School of Siegwald
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Skype?: You've got me.
IC Letter:

To Cesare Valliani
Spirit's blessings upon you and your house! I have had an interest in serving a charter for a while now, and yours has piqued my interest - it seems a perfect fit for me. I have a military background, with plenty of experience in the field: both as a commander and as a warrior. Needless to say, I can hold my own in battle. It would be an honour to serve in the Blackshield Brigade.

Magnus Viduggla
Two letters arrived at the Regal Bastion, intended for the Blackshields. The Blackshield secretary promptly delivered he two letters to the Tribune himself, who barely read over them as he shoved them back to his secretary and slept. He had merely written a check mark on both, so two reply letters would be sent back along with uniforms.

Krókspjót Application
In Game Name: Suitman727
In Character Name: Leogardt Hulgund
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Admiral
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Skype?: tren765411
IC Letter:


I've been away from the life of a military man for too long, I feel it might be time for me to rekindle my spirit.
I'm skilled enough with a simple axe and am quite good at the helm of a ship or fleet. If nothing else, I have plenty
of age.

Best Regards,
Leogardt Hulgund
Krókspjót Application
In Game Name: Suitman727
In Character Name: Leogardt Hulgund
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Admiral
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Skype?: tren765411
IC Letter:


I've been away from the life of a military man for too long, I feel it might be time for me to rekindle my spirit.
I'm skilled enough with a simple axe and am quite good at the helm of a ship or fleet. If nothing else, I have plenty
of age.

Best Regards,
Leogardt Hulgund

The Krókspjót errand boy came huffing up to Eskes side, brandishing a letter and a giddy crooked teeth half smile.
Eske patted and ruffled the boys hair before retrieving the letter and reading it over. With a minor chuckle he would move off to his office and pen a letter in reply,
"To Leogardt Hulgund,
To be honest with you elder, I thought you were dead. No matter your presence will be appreciated once more so long as you do not pop a lung when carrying the equipment.

Far Vel,
Eske Ulfmaerr Military Tribune.

In game name: xXKingDraugarXx
In Character Name: Haraldsson Hadraga
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and level: None, he's an alchemist, though had to pick up a few skills in combat for life in slums at one point
Is your character nobility?: Nope
Skype?: I have no Skype, but will get one eventually
IC letter: (It appears to have been written in Skodje)


Hello, after our little spar, and hearing about the levy, I may ask if I may join in. I may have committed crimes in the past, but i'm willing to redeem myself for them. You saw what few skills with a blade living in the slums have given me. May Varfal watch over your battles.

Haraldsson Hadraga

@MugKing @Theoderic @GrandVitaMorte
In Game Name: DrDrago
In Character Name: Vi'san Svensson
Approved Character Application Link: In re-review but Here
Combat School and Level: Warrior Skagger
Is Your Character Nobility?: No
Skype?: I'm in all the chats.
IC Letter: There would be a letter with random squiggles with only two words readable words because they were written in someone else's hand saying join guard with Vi'san written at the end in block letters as a child had done it (Vi'san can't write)
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Ulvtænder Application
In Game Name: AlphaInsomnia
In Character Name: Kaya Sorenvik
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Skagger - Fighter
Is Your Character Nobility?: Yes
Skype?: Already given.
IC Letter:

To Vidarr,

I am ready to join.

~Kaya Akersdottir Sorenvik